5,110 research outputs found

    Combining general relativity and quantum theory: points of conflict and contact

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    The issues related to bringing together the principles of general relativity and quantum theory are discussed. After briefly summarising the points of conflict between the two formalisms I focus on four specific themes in which some contact has been established in the past between GR and quantum field theory: (i) The role of planck length in the microstructure of spacetime (ii) The role of quantum effects in cosmology and origin of the universe (iii) The thermodynamics of spacetimes with horizons and especially the concept of entropy related to spacetime geometry (iv) The problem of the cosmological constant.Comment: Invited Talk at "The Early Universe and Cosmological Observations: a Critical Review", UCT, Cape Town, 23-25 July,2001; to appear in Class.Quan.Gra

    Thermodynamics and/of Horizons: A Comparison of Schwarzschild,RINDLER and desitter Spacetimes

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    The notions of temperature, entropy and `evaporation', usually associated with spacetimes with horizons, are analyzed using general approach and the following results, applicable to different spacetimes, are obtained at one go. (i) The concept of temperature associated with the horizon is derived in a unified manner and is shown to arise from purely kinematic considerations. (ii) QFT near any horizon is mapped to a conformal field theory without introducing concepts from string theory. (iii) For spherically symmetric spacetimes (in D=1+3) with a horizon at r=l, the partition function has the generic form Zexp[SβE]Z\propto \exp[S-\beta E], where S=(1/4)4πl2S= (1/4) 4\pi l^2 and E=(l/2)|E|=(l/2). This analysis reproduces the conventional result for the blackhole spacetimes and provides a simple and consistent interpretation of entropy and energy for deSitter spacetime. (iv) For the Rindler spacetime the entropy per unit transverse area turns out to be (1/4) while the energy is zero. (v) In the case of a Schwarzschild black hole there exist quantum states (like Unruh vacuum) which are not invariant under time reversal and can describe blackhole evaporation. There also exist quantum states (like Hartle-Hawking vacuum) in which temperature is well-defined but there is no flow of radiation to infinity. In the case of deSitter universe or Rindler patch in flat spacetime, one usually uses quantum states analogous to Hartle-Hawking vacuum and obtains a temperature without the corresponding notion of evaporation. It is, however, possible to construct the analogues of Unruh vacuum state in the other cases as well. Associating an entropy or a radiating vacuum state with a general horizon raises conceptual issues which are briefly discussed.Comment: Invited talk at the Workshop "Interface of gravitational and quantum realms"; to appear in Mod.Phys.Letts. A; 18 pages; one eps figure embedde

    Structure of Lanczos-Lovelock Lagrangians in Critical Dimensions

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    The Lanczos-Lovelock models of gravity constitute the most general theories of gravity in D dimensions which satisfy (a) the principle of of equivalence, (b) the principle of general co-variance, and (c) have field equations involving derivatives of the metric tensor only up to second order. The mth order Lanczos-Lovelock Lagrangian is a polynomial of degree m in the curvature tensor. The field equations resulting from it become trivial in the critical dimension D=2mD = 2m and the action itself can be written as the integral of an exterior derivative of an expression involving the vierbeins, in the differential form language. While these results are well known, there is some controversy in the literature as to whether the Lanczos-Lovelock Lagrangian itself can be expressed as a total divergence of quantities built only from the metric and its derivatives (without using the vierbeins) in D=2mD = 2m. We settle this issue by showing that this is indeed possible and provide an algorithm for its construction. In particular, we demonstrate that, in two dimensions, Rg=jRjR \sqrt{-g} = \partial_j R^j for a doublet of functions Rj=(R0,R1)R^j = (R^0,R^1) which depends only on the metric and its first derivatives. We explicitly construct families of such R^j -s in two dimensions. We also address related questions regarding the Gauss-Bonnet Lagrangian in D=4D = 4. Finally, we demonstrate the relation between the Chern-Simons form and the mth order Lanczos-Lovelock Lagrangian.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    The hypothesis of path integral duality II: corrections to quantum field theoretic results

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    In the path integral expression for a Feynman propagator of a spinless particle of mass mm, the path integral amplitude for a path of proper length R(x,xgμν){\cal R}(x,x'| g_{\mu\nu}) connecting events xx and xx' in a spacetime described by the metric tensor gμνg_{\mu\nu} is exp[mR(x,xgμν)]\exp-[m {\cal R}(x,x'| g_{\mu\nu})]. In a recent paper, assuming the path integral amplitude to be invariant under the duality transformation R(LP2/R){\cal R} \to (L_P^2/{\cal R}), Padmanabhan has evaluated the modified Feynman propagator in an arbitrary curved spacetime. He finds that the essential feature of this `principle of path integral duality' is that the Euclidean proper distance (Δx)2(\Delta x)^2 between two infinitesimally separated spacetime events is replaced by [(Δx)2+4LP2][(\Delta x)^2 + 4L_P^2 ]. In other words, under the duality principle the spacetime behaves as though it has a `zero-point length' LPL_P, a feature that is expected to arise in a quantum theory of gravity. In the Schwinger's proper time description of the Feynman propagator, the weightage factor for a path with a proper time ss is exp(m2s)\exp-(m^2s). Invoking Padmanabhan's `principle of path integral duality' corresponds to modifying the weightage factor exp(m2s)\exp-(m^2s) to exp[m2s+(LP2/s)]\exp-[m^2s + (L_P^2/s)]. In this paper, we use this modified weightage factor in Schwinger's proper time formalism to evaluate the quantum gravitational corrections to some of the standard quantum field theoretic results in flat and curved spacetimes. We find that the extra factor exp(LP2/s)\exp-(L_P^2/s) acts as a regulator at the Planck scale thereby `removing' the divergences that otherwise appear in the theory. Finally, we discuss the wider implications of our analysis.Comment: 26 pages, Revte

    Nonlinear evolution of density perturbations using approximate constancy of gravitational potential

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    During the evolution of density inhomogeneties in an Ω=1\Omega=1, matter dominated universe, the typical density contrast changes from δ104\delta\simeq 10^{-4} to δ102\delta\simeq 10^2. However, during the same time, the typical value of the gravitational potential generated by the perturbations changes only by a factor of order unity. This significant fact can be exploited to provide a new, powerful, approximation scheme for studying the formation of nonlinear structures in the universe. This scheme, discussed in this paper, evolves the initial perturbation using a Newtonian gravitational potential frozen in time. We carry out this procedure for different intial spectra and compare the results with the Zeldovich approximation and the frozen flow approximation (proposed by Mattarrese et al. recently). Our results are in far better agreement with the N-body simulations than the Zeldovich approximation. It also provides a dynamical explanation for the fact that pancakes remain thin during the evolution. While there is some superficial similarity between the frozen flow results and ours, they differ considerably in the velocity information. Actual shell crossing does occur in our approximation; also there is motion of particles along the pancakes leading to further clumping. These features are quite different from those in frozen flow model. We also discuss the evolution of the two-point correlation function in various approximations.Comment: 10 pages, TeX, 6 figures available on request, IUCAA -14/93( Corrections for mailing error

    A New Statistical Indicator to Study Nonlinear Gravitational Clustering and Structure Formation

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    In an expanding universe, velocity field and gravitational force field are proportional to each other in the linear regime. Neither of these quantities evolve in time and these can be scaled suitably so that the constant of proportionality is unity and velocity and force field are equal. The Zeldovich approximation extends this feature beyond the linear regime, until formation of pancakes. Nonlinear clustering which takes place {\it after} the breakdown of Zeldovich approximation, breaks this relation and the mismatch between these two vectors increases as the evolution proceeds. We suggest that the difference of these two vectors could form the basis for a powerful, new, statistical indicator of nonlinear clustering. We define an indicator called velocity contrast, study its behaviour using N-Body simulations and show that it can be used effectively to delineate the regions where nonlinear clustering has taken place. We discuss several features of this statistical indicator and provide simple analytic models to understand its behaviour. Particles with velocity contrast higher than a threshold have a correlation function which is biased with respect to the original sample. This bias factor is scale dependent and tends to unity at large scales.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX with uuencoded figures, uses MN.sty and epsf.sty; Discussion has been enlarged to clarify a few points. Introduction has been added. Some figures have change

    Critical Index and Fixed Point in the Transfer of Power in Nonlinear Gravitational Clustering

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    We investigate the transfer of power between different scales and coupling of modes during non-linear evolution of gravitational clustering in an expanding universe. We start with a power spectrum of density fluctuations that is exponentially damped outside a narrow range of scales and use numerical simulations to study evolution of this power spectrum. Non-Linear effects generate power at other scales with most power flowing from larger to smaller scales. The ``cascade'' of power leads to equipartition of energy at smaller scales, implying a power spectrum with index n1n\approx -1. We find that such a spectrum is produced in the range 1<δ<2001 < \delta < 200 for density contrast δ\delta. This result continues to hold even when small scale power is added to the initial power spectrum. Semi-analytic models for gravitational clustering suggest a tendency for the effective index to move towards a critical index nc1n_c\approx -1 in this range. For n<n_c, power in this range grows faster than linear rate, while if n>n_c, it grows at a slower rate - thereby changing the index closer to n_c. At scales larger than the narrow range of scales with initial power, a k^4 tail is produced. We demonstrate that non-linear small scales do not effect the growth of perturbations at larger scales.Comment: Title changed. Added two figures and some discussion. Postscript file containing all the figures is available at http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~jasjeet/papers/powspec.ps.gz Accepted for publication in the MNRA

    Vacuum Fluctuations of Energy Density can lead to the observed Cosmological Constant

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    The energy density associated with Planck length is ρuvLP4\rho_{uv}\propto L_P^{-4} while the energy density associated with the Hubble length is ρirLH4\rho_{ir}\propto L_H^{-4} where LH=1/HL_H=1/H. The observed value of the dark energy density is quite different from {\it either} of these and is close to the geometric mean of the two: ρvacρuvρir\rho_{vac}\simeq \sqrt{\rho_{uv} \rho_{ir}}. It is argued that classical gravity is actually a probe of the vacuum {\it fluctuations} of energy density, rather than the energy density itself. While the globally defined ground state, being an eigenstate of Hamiltonian, will not have any fluctuations, the ground state energy in the finite region of space bounded by the cosmic horizon will exhibit fluctuations Δρvac(LP,LH)\Delta\rho_{\rm vac}(L_P, L_H). When used as a source of gravity, this Δρ\Delta \rho should lead to a spacetime with a horizon size LHL_H. This bootstrapping condition leads naturally to an effective dark energy density Δρ(LuvLH)2H2/G\Delta\rho\propto (L_{uv}L_H)^{-2}\propto H^2/G which is precisely the observed value. The model requires, either (i) a stochastic fluctuations of vacuum energy which is correlated over about a Hubble time or (ii) a semi- anthropic interpretation. The implications are discussed.Comment: r pages; revtex; comments welcom