612 research outputs found

    Optimal PMU Placement for Türkiye 400 kV Interconnected Power System Observability with Dragonfly Algorithm

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    The Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) is a modern measuring device built on the system for monitoring, controlling, and protecting power systems. Since the costs of PMU devices are very high, they must be placed in the system in optimum numbers and in a way that monitors the whole system. This study determined the locations and numbers of the optimal number of PMU devices that can monitor the whole system. Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) methods are proposed to solve the optimum PMU placement (OPP) problem. Then, the solution to the problem is carried out using Dragonfly Algorithm (DA), which is proposed as a new heuristic method. Solution methods were applied to the IEEE 14-Bus Test System and Türkiye 400 kV Interconnected Power System, and the results were compared. In addition, the results of the proposed methods were compared with the results of different studies in the literature. Thanks to the ILP, BPSO, and DA methods proposed in this study, it has been determined that power systems can be observed with fewer PMU devices. The DA method offers a great cost advantage as it is the method that provides a solution with 5 fewer PMU devices for the 400 kV Interconnected Power System in Türkiye

    Inhibition of iNOS induction and nf-κΒ activation by taste compounds from the edible mushroom tricholoma caligatum (Viv.) ricken

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    © 2019 ACG Publications. All rights reserved. Tricholoma caligatum (Viv.) Ricken is an edible mushroom that belongs to matsutake group. The first chemical investigation of the three different extracts of Tricholoma caligatum resulted in two new compounds, 8-demethoxylascivol (1) and 8-epi-lascivol (2) and six known compounds, lascivol (3), trametenolic acid (4), ergosterol (5), ergosterol peroxide (6), 5α, 6α-epoxyergosterol (7), and cerebroside B (8). Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic analyses including 1D and 2D NMR data. The biological activities of all the compounds were evaluated toward multiple targets related to inflammation and metabolic disorder such as NF-κΒ, iNOS and ROS. The findings of this study reveal that the edible mushroom Tricholoma caligatum could be a potential source for anti-inflammatory bioactive metabolites

    The effects of pre-harvest napthalene acetic acid and aminoethoxyvinylglycine treatments on storage performance of ‘ Ak Sakı’ apple cultivar grown in Erzincan conditions

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    This study was carried out to determine the effects of pre-harvest aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG, 150, 225 ve 300 mg/L) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA, 20 mg/L) treatments in different doses on storage performance of ‘Ak Sakı’ apple cultivar (Malus domestica Borkh.) in 2012. The changes on some fruit quality parameters were measured at 2±1 oC temperature and with 90±5 % relative humidity at 45 days interval during storage. The lowest weight loss was obtained from 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits during the storage. In the all analysis date, the highest L* value was obtained from 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits, and the lowest hue angle value was reported from the fruits of control treatment. The flesh firmness was determined that the best kept in the 225 and 300 mg/L AVG treated fruits during the storage. The flesh firmness significantly reduced with NAA treatment at the end of storage. The highest soluble solids concentration (SSC) was obtain from control fruit during the storage, whereas the lowest SSC was observed in fruit treated with 300 mg/L AVG. In the all analysis date, the highest titratable acidity was obtained in fruits treated with 225 and 300 mg/L AVG. The starch degradation was delayed with AVG treatments

    Performance Analysis of OFDM and OFDM-MIMO Systems under Fading Channels

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    Fourth-generation (4G) wireless communication system is mainly based on MIMO (multiple input and multiple output) and OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing). The combination of these two techniques leads to a better system, known as OFDM-MIMO system, providing higher capacity and data rate. This paper demonstrates the BER (bit error rate) performance of OFDM and OFDM-MIMO system using convolution code to encrypt the data stream that can be sent over communication channels. Simulation is made on Matlab using three different channels (AWGN, Rician and Rayleigh). The simulation results show that the combined system has better performance compared to OFDM system. The practical part of this study was conducted by using two USRPs B210 (universal software radio peripheral) for transmitting and receiving, two antennas were used during transmission for both sides. The transmitted signal is successfully recovered

    Digital Effect on University Decision: Perceptions of Teacher Candidates on Virtual Student Forums

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    The objective of this study is to determine how much candidate teachers have utilized internet forums while deciding their university to study. This is a study in survey model. The population of the study consists of freshmen students studying at Usak University’s Faculty of Education in 2014-2015 academic year (400 students). The scale has been distributed to the entire population, while 267 of them have been returned and 251 of them have been evaluated. “Virtual Forum Utilization during University Decision Period” scale has been developed by the researchers. The initial scale consisting of 14 items has been applied to 150 students and two items with low factor load have been dismissed. The renewed 12 item scale has been re-applied to the students. Cronbach-Alpha internal consistency coefficient of the scale has been calculated as .825. Validity of the scale has been tested by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and KMO value of the scale has been calculated as .811. According to the confirmatory factor analysis, the scale consists of seven items and its fit index value has proved to be acceptable. 94% of the candidate teachers have memberships at student forums, while 89% of them get online at these forums several times a day. 42% of the teacher candidates utilize these forums to follow current affairs. Candidate teachers have reported that they had frequently visited student forums while they were about to decide their university to study. Independent groups t test has yielded that there is no significant difference between the forum utilization levels of female and male candidate teachers. One way variance analysis has shown that candidate teachers at social sciences teaching department utilize student forums more than other departments

    Adipomyobiology Of Obesity And Related Diseases: Therapy Insights

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    Today, the most widespread disease around the world is not COVID-19 or any other communicable disease. Indeed, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been recognized as the main risks for cardiometabolic diseases (CMD) and their morbidity and mortality signature. Recent studies revealed that the adipose tissue and the skeletal muscles may function as endocrine and paracrine organs secreting multiple proteins termed adipokines and myokines respectively. Some of them being produced both by adipose and skeletal tissue, hence dubbed adipomyokines. The contents of this review highlights the following two topics: (i) the progress in knowledge of adipomyokines may lead to better understandings of the process of pathogenesis of obesity and related CMD, and (ii) in-depth studies on Palade-Blobel’s general theory of cell protein secretion may allow to explore its pharmacological potentials for new therapies of these diseases. This may open up an intriguing line of scientific enquiry that will unite adipobiologists and myobiologists in the fight against obesity and related CMD

    Spor pazarlama çalışmalarında yeni medya aracı olarak internet kullanımının stratejik önemi: “Türkiye ve İngiltere’deki spor kulüplerinin web sayfalarının İncelenmesi"

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    Sports being of great interest around the world has been an important factor in the marketing field thanks to both favorite sportsmen and its reaching a large target audience. The competition existed in its any field makes it necessary to be carried out a strategic marketing plan so as to raise awareness of each sport club. It attracts attention that the sport clubs in the process of branding in accordance with their marketing targets consider the developments in new media and try to be dominant in marketing activities by taking the advantage of internet. Within this context, the great interest and adherence towards sports; how sports clubs having the most championships in the last ten years both in Turkey and England use internet in the marketing field; similarities and differences between them are presented in this study through the method of content analysis of each sport clubs’ website. It has been found that English sports clubs among the other clubs analyzed in this study are more successful in both being corporate, sports marketing and using social media. Dünya çapında büyük bir ilgi duyulan spor, hem içerisinde barındırdığı yıldız oyuncular hem de geniş bir hedef kitleye seslenmesi açısından pazarlama alanında önem taşır hale gelmiştir. Kendi içerinde hangi branşta olursa olsun rekabetin önemli ölçüde hissedilmesi ise, her bir spor kulübünün kendi farkındalığını sağlamak üzere stratejik pazarlama çalışmaları yapmasını gerekli  kılmıştır. Bu pazarlama hedefleri doğrultusunda markalaşmaya başlayan spor kulüplerinin ise, yeni medya  alanındaki gelişmeleri göz önüne almaları ve dijital çağın sunduğu  internetin sağladığı imkanlardan yararlanarak pazarlama faaliyetlerinde üstünlük kurmaya çalışmaları dikkat çekmektedir. Bu kapsamda çalışmada hem spora duyulan büyük ilgi ve bağlılık hem de bu spor kulüplerinin gerçekleştirdiği pazarlama çalışmalarına olan talep göz önüne alındığında Türkiye ve İngiltere’de son 10 yılda en çok şampiyonluğa sahip olan spor kulüplerinin interneti pazarlama çalışmalarında nasıl kullandıkları ve aralarındaki benzer ve farklı yönler, her bir kulübün web sayfalarında yapılacak içerik analizi yöntemi ile ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda ise, incelenen kulüpler arasında özellikle İngiltere kulüplerinin gerek kurumsallık, gerekse spor pazarlama ve sosyal medya kullanımında daha başarılı olduğuna ulaşılmıştır