16 research outputs found


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    W ostatnim dziesi臋cioleciu rozw贸j i wdro偶enie technik molekularnych zrewolucjonizowa艂o diagnostyk臋 i monitorowanie chor贸b cz艂owieka. Techniki bada艅 kwas贸w nukleinowych, takie jak genotypowanie DNA mikroorganizm贸w, analiza polimorfizmu fragment贸w restrykcyjnych (RFLP) i reakcja 艂a艅cuchowa polimerazy (PCR) przyczyniaj膮 si臋 do sta艂ego post臋pu w laboratoriach diagnostyki medycznej. Analiza sekwencji amplifikowanych fragment贸w DNA umo偶liwia lepsz膮 identyfikacj臋 patogen贸w, wykrywanie zmutowanych gen贸w a tak偶e prognozowanie okre艣lonych chor贸b.In the last decade, the development and application of molecular techniques has revolutionised the diagnosis and monitoring of human diseases. Nucleic acids techniques, such as microbial DNA genotyping, analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), are making progress in medical diagnostic laboratories. Sequence analysis of amplified DNA allows better identification of pathogen, detection of mutant genes and more accurate prognosis of certain diseases

    A radiographic facility at the Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS) at 艢wierk, Poland

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    This paper describes the 6 MeV linac electron accelerator facility now operating at SINS, 艢wierk, Poland. The accelerator can work in both the electron or X-ray photon mode. The photon beam may be used for non-destructive radiographic investigations on a laboratory scale and, with some modifications, for industrial purposes, as well. As the accelerator's removable tungsten e/X converter is placed outside, the beam vacuum window, an external electron beam is also accessible. The design stages of the accelerator's construction are described, and examples of measurements and radiographic pictures are also presented

    Status ekspresji receptor贸w estrogenowych (ER), progesteronowych (PR) i ludzkiego epidermalnego czynnika wzrostu HER-2 w rakach piersi: badania populacji pacjentek Centrum Onkologii w Bydgoszczy

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    In Poland, the number of newly diagnosed cases of breast cancers increases continuously and currently amounts to ca. 16000 cases per annum, with a reduced tendency in a number of deaths caused by the breast cancer observed for last 20 years. According to statistical data for 2010, the breast cancer represented 22.4% of all neoplasms in women and was fi rst in terms of occurrence.Liczba nowych zachorowa艅 na raka piersi w Polsce stale ro艣nie i aktualnie wynosi oko艂o 16000 na rok, przy czym na przestrzeni minionych 20 lat obserwuje si臋 tendencj臋 do obni偶enia liczby zgon贸w spowodowanych rakiem piersi. Wed艂ug danych statystycznych za rok 2010, rak piersi stanowi艂 22,4% wszystkich nowotwor贸w u kobiet i znajdowa艂 si臋 na pierwszym miejscu w kolejno艣ci wyst臋powania