2,136 research outputs found

    Seleção de fungos produtores de β-D-frutosiltransferase por fermentação em estado sólido

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    A enzima β-D-frutosiltransferase é responsável pela síntese de FOS (frutooligossacarídeos) a partir de sacarose por reação de transfrutosilação é produzida por diferentes micro-organismos, principalmente por fungos filamentosos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar a melhor linhagem fúngica produtora da -D-frutosiltransferase por fermentação em estado sólido, bem como o método de extração. A fermentação em estado sólido utilizando o substrato farelo de trigo umedecido com solução de sacarose atingindo 70% de umidade na concentração de esporos de 107 no tempo de 96 horas de crescimento. Todas as linhagens manipuladas apresentaram atividade hidrolítica, no entanto apenas uma linhagem não demonstrou atividade transfrutosilação. O isolado SIS 14 que pertence ao gênero Aspergillus sp. destacou-se pelos maiores valores em atividade no método de extração utilizando água destilada, apresentando 300,90 U/mL na atividade de transfrutosilação e na atividade hidrolítica de 155,74 U/mL. Contudo, pode-se perceber que dos solventes estudados a água destilada foi melhor obtendo o valor em atividade de transfrutosilação, como também a linhagem SIS 14 é promissora para a produção da β-D-frutosiltransferase

    Phytase production by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis URM 4924 using cane molasses and rice brain

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    XI Reunião Regional Nordeste da SBBq | 4th International Symposium in Biochemistry of Macromolecules and BiotechnologyPhytase is a generic term used to describe an enzyme that hydrolyzes phosphomonoester bonds from phytic acid, thereby liberating inorganic phosphorous, consequently increasing the availability of phosphorous for the absorption. It is presumed to be plant storage form of phosphate which also happens to have considerable antinutritive effects for most animals. Phytate, a salt of phytic acid, is the major storage form of phosphorus in typical animal feedstuffs. The aim of this study was evaluate parameters of the medium, such as the concentrations of cane molasses and rice brain in the production of phytase by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis URM 4924, using a factorial design. The experiments was carried out according to a 22 factorial design with four center points, which were studied at three levels, cane molasses concentration (1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%) and the rice bran concentration (0.25%, 0.5% and 0.75%). Fermentations were carried out using 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, 30° C, 90 rpm, pH 4.0, with addiction of saline solution (gL-1: KCl 0.5; MgSO4.7H2O 1.5; CaCl2.2H2O 2,0) for 72 hours of production. Phytase activity was determined by quantification of the phosphate released from phytate during the enzymatic reaction using the method of ammonium molybdate. The best conditions for phytase production (12.69 U/mL) occurred using 0.75% of rice brain with 2.0% of cane molasses. These results demonstrate the potential of cane molasses and rice brain in submerged fermentation for the phytase production by A.CAPES and CNPqinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efeito da salinidade sobre a atividade enzimática em solos de região semi-árida do Brasil.

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    A salinização do solo pode ocorrer por um processo natural ou ser induzida pelo homem (salinização secundária), devido às conseqüências do manejo impróprio da irrigação, má condição de drenagem ou má qualidade da água de irrigação. Estudos realizados no nordeste brasileiro demonstraram que o cultivo de Atriplex nummularia em áreas que receberam rejeito salino foi eficiente na retirada de sais do solo. Este estudo avaliou o efeito da fitorremediação por Atriplex nummularia Lindl, nas propriedades químicas e físicas e nos processos biológicos dos solos que receberam rejeito salino. O estudo foi conduzido em Petrolina, PE, Brasil. Quatro áreas foram identificadas e amostradas. Foram coletadas amostras de solo rizosférico em 15 plantas semelhantes, individuais, escolhidas ao acaso. Em laboratório, as amostras foram homogeneizadas secas ao ar e peneiradas em malha de 2mm. Em triplicata foram determinadas as atividades enzimáticas da ?-glucosidase, fosfatases ácida e alcalina, protease, L-glutaminase e L-asparaginase. Observou-se que o solo cultivado com Atriplex, sem irrigação, considerado como tratamento controle, de maneira geral, apresentou os valores mais altos para as atividades enzimáticas mensuradas, quando comparado aos demais tratamentos, com picos de inibição durante o período seco, quando espera-se que a atividade microbiana seja menor. Posteriormente, houve recuperação em todas as atividades, coincidindo com a estação chuvosa, quando em regra geral, a atividade microbiana é mais alta. No entanto, o solo natural sem irrigação, apresentou valores e comportamento diferenciado em relação ao cultivado com Atriplex, chegando a apresentar atividades mais baixas do que os solos que receberam irrigação com rejeito salino, em algumas atividades enzimáticas. Os solos irrigados com rejeito salino durante cinco anos consecutivos e cultivados com Atriplex, apresentaram picos de atividades no período seco, para quatro, das cinco atividades enzimáticas analisadas. Estes valores foram, porém, menores que os obtidos no tratamento controle. Conclui-se que apesar da aplicação do rejeito salino inibir as atividades enzimáticas, o cultivo da espécie Atriplex nummularia Lindl, foi eficiente em manter os níveis de atividade no mesmo patamar à do solo natural

    Effect of phytoremediation with Atriplex nummularia in irrigated soils with saline waste.

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    In the semi-arid region of northeastern Brazil, the Atriplex plant genus has been efficient in removing salts from soils irrigated with saline wastewater. However, this removal might not be significant compared with the amount of salts added to the soil by the wastewater irrigation. Considering this aspect, the aim of this work was to evaluate the effectiveness of Atriplex nummularia Lindl plants in the remediation of a soil submitted to saline wastewater irrigation. Despite the known inhibition effect of saline wastewater on soil enzyme activity, the cultivation of Atriplex nummularia Lindl maintained the treated soil enzyme activity levels similar to the ones found in natural soils

    Spatial analysis to quantify and localise the residual cardoon stem fibres as potential bio-reinforcements for building materials

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    Today in Europe building-sector is responsible for the 50% of air pollution and for 70% of waste production. For this reason, researchers’ interest is focused on new eco-building materials that are sustainable, with low impact, renewable and recyclable. In this context, in the last few years, the use of cellulose-based fibres as potential reinforcements for bio-composite materials, instead of synthetic one, received worldwide growing attention. Among natural fibres, both cellulose and protein-based ones, in literature it was found that, due to its mechanical properties, artichoke fibre is suitable for this use. In this study, a Geographical Information System (GIS)–based model to locate and quantify the yearly amount of agricultural waste coming from Cynara cardunculus L. (CW) cultivation was put forward and was applied in a study area located in Southern Italy. As an additional protein-based fibre, sheep wool fibre was also taken into account due to the high presence of sheep. The estimated available amount of both considered fibres was reported in a GIS map in order to show their distribution at territorial level. The achieved results could represent basic information for both sustainable locating collection centre and analysing the environmental impact related to the logistics and supply phase

    Enhancing heat treatment efficacy for insect pest control: A case study of a CFD application to improve the design and structure of a flour mill

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    Heat treatment of the indoor environment of flour mills is an alternative technique to chemical fumigation for controlling insect pests. The aim of this research was to assess temperature distribution inside a flour mill during a heat treatment for insect pest control by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling and simulation. The model was validated by using the average values of experimental data acquired during a heat treatment carried out in a flour mill, which is representative of the building materials and techniques used in the milling industry of South Italy. Simulations were carried out in steady-state conditions, and simulated data were validated by the average values of air and wall temperature measurements. Since the modelled temperature distribution in the mill fit the real one with a good accuracy (maximum error equal to 2.57 °C), the CFD model was considered reliable to simulate other operating conditions. Since it was observed that the internal surface temperatures of the mill were much lower than the value required for the success of the heat treatment, equal to 45 °C, the CFD model could be used for improving the effectiveness of heat treatments in the flour mill. Application of the proposed CFD model in the simulation of specific interventions could be aimed at improving both building performance and fan heaters' localisatio,n in order to find the best configuration

    Kernel density estimation analyses based on a low power-global positioning system for monitoring environmental issues of grazing cattle

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    The use of wearable sensors that record animal activity in intensive livestock systems has become more and more frequent for both early detection of diseases and improving production quality. Their application may also be significant in extensive livestock systems, with infrequent farmer-to-animal contact. The pre-sent study aimed to prove the feasibility of a novel automatic sys- tem for locating and tracking cows in extensive livestock systems based on space-time data provided by a low-power global positioning system (LP-GPS). The information was used to study the pasture exploitation by the herd for modelling the environmental impacts of extensive livestock systems through geographical information systems (GIS). A customised device, placed within a rectangular PVC case compatible with the collar usually worn by animals, was equipped with an LP-GPS omnidirectional system, an integrated SigFox communication system, and a power supply. The experimental trial was conducted in an existing semi-natural pasture characterised by good pasture allowance and cultivated grazing areas. Ten cows were embedded with LP-GPS collars, and the data, i.e., geographical coordinates and the time intervals related to each cow detection, were recorded every 20 minutes. Data were collected through a specifically developed AppWeb to be further imported and elaborated by using a GIS software tool. In the GIS environment, the daily distances travelled by each cow were linked with heatmaps obtained by applying Kernel density estimation models from the points obtained from the LP-GPS col-lars. The study results made it possible to obtain information on some relevant aspects of livestock’s environmental issues. In detail, it was possible to acquire information on herd behaviour related to the use of the pasture, e.g., the area of the pasture most frequently used during the day, individual use of the pasture, and possible animal interactions. These results represent the first step towards further insights and research activities because monitoring of animal locations could reduce several environmental issues such as soil degradation and greenhouse emissions. r

    Improving natural ventilation in renovated free-stall barns for dairy cows: Optimized building solutions by using a validated computational fluid dynamics model

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    Natural ventilation is the most used system to create suitable conditions, removing gases, introducing oxygen in livestock buildings. Its efficiency depends on several factors and above all on the number, the dimensions and the position of wall openings and internal layout of livestock buildings. The aim of this research was to develop optimized layout solutions for improving natural ventilation effectiveness in free-stall barns for dairy cows by using a CFD approach. A validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was applied in a case study which is highly representative of building interventions for renovating the layout of free-stall barns for dairy cows located in an area of the Mediterranean basin. Firstly, dairy cow behaviour was analysed by visual examination of time-lapse video-recordings. Then, simulations were carried out by using the validated CFD model and changing the position of internal and external building elements (i.e., internal office and external buildings for milking) in order to find the best condition for the thermal comfort of the animals. The results showed that the best conditions were recorded for a new configuration of the building in terms of air velocity distribution within the resting area, the service alley and the feeding alley for dairy cows, and in the pens for calves. In this new layout, the office areas and the north-west wall openings were located by mirroring them along the transversal axis of the barn. Therefore, the CFD approach proposed in this study could be used during the design phase, as a decision support system aimed at improving the natural ventilation within the barn