81 research outputs found

    Family Participation in Postnatal Oxytocin Massage During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    In 2019, the coverage of breastfeeding in Indonesia has yet to reach the target set by the government. The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding will harm the baby, mother, family as well as the country. Rawat, et al (2018) stated that one of the causes which lead to the breastfeeding failure in the primiparous first week of childbirth is that the mother finds it difficult to get a proper breastfeeding latch and feels that her breast milk is not sufficient. Another study conducted by Jacobs, et al. proved that the majority of respondents felt that their milk production was low, so they decided to provide complementary milk. Oxytocin massage has shown to increase relaxation, induce more comfortable and high-quality sleep, reduce pain and stress and help to increase the oxytocin and prolactin hormone. This study aims to determine the family's participation in postnatal oxytocin massage during the COVID-19 pandemic and is categorized as a descriptive observational research. For this purpose, 70 postnatal mothers from Maternal and Child Health Centers and Independent Midwife located in Bantul, Sleman, and Gunung Kidul were taken as respondents. The data were collected from May until September 2020. The samples taken were family and postnatal women from the first day postnatal until third day who then were evaluated for up to 1 week. The results showed that family’s participation in conducting the oxytocin massage was mostly carried out by the husbands (91.4%). However, other family members were also recorded to participate including biological mothers (2.9%), mother-in-law (1.4%), and the participants’ sisters (4.3%). Thus, we can conclude that husband's participation is very important in giving postpanatal oxytocin massage during COVID-19 pandemic


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    Usia Berpengaruh Dominan Terhadap Perilaku Perawatan Luka Perineum pada Ibu Nifas di RSUD Sleman

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    Behavior perineal wound care in postpartum mothers is very important. This is related to prone to the incidence of infection, mothers need to always maintain the cleanliness of the whole body, clothes and cleanliness of their environment. The purpose of this study to determine correlations between age and parity with perineal wound care behaviors among respondents. This study was conducted in January 2016 in Sleman Hospital District of Yogyakarta. This type of research is correlational with cross sectional design. The population in this study postpartum mothers in Sleman hospitals Yogyakarta with a sample of 67 respondents. The sampling technique that is accidental sampling. This research instrument in the form of questionnaires. Multivariate data analysis with multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the majority of respondents to behave fairly in terms of perineal wound care in the postpartum mother (mean 18.37). Sebagain respondents aged 20-23 years (73.14%). The majority of respondents with parity 1-2. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there is a relationship between age and behavior of perineal wound care (p=0.000, r=0.549), there is a relationship between parity with perineal wound care (p=0.000, r=0.535). Multivariate analysis with multiple linear regression showed that between age and parity significantly associated with perineal wound care in the postpartum mother, but the t test results showed that the dominant age relates to the behavior of perineal wound care. Conclusion, there is relationship between age and parity with the behavior of perineal wound care postpartum mother at Sleman hospitals Yogyakarta. The age more dominant associated with behavior perineal wound care in postpartum mothers


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    Relationships between Family Support, Gender, and Education on Quality of Life in Elderly in Jambi: Multi-Level Analysis

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    Background: The elderly pain rate in 2021 is 22.48%, this shows that around one in five elderly people in Indonesia have experienced illness in the past month. 3 factors affect predisposing factors, including knowledge and attitudes, supporting factors, and reinforcing factors. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support, gender, and education to the quality of life of the elderly in Jambi.Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Jambi, Indonesia, from March to April 2024. A total of 200 elderly participants were selected using fixed disease sampling. The independent variables were gender, education, family support, and Integrated Health Posts for the elderly. The dependent variable is quality of life. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using multiple linear regression.Results: Quality of life in old age improved with strong family support (b= 0.46; 95% CI= 0.19 to 0.74; p = 0.001) and ≥high school education (b=4.99; 95%CI = 2.89 to 7.09; p <0.0010). The quality of life of the elderly decreased or decreased in women compared to men (b= 2.94; 95% CI= -5.22 to -0.66; p= 0.011). There was a strong contextual influence of Integrated Health Posts for the elderly on the quality of life of the elderly (ICC= 31.15%).Conclusion: The quality of life of the elderly improves with strong family support and ≥high school education. The quality of life of the elderly decreases or is lower in women than men. There is a strong contextual influence of Integrated Health Posts for the elderly on the quality of life of the elderly

    Intake of iron and inhibitor are not related with anemia on the premarriage women

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    ABSTRACTBackground: One of the most frequent nutritional problems in Indonesia occurs is anemia due to iron deficiency. Forty-nine point one percent of women of childbearing age in Indonesia are anemic. Especially on groups of women of childbearing age are usually preparing themselves for married and will become a mother. Factors causing anemia among others insufficient iron intake and high absorption of Fe inhibitors (tannin, phytate, and oxalic acid). If the bride is married to status anemia will affect the birth of a less qualified generation.Objectives: To know the relationship between iron intake and Fe inhibitor with the incidence of anemia in the bride in the District Area Bantul Yogyakarta. type of research conducted was observational research using a cross sectional design. Number of study subjects as many as 68 respondents in the bride with the picking technique the sample uses quota sampling that meets the inclusion criteria and exclusion. Data collected were data of iron intake and Fe Inhibitors. The data were obtained by interview using SQFFQ. Statistic test used were Mann Whitney and Chi Square test with level of 90% confidence.Results: The incidence of anemia was 44.1%. Based on the results there was no significant difference between the mean intake of Fe anemia group with anemia not with (p = 0.387). There is no Tanin intake differences were significant between the anemia group and the not anemia with (p = 0.512). There was no difference in intake of Fitat was significant between the anemia group and the non-anemic with (p = 0.335). There was no significant difference in intake of  xalates between groups of anemia with no anemia with (p = 0.537). Based on Chi Square Test as well it was known that there is no significant relationship between intake of Fe and Fe inhibitor with anemia incidence (p> 0.05)Conclusions: There was no significant relationship between intake of Fe and Fe inhibitor with anemia incidenceKEYWORDS: anemia, iron intake, inhibitor Fe, prospective brid

    Pengetahuan Berhubungan dengan Konsumsi Tablet Fe Saat Menstruasi pada Remaja Putri di SMAN 2 Banguntapan Bantul

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    Preventing of nutritional anemia among adolescents is low, as evidenced by student a senior high school of 2 Banguntapan which Fe tablet consumption during menstruation is still low. So that is necessary knowledge of Fe tablet during menstruation further more. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge and the consumption of Fe tablets during menstruation in adolescent. Analytical survey research design with cross secsional, a number of respondents was 64 with a total sampling technique. Instrument by questionnaire on knowledge and Fe tablet checklist to determine Fe tablet consumption. Techniques of data analysis using fisher excact. The results showed that there are only eight respondents (12.5%) whose consuming Fe tablet during menstruation with enough knowledge category. The results of bivariate analysis by fisher exact p-value=0.321 it’s showed that there was no relationship between knowledge with the consumption of iron tablets during menstruation in adolescent

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