13,442 research outputs found

    Primordial Non-Gaussianity in the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    In the last few decades, advances in observational cosmology have given us a standard model of cosmology. We know the content of the universe to within a few percent. With more ambitious experiments on the way, we hope to move beyond the knowledge of what the universe is made of, to why the universe is the way it is. In this review paper we focus on primordial non-Gaussianity as a probe of the physics of the dynamics of the universe at the very earliest moments. We discuss 1) theoretical predictions from inflationary models and their observational consequences in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies; 2) CMB--based estimators for constraining primordial non-Gaussianity with an emphasis on bispectrum templates; 3) current constraints on non-Gaussianity and what we can hope to achieve in the near future; and 4) non-primordial sources of non-Gaussianities in the CMB such as bispectrum due to second order effects, three way cross-correlation between primary-lensing-secondary CMB, and possible instrumental effects.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; Invited Review for the Journal "Advances in Astronomy"; references adde

    Superconductivity at 5.2 K in ZrTe3 polycrystals and the effect of Cu, Ag intercalation

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    We report the occurrence of superconductivity in polycrystalline samples of ZrTe3 at 5.2 K temperature at ambient pressure. The superconducting state coexists with the charge density wave (CDW) phase, which sets in at 63K. The intercalation of Cu or Ag, does not have any bearing on the superconducting transition temperature but suppresses the CDW state. The feature of CDW anomaly in these compounds is clearly seen in the DC magnetization data. Resistivity data is analysed to estimate the relative loss of carriers and reduction in the nested Fermi surface area upon CDW formation in the ZrTe3 and the intercalated compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Lead and uranium group abundances in cosmic rays

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    The importance of Lead and Uranium group abundances in cosmic rays is discussed in understanding their evolution and propagation. The electronic detectors can provide good charge resolution but poor data statistics. The plastic detectors can provide somewhat better statistics but charge resolution deteriorates. The extraterrestrial crystals can provide good statistics but with poor charge resolution. Recent studies of extraterrestrial crystals regarding their calibration to accelerated uranium ion beam and track etch kinetics are discussed. It is hoped that a charge resolution of two charge units can be achieved provided an additional parameter is taken into account. The prospects to study abundances of Lead group, Uranium group and superheavy element in extraterrestrial crystals are discussed, and usefulness of these studies in the light of studies with electronic and plastic detectors is assessed

    Probing Primordial Magnetism with Off-Diagonal Correlators of CMB Polarization

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    Primordial magnetic fields (PMF) can create polarization BB-modes in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) through Faraday rotation (FR), leading to non-trivial 2-point and 4-point correlators of the CMB temperature and polarization. We discuss the detectability of primordial magnetic fields using different correlators and evaluate their relative merits. We have fully accounted for the contamination by weak lensing, which contributes to the variance, but whose contribution to the 4-point correlations is orthogonal to that of FR. We show that a Planck-like experiment can detect scale-invariant PMF of nG strength using the FR diagnostic at 90GHz, while realistic future experiments at the same frequency can detect 10^{-10} G. Utilizing multiple frequencies will improve on these prospects, making FR of CMB a powerful probe of scale-invariant PMF.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; unit typos fixed in fig 1 and

    Primordial B-mode Diagnostics and Self Calibrating the CMB Polarization

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    Distortions in the primordial cosmic microwave background (CMB) along the line-of-sight can be modeled and described using 11 fields. These distortion fields correspond to various cosmological signals such as weak gravitational lensing of the CMB by large-scale structure, screening from patchy reionization, rotation of the plane of polarization due to magnetic fields or parity violating physics. Various instrumental systematics such as gain fluctuations, pixel rotation, differential gain, pointing, differential ellipticity are also described by the same distortion model. All these distortions produce B-mode that contaminate the primordial tensor B-modes signal. In this paper we show that apart from generating B-modes, each distortion uniquely couples different modes (\bfl_1\ne \bfl_2) of the CMB anisotropies, generating correlations which for the primordial CMB are zero. We describe and implement unbiased minimum variance quadratic estimators which using the off diagonal correlations in the CMB can extract the map of distortions. We perform Monte-Carlo simulations to characterize the estimators and illustrate the level of distortions that can be detected with current and future experiments. The estimators can be used to look for cosmological signals, or to check for any residual systematics in the data. As a specific example of primordial tensor B-mode diagnostics we compare the level of minimum detectable distortions using our method with maximum allowed distortion level for the B-modes detection. We show that for any experiment, the distortions will be detected at high significance using correlations before they would show up as spurious B-modes in the power spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure