98 research outputs found

    AVPV neurons containing estrogen receptor-beta in adult male rats are influenced by soy isoflavones

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    BACKGROUND: Isoflavones, the most abundant phytoestrogens in soy foods, are structurally similar to 17beta-estradiol. It is known that 17beta-estradiol induces apoptosis in anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) in rat brain. Also, there is evidence that consumption of soy isoflavones reduces the volume of AVPV in male rats. Therefore, in this study, we examined the influence of dietary soy isoflavones on apoptosis in AVPV of 150 day-old male rats fed either a soy isoflavone-free diet (Phyto-free) or a soy isoflavone-rich diet (Phyto-600). RESULTS: The occurrence of apoptosis in AVPV was examined by TUNEL staining. The incidence of apoptosis was about 10 times higher in the Phyto-600 group (33.1 ± 1.7%) than in the Phyto-free group (3.6 ± 1.0%). Furthermore, these apoptotic cells were identified as neurons by dual immunofluorescent staining of GFAP and NeuN as markers of astrocytes and neurons, respectively. Then the dopaminergic neurons in AVPV were detected by immunohistochemistry staining of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). No significant difference in the number of TH neurons was observed between the diet treatment groups. When estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta were examined by immunohistochemistry, we observed a 22% reduction of ERbeta-positive cell numbers in AVPV with consumption of soy isoflavones, whereas no significant change in ERalpha-positive cell numbers was detected. Furthermore, almost all the apoptotic cells were ERbeta-immunoreactive (ir), but not ERalpha-ir. Last, subcutaneous injections of equol (a major isoflavone metabolite) that accounts for approximately 70–90% of the total circulating plasma isoflavone levels did not alter the volume of AVPV in adult male rats. CONCLUSION: In summary, these findings provide direct evidence that consumption of soy isoflavones, but not the exposure to equol, influences the loss of ERbeta-containing neurons in male AVPV

    a multi scalar approach to long term dynamics spatial relations and economic networks of roman secondary settlements in italy and the ombrone valley system southern tuscany towards a model

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    In Roman landscapes, the particular sites defined as secondary settlements (also known as vici/villages, minor centres, agglomerations secondaires and/or stationes/mansiones) have played an 'intermediary' role between the cities and other rural structures (villae/farms), linked to medium- and long-distance economic and commercial trajectories. The aim of this paper is to apply a multi-scalar approach to model their long-term spatial relationships and connectivity with the Mediterranean exchange network. On the macro-scale, we have analysed a sample of 219 reviewed sites to understand the diachronic trends and spatial dynamics of attraction/proximity to significant elements of the landscape such as towns, roads, rivers and coastline. The Ombrone Valley (Tuscany, Italy) represents a micro-scale case study of a complex system, in which the imported pottery (amphorae, African Red Slip ware, ingobbiata di rosso) found in the vicus/mansio of Santa Cristina in Caio, the Roman villa of La Befa and the town of Siena (Saena Iulia) provided diagnostic 'macroeconomic' perspectives. The results show how the secondary settlements occupied a nodal position in the Roman landscape in terms of resilience (long period of occupation until the Early Middle Ages) and spatial organization with a close relationship to natural and anthropic infrastructures and trade functions linked to Mediterranean routes

    Isolation of the Retinoblastoma cDNA from the Marine Flatfish Dab (Limanda limanda) and Evidence of Mutational Alterations in Liver Tumors

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    We have isolated a dab, Limanda limanda, homologue of the human retinoblastoma (Rb) tumor suppressor gene. The L. limanda partial Rb cDNA encodes a partial predicted protein of 753 amino acids. DNA sequence analysis with other vertebrate Rb sequences demonstrates that the L. limanda Rb cDNA is highly conserved in regions of functional importance. The sequence reported herein, combined with the high degree of conservation observed in critical domains, has also facilitated an investigation of the molecular etiology of environmentally-induced liver tumor samples in a feral fish species. Mutational alterations were detected in liver adenoma samples, also in apparently normal regions of liver samples dissected from fish displaying adenoma, but not in normal liver samples from otherwise healthy feral fish. These results are the first reporting the appearance of Rb mutations in wild-caught fish and suggest that the molecular etiology of fish cancer appears to involve Rb-implicated tumorigenesis. The ecotoxicological relevance of the Rb mutations in feral fish liver tumors, in terms of future genome instability and possible development of a genotoxicity biomarker, is discussed
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