7,687 research outputs found


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    Not fitting in and getting out : psychological type and congregational satisfaction among Anglican churchgoers in England

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    Listening to the motivations reported by individuals for ceasing church attendance and becoming church leavers, Francis and Richter identified high on the list the sense of "not fitting in". Drawing on psychological type theory, several recent studies have documented the way in which some psychological types are over-represented in church congregations and other psychological types are under-represented. Bringing these two observations together, the present study tested the hypothesis that church congregations have created type-alike communities within which individuals displaying the opposite type preferences are more likely to feel marginalised and to display lower levels of satisfaction with the congregations they attend. Data were provided by 1867 churchgoers who completed a measure of psychological type, together with measures of frequency of attendance and congregational satisfaction. These data confirmed that congregations were weighted towards preferences for introversion, sensing, feeling and judging, and that individuals displaying the opposite preferences (especially intuition, thinking and perceiving) recorded lower levels of congregational satisfaction. The implications of these findings are discussed for promoting congregational retention by enhancing awareness of psychological type preferences among those who attend

    Psychological type and prayer preferences: a study among Anglican clergy in the United Kingdom

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    This study applies the framework of Jungian psychological type theory to define eight aspects of prayer preference, namely: introverted prayer, extraverted prayer, sensing prayer, intuitive prayer, feeling prayer, thinking prayer, judging prayer, and perceiving prayer. On the basis of data provided by 1,476 newly ordained Anglican clergy from England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, eight 7-item scales were developed to access these aspects of prayer preferences. Significant correlations were found between each prayer preference and the relevant aspect of psychological type accessed by the Keirsey Temperament Sorter. These data support the theory that psychological type influences the way in which people pray

    Cardiac Calcitropes, Myotropes, and Mitotropes: JACC Review Topic of the Week.

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    The term "inotrope" is familiar and intimately connected with pharmaceuticals clinically used for treatment of low cardiac output with cardiogenic shock. Traditional inotropic agents exert their effect by modulating calcium signaling in the myocardium. Their use is associated with poor long-term outcomes. Newer molecules in development intend to break from calcium mediation and the associated detrimental long-term effects by targeting distinct mechanisms of action to improve cardiac performance. Thus, "inotropy" does not sufficiently describe the range of potential novel pharmaceutical products. To enhance communication around and evaluation of current, emerging, and potential therapies, this review proposes a novel nuanced and holistic framework to categorize pharmacological agents that improve myocardial performance based on 3 myocardial mechanisms: calcitropes, which alter intracellular calcium concentrations; myotropes, which affect the molecular motor and scaffolding; and mitotropes, which influence energetics. Novel chemical entities can easily be incorporated into this structure, distinguishing themselves based on their mechanisms and clinical outcomes

    Ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, and climate change

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    This symposium was organized to study the unusual convergence of a number of observations, both short and long term that defy an integrated explanation. Of particular importance are surface temperature observations and observations of upper atmospheric temperatures, which have declined significantly in parts of the stratosphere. There has also been a dramatic decline in ozone concentration over Antarctica that was not predicted. Significant changes in precipitation that seem to be latitude dependent have occurred. There has been a threefold increase in methane in the last 100 years; this is a problem because a source does not appear to exist for methane of the right isotopic composition to explain the increase. These and other meteorological global climate changes are examined in detail

    Detection of Lyman-alpha Emitting Galaxies at Redshift z=4.55

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    Studies of the formation and early history of galaxies have been hampered by the difficulties inherent in detecting faint galaxy populations at high redshift. As a consequence, observations at the highest redshifts (3.5 < z < 5) have been restricted to objects that are intrinsically bright. These include quasars, radio galaxies, and some Ly alpha-emitting objects that are very close to (within ~10 kpc) -- and appear to be physically associated with -- quasars. But the extremely energetic processes which make these objects easy to detect also make them unrepresentative of normal (field) galaxies. Here we report the discovery using Keck spectroscopic observations of two Ly alpha-emitting galaxies at redshift z = 4.55, which are sufficiently far from the nearest quasar (~700 kpc) that radiation from the quasar is unlikely to provide the excitation source of the Ly alpha emission. Instead, these galaxies appear to be undergoing their first burst of star formation, at a time when the Universe was less than one billion years old.Comment: 8 pages, 1 landscape table, and 3 PostScript figures. Uses aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, aj_pt4.sty, overcite.sty (style macros available from xxx.lanl.gov) Figure 1 is bitmapped to 100 dpi. The original PostScript version of Fig. 1 is available via anonymous ftp to ftp://hubble.ifa.hawaii.edu/pub/preprints To appear in Natur

    Optic nerve sheath meningioma: a case report

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    A case of a 75-year old male with right-sided exopthalmos is presented. Outside proptosis of the right eye was initially observed 6 years ago. Opthalmological and endocrinological clinical examination as well as laboratory tests revealed no pathology from optic nerve disc, optic bulb and thyroid related hormones. MRI study demonstrated an optic nerve meningioma. The key imaging findings and the differential diagnosis were discussed in this present paper

    Plasma Glucose Levels for Red Drum Sciaenops Ocellatus in a Florida Estuarine Fisheries Reserve

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    Despite the significant value of the southeastern United States' red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) fishery, there is a lack of clinical blood chemistry data. This was the first study to assess plasma glucose values as an indicator of stress response to evaluate variation and the effect of reproductive activity for wild adult red drum in Florida. Red drum (n=126) were collected from NASA's Kennedy Space Center waters during three reproductive periods in 2011. Samples were obtained from the branchial vessels of the gill arch. Plasma glucose levels were significantly different among reproductive periods, with the highest mean values recorded during the spawning period, September- October (38.23 mg / dL +/- 10.0). The glucose range was 17 - 69 mg / dL. Glucose values were lower during all three periods than previous values recorded for cultured or captive red drum studies. This may indicate that fish from this population were under less stress than other populations previously sampled
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