22 research outputs found

    Vplyv podstielkových materiálov na užitkovosť, welfare a správanie kurčiat výkrmového typu: Prehľad literatúry

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    Bedding material has a significant effect on life, health and production of broiler chicken since they are in direct contact with litter. When condition of litter is poor, it increases an occurrence of pododermatitis. Birds living in chronic pain move less and consequently eat and drink less and because of that their production is less efficient. The aim of this review is to compare different bedding materials used in Europe and elsewhere in the world and to evaluate their effects on production parameters, health and animal welfare. During the last years, a lot of research has been done using both traditional and alternative bedding materials. A significant part of materials was evaluated as suitable or improving production parameters. There is an evidence that at least one quarter of broiler chicken live in constant pain due to footpad dermatitis, joint inflammations or other locomotory disorders for more than one third of their live. The health of the locomotory system is the major challenge for improving poultry welfare. Several substrates can be used as bedding material for poultry. In general, we can conclude that, the finer particles are the lower is the occurrence of pododermatitis. However optimal bedding material must be able to absorb excess water but also to be dried properly. Another important aspect of animal welfare is the opportunity to manifest their natural behaviour. Research clearly shows that poultry prefer to perform dustbathing only in dry and dusty substrate.Podstielkový materiál významne vplýva na život, zdravie a produkciu brojlerových kurčiat nakoľko sú s ním v priamom kontakte. Pokiaľ je stav podstielky zlý, zvyšuje sa možnosť vzniku pododermatídy. Vtáky pociťujúce chronickú bolesť sa menej hýbu a nadväzne na to aj menej žerú a pijú, čo má za následok nižšiu efektivitu produkcie. Cieľom tohto prehľadu je porovnať podstielkové materiály používané v Európe aj vo svete a posúdiť ich vplyv na parametre úžitkovosti, zdravie a welfare zvierat. V posledných rokoch bolo vykonané množstvo experimentov s použitím tradičných aj alternatívnych materiálov. Publikovaných bolo viacero pokusov s použitím rôznych podstielkových materiálov. Značná časť z nich bola zhodnotená, ako vhodná pre hydinu, či dokonca zlepšujúca produkčné parametre. Je preukázané, že najmenej štvrtina brojlerových kurčiat žije v stave konštantnej bolesti vzhľadom na pododermatídu behákov, zápaly kĺbov alebo iné poruchy pohybového aparátu po dobu viac ako tretiny života. Zdravie pohybového ústrojenstva je, preto jednou z kľúčových výziev na zlepšenie welfare hydiny. Množstvo substrátov môže byť použitých ako podstielkový materiál pre hydinu. Vo všeobecností platí, že čím jemnejšie sú častice, tým menšia je možnosť výskytu pododermatídy. Optimálny podstielkový materiál musí byť však schopný dobre prijímať vlhkosť no byť aj ľahko sušiteľný. Ďalším dôležitým aspektom z pohľadu životnej pohody zvierat je schopnosť prejavovať prirodzené správanie. Výskumy jasne preukazjú, že hydina preferuje popolenie v suchom a prašnom materiály

    Procjena temeperamenta mliječnih krava odgovorom na novi objekt

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    The presented study aims to develop on farm test temperament in dairy cattle based on individual differences in behavior during approaching the novel object. The novel object was a red cycling light. Behavior traits (duration of walking and standing at stops) were recorded from the video records as well as numeric modifier (distance of stop). Individual differences in the behavior were evaluated by differences in duration of approaching the novel object. Due to differences in walking speed in the cows the corrected duration of approaching (CDA) was calculated from real duration of approaching the novel object, number of stops and 1st stop distance. A group of 53 tested cows was split into 4 distinctive clusters. Members of cluster 1 had calm type of temperament, cluster had 28 members, median CDA was 28 s (min 11 s, max 53 s). Members of cluster 2 had curious type of temperament, cluster had 14 members, median CDA was 87 s (min 58 s, max 121 s). Members of cluster 3 had vigilant type of temperament, cluster had 9 members, median CDA was 155 s (min 132 s, max 250 s). Members of cluster 4 had fearful type of temperament, and cluster had only 2 members, median CDA was 460 s (min 439 s, max 482 s). Results showed the possibility of on farm temperament type measure by simple test. Testing discovered inappropriate type of temperament in 2 of tested dairy cows with higher risks of problem with habituation to novel objects or during manipulation.Cilj ovog rada je razviti farmski test za procjenu temperamenta farmi u mliječnih goveda na temelju individualnih razlika u ponašanju tijekom pristupanja novom objektu. Novi objekt bilo je crveno biciklističko svjetlo. Iz video zapisa snimljene su osobine ponašanja (trajanje hodanja i stajanja na stajalištima) kao i numerički modifikator (udaljenost zaustavljanja). Individualne razlike u ponašanju procijenjene su razlikama u trajanju približavanja novom objektu. Zbog razlika u brzini hodanja kod krava, korigirano trajanje približavanja (CDA) izračunato je iz stvarnog trajanja približavanja novom objektu, broja zaustavljanja i udaljenosti prvog zaustavljanja. Skupina od 53 testirane krave podijeljena je u 4 različite grupe. Članovi klastera 1 bili su mirnog tipa temperamenta, klaster je imao 28 članova, medijan CDA bio je 28 s (min 11 s, max 53 s). Članovi klastera 2 imali su čudan tip temperamenta, klaster je imao 14 članova, medijan CDA bio je 87 s (min 58 s, max 121 s). Članovi klastera 3 imali su budni tip temperamenta, klaster je imao 9 članova, medijan CDA bio je 155 s (min 132 s, max 250 s). Članovi klastera 4 imali su strašljiv tip temperamenta, a klaster je imao samo 2 člana, medijan CDA bio je 460 s (min 439 s, max 482 s). Rezultati su pokazali mogućnost mjerenja tipa temperamenta na farmi jednostavnim testom. Testiranje je otkrilo neodgovarajući tip temperamenta kod 2 testirane mliječne krave s većim rizikom problema u navikavanju na nove objekte ili tijekom manipulacije

    Procjena temeperamenta mliječnih krava odgovorom na novi objekt

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    The presented study aims to develop on farm test temperament in dairy cattle based on individual differences in behavior during approaching the novel object. The novel object was a red cycling light. Behavior traits (duration of walking and standing at stops) were recorded from the video records as well as numeric modifier (distance of stop). Individual differences in the behavior were evaluated by differences in duration of approaching the novel object. Due to differences in walking speed in the cows the corrected duration of approaching (CDA) was calculated from real duration of approaching the novel object, number of stops and 1st stop distance. A group of 53 tested cows was split into 4 distinctive clusters. Members of cluster 1 had calm type of temperament, cluster had 28 members, median CDA was 28 s (min 11 s, max 53 s). Members of cluster 2 had curious type of temperament, cluster had 14 members, median CDA was 87 s (min 58 s, max 121 s). Members of cluster 3 had vigilant type of temperament, cluster had 9 members, median CDA was 155 s (min 132 s, max 250 s). Members of cluster 4 had fearful type of temperament, and cluster had only 2 members, median CDA was 460 s (min 439 s, max 482 s). Results showed the possibility of on farm temperament type measure by simple test. Testing discovered inappropriate type of temperament in 2 of tested dairy cows with higher risks of problem with habituation to novel objects or during manipulation.Cilj ovog rada je razviti farmski test za procjenu temperamenta farmi u mliječnih goveda na temelju individualnih razlika u ponašanju tijekom pristupanja novom objektu. Novi objekt bilo je crveno biciklističko svjetlo. Iz video zapisa snimljene su osobine ponašanja (trajanje hodanja i stajanja na stajalištima) kao i numerički modifikator (udaljenost zaustavljanja). Individualne razlike u ponašanju procijenjene su razlikama u trajanju približavanja novom objektu. Zbog razlika u brzini hodanja kod krava, korigirano trajanje približavanja (CDA) izračunato je iz stvarnog trajanja približavanja novom objektu, broja zaustavljanja i udaljenosti prvog zaustavljanja. Skupina od 53 testirane krave podijeljena je u 4 različite grupe. Članovi klastera 1 bili su mirnog tipa temperamenta, klaster je imao 28 članova, medijan CDA bio je 28 s (min 11 s, max 53 s). Članovi klastera 2 imali su čudan tip temperamenta, klaster je imao 14 članova, medijan CDA bio je 87 s (min 58 s, max 121 s). Članovi klastera 3 imali su budni tip temperamenta, klaster je imao 9 članova, medijan CDA bio je 155 s (min 132 s, max 250 s). Članovi klastera 4 imali su strašljiv tip temperamenta, a klaster je imao samo 2 člana, medijan CDA bio je 460 s (min 439 s, max 482 s). Rezultati su pokazali mogućnost mjerenja tipa temperamenta na farmi jednostavnim testom. Testiranje je otkrilo neodgovarajući tip temperamenta kod 2 testirane mliječne krave s većim rizikom problema u navikavanju na nove objekte ili tijekom manipulacije


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    At our work we have analysed the organisation of calving in Charolais breed during the years from 1998 to 2001 at selected farm. Our monitoring of calving during winter season (from January to February) shows the percentage of calving was in particular years ranged from 43.2 to 71.1. The most calves were born in February. We found out (total all years) diffi cult calving (value 3) in 2 cases in April (1998 and 1999) and 1 case in February (1998) and 1 in March (1999). Calving marked with value 2 (total of all years) we found out in January (2 cases), February (3 cases), March (4 cases) and from September to December past one case. From 18 cases of diffi cult calving what we found out, 11 calves (61.11 %) come from CHV 529 bull. In calves born by normal calving was found out average weight 34.75 kg, in ones born by calving with level 2 of diffi culty 36.36 kg, and in calves born by calving with diffi culty 3 was recorded average weight 41.5 kg. Recorded weight at 210 days of age in mostly cases was similar like in published breed standard

    Hodnotenie zmien správania, tepová frekvencia a rektálna telesná teplota teliat počas prvých dvoch hodín po narodení

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    The present experiment focuses on the evaluation of the behavior of Holstein calves in the first two hours after birth. The research took place at the Slovak University of Agriculture Farm in Oponice. The calf sample consisted of 11 individuals. The lying, standing, moving were scored and number of attempts to lift head, latency to head lifting, number of attempts to stand up and latency to stand up, and the number of ears shaking. Behavior was evaluated by next traits: total duration of lying, standing and moving, average duration of one bout lying, standing and moving, percentage rate of lying, standing and moving, number of occurrence of bouts for all scored traits, mean duration inter-event interval for all scored traits. The basic physiological parameters (heart rate – HR and rectal temperature – RT) were measured in four 15 minute intervals during first hour after the birth (M15, M30, M45 and M60). Difference in behavior between first and second hour of observation was tested by non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test. Relation among measured and scored traits was analysed by Spearman rank correlation. The average duration of birth of the examined calf sample was 1 hour and 4 minutes (±0.33 seconds). Positive correlations (P<0.05) between the first and second hour were found in many signs measured after birth (total time of lying, standing and moving, attempts to stand up, latency of standing and ears shaking).The present experiment focuses on the evaluation of the behavior of Holstein calves in the first two hours after birth. The research took place at the Slovak University of Agriculture Farm in Oponice. The calf sample consisted of 11 individuals. The lying, standing, moving were scored and number of attempts to lift head, latency to head lifting, number of attempts to stand up and latency to stand up, and the number of ears shaking. Behavior was evaluated by next traits: total duration of lying, standing and moving, average duration of one bout lying, standing and moving, percentage rate of lying, standing and moving, number of occurrence of bouts for all scored traits, mean duration inter-event interval for all scored traits. The basic physiological parameters (heart rate – HR and rectal temperature – RT) were measured in four 15 minute intervals during first hour after the birth (M15, M30, M45 and M60). Difference in behavior between first and second hour of observation was tested by non-parametric Kruskal Wallis test. Relation among measured and scored traits was analysed by Spearman rank correlation. The average duration of birth of the examined calf sample was 1 hour and 4 minutes (±0.33 seconds). Positive correlations (P<0.05) between the first and second hour were found in many signs measured after birth (total time of lying, standing and moving, attempts to stand up, latency of standing and ears shaking)

    Use of system fleckscore in the evaluation of body conformation in Slovak Spotted dairy cows

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    Received: 2016-05-18 | Accepted: 2016-05-25 | Available online: 2016-12-22http://dx.doi.org/10.15414/afz.2016.19.04.174-176Paper is focused to use of the Fleckscore system for evaluation of main body conformation traits – body frame, musculature, feet& legs and udder in the Slovak Spotted dairy cows in the first lactations (n = 15,779), in the second lactations (n = 2,138) and inthe group of older ones in the third and other lactations (n = 3,694). The score for the main trait body frame have been calculatedby the Fleckscore system from the recorded data. The dairy cows in the first lactations reached average level 76.54 points of bodyframe score, 78.8 points in the second lactations and 72.75 points reached the older dairy cows in the third and others lactations.Based on the results can be stated the Slovak Spotted dairy cows in the first lactations but particularly in the second and the thirdlactations had smaller body frame in comparison with dairy cows of Simmental breed in the first lactations in European countries.It was found increasing the feet & legs conformation average score from 80.25 in the first lactation to 81.02 in older dairy cows inthe third and others lactations. The trait udder average score was 80.09 points for cows in the first lactations, 80.31 points in thesecond and 79.8 points in older cows, by Fleckscore system calculation. The results showed better udder conformation in youngercows of the Slovak Spotted breed, in the first and second lactations, than older dairy cows.Keywords: dairy cows, Slovak Spotted breed, body conformation, FleckscoreReferencesANZENBERGER, H. (2012) Zweitbewertung im neuen System. Rinderzucht Fleckvieh, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 28-29.KUČERA, J. (2014) The Europe evaluates simmental cattle by Fleckscore system. Zpravodaj Svazu chovatelů a plemenné knihy českého strakatého skotu, no. 2, pp. 8-9 (in Czech).KUČERA, J. (2014) The Fleckscore make decisions in the Europe. Náš chov, 2014, no. 7, pp.7 (in Czech).LUNTZ, B. and KROGMEIER, D. (2011) 100 Punkte für Fleckvieh. Rinderzucht Fleckvieh, no. 3, pp. 22-24.LUNTZ, B. (2012) Fleckscore auch in Österreich. Rinderzucht Fleckvieh, no. 2, pp.18-19.LUNTZ, B. (2014) Der Weg ist das Ziel. Mit Fleckscore für Bullenmutter wird die Exterieurbewertung verbessert. Rinderuch Fleckvieh, no. 2, pp. 22-23.LUNTZ, B. (2014) Fleckscore weltweit anwendbar, In: Fleckvieh, no. 3, pp.36-37.ONDRÁKOVÁ, M. (2014) Fleckscore proposal for second and third lactations. Zpravodaj chovatelů a plemenné knihy českého strakatého skotu, no. 2, pp.10-12 (in Czech).TANZLER, J. (2014) Lineare Nachzuchtbewertung mit Fleckscore. Fleckviehzucht in Österreich, no. 4, pp. 25-27

    Relationship between Local Structure and Relaxor Behavior in Perovskite Oxides

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    Despite intensive investigations over the past five decades, the microscopic origins of the fascinating dielectric properties of ABO3 relaxor ferroelectrics are currently poorly understood. Here, we show that the frequency dispersion that is the hallmark of relaxor behavior is quantitatively related to the crystal chemical characteristics of the solid solution. Density functional theory is used in conjunction with experimental determination of cation arrangement to identify the 0 K structural motifs. These are then used to parametrize a simple phenomenological Landau theory that predicts the universal dependence of frequency dispersion on the solid solution cation arrangement and off-center cation displacements

    The veal quality of Slovak Simmental breed in relation to sex

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-11-03 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.118-121The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of sex on selected fattening, carcass and qualitative veal parameters of Slovak Simmental breed. The comparison was carried out on the 8 male and the 8 female animals. The animals were reared under the same housing conditions and were fed with grass hay (ad libitum), feed straw and calves feed concentrate, and had a free access to the fresh water. The fattening period started from about 70 days of age to required final weight. Length of the fattening period was 180 days. The slaughter and carcass composition, carcass yield, qualitative, physical and technological characteristics of Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle were studied. We found a significantly higher proportion of bones and a significantly higher proportion of separable fat in the carcass half in males. Higher proportion of meat were found in females. At the heifers was found, although not significantly, a higher proportion of internal fat (rumen, intestinal, kidney, pelvic). Significantly different pH measured 24 hours post mortem was found between males and females (P<0.01). Parameter of meat colour – lightness was higher identified in male calves at 24 hour and 7 days post mortem. Higher redness value was identified in female calves at 24 hour and 7 days post mortem. Keywords: Slovak Simmental breed, sex, carcass, veal qualityReferencesBARTOŇ, L. et al. (2003). Growth, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics of Czech Pied and Holstein bulls. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 48, (11): 466–474. Czech Journal of Animal ScienceCAFFERKY, J. et al. (2019) Efect of Breed and Gender on Meat Quality of M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum Muscle from Crossbred Beef Bulls and Steers. Foods 2019, 8, 173; https://doi.org/10.3390/foods8050173ĆIRIĆ, J. et al. (2017) The relationship between the carcass characteristics and meat composition of young Simmental beef cattle. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 85 012061. 59th International Meat Industry Conference MEATCON 2017, Zlatibor, Serbia, 6; https://doi :10.1088/1755-1315/85/1/012061DAZA, A. et al. (2014) Effect of gender on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat and fat quality of calves of Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed fattened under free-range conditions. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 12(3): 683-693. http://dx.doi.org/10.5424/sjar/2014123-4693 ISSN: 1695-971XFILIPČÍK, R. et al. ( 2009) The factors influencing beef quality in bulls, heifers and steers. Slovak J. Anim. Sci., 42, (2): 54–61.  ISSN 1337-9984KUČEVIĆ, D. et al. (2019) Influence of Farm Management for Calves on Growth Performance and Meat Quality Traits Duration Fattening of Simmental Bulls and Heifers. Animals, 9, 941; http//doi:10.3390/ani9110941LI, Q. et al. (2018)  Effects of age on slaughter performance and meat quality of Binlangjang male buffalo. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 25, 248–252. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sjbs.2017.10.001LUKIC, M. et al. (2016) Carcass performance of Simmental and Holstein Friesian beef cattle in Serbia. Meat Technology 57, 2, 95–101. ISSN 2466-4812. ID: 227939852.MARENČIĆ,D. (2018) The effect of sex and age at slaughter on the physicochemical properties of baby-beef meat. Veterinarski Arhiv 88 (1), 101-110. DOI: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.160720MUIŽNIECE, I. et al. (2020) Effect of sex and age on beef cattle meat pH. Agricultural Science and Practice, Vol. 7, No. 2. ISSN: 2312–3370, UDC 636.2.03SANTOS, P.V., et al. (2013). Carcass physical composition and meat quality of Holstein calves, terminated in different finishing systems and slaughter weights. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37(5), 443-450. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-70542013000500008WĘGLARZ, A. (2010) Meat quality defined based on pH and colour depending on cattle category and slaughter season. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 55 (12): 548–556. https://doi.org/10.17221/2520-CJA


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    At our work we have analysed the organisation of calving in Charolais breed during the years from 1998 to 2001 at selected farm. Our monitoring of calving during winter season (from January to February) shows the percentage of calving was in particular years ranged from 43.2 to 71.1. The most calves were born in February. We found out (total all years) diffi cult calving (value 3) in 2 cases in April (1998 and 1999) and 1 case in February (1998) and 1 in March (1999). Calving marked with value 2 (total of all years) we found out in January (2 cases), February (3 cases), March (4 cases) and from September to December past one case. From 18 cases of diffi cult calving what we found out, 11 calves (61.11 %) come from CHV 529 bull. In calves born by normal calving was found out average weight 34.75 kg, in ones born by calving with level 2 of diffi culty 36.36 kg, and in calves born by calving with diffi culty 3 was recorded average weight 41.5 kg. Recorded weight at 210 days of age in mostly cases was similar like in published breed standard