36 research outputs found


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    Fish farmers in Nigeria lack adequate information and their production capacity is low. The study ana- lyzed the multimedia channels of information available to fish farmers in Ogun State, Nigeria. Multi- stage sampling techniques was used to select 120 fish farmers in the study area. Primary data were obtained with interview schedule. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data collected. Most of the farmers (97.5%) were male and married. Many (43.3%) had primary education while 30.9% had no formal education. Majority (76.1%) had radio sets while 45.3% and 28.3% had television and phone respectively. Farmers’ accessibility to information was high in radio (79.2%) and extension agents (73.3%) but low in television, flyers, trainings, phone, internet and fellow farmers. Most of the farmers (85.0%) preferred extension agents, radio (71.6%) and television (68.3%) as their source of information on fish farming. Majority (80.0%) preferred Yoruba as the language of broadcast and pub- lications, 16.7% preferred English while 3.3% preferred Igbo. Most (83.3%) of the farmers regarded lack of electricity as the foremost constraint to their access to information on media. Other constraints identified were non-relevance of information to farmers’ felt needs (73.3%), feedback problem (60.0%), inadequate fund (40.8%) and illiteracy (23.3%). Chi-square analysis showed a significant association 2 at p ≤ 0.05 between farmers’ choice of information channels and age (π=19.60), educational level 2 2 2 2 (π=39.82), years of farming (π = 20.48), income (π = 34.03), and media related constraints (π = 6.92). The study established that age, educational level, years of farming, annual income and con- straints experienced by the farmers played significant roles in their choice and use of information channels, and that, farmers have more access to extension agents as channel of information. It was recommended that more information on fish farming should be provided through the multimedia and be based on farmers’ felt needs. More extension workers should be employed and trained while phone-in radio and television programmes should be regularly aired and viewing centres and radio groups established in strategic locations


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    A study was conducted to evaluate the presence and types of haemocytes inherent in haemolymph of two species of giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Haemolymph samples were obtained from three liveweight groups of snails (< 100 g, 101-150 g and >150 g) after removal of the first three whorls of the shell. Smears were made from thin layer of settled portion of the haemolymph after six hours. Staining was carried out after air drying at room temperature with MayGrünwald-Giemsa stain.  Four replicates per liveweight per species were used. Representative slides were selected after viewing under microscope. Dimensions of haemocytes identified were taken followed by photomicrograph. Results showed that four haemocyte types were present in the haemolymph of both species. Those haemocytes identified in Archachatina marginata had significantly (P<0.001) higher dimensions than those found in Achatina achatina. Morphologically, the haemocytes were different in terms of shapes, nucleus position and cytoplasm types. It can therefore be concluded from this study that four circulating haemocytes types are present in both Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina. Furthermore, in terms of dimension, Archachatina marginata had higher values compared to Achatina achatina. Also, morphologically, those four haemocyte types are different from each other in both specie of giant African land snails.Â


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    The National Fadama Development Project (FADAMA II) was an idea conceived by the World Bank, Africa Development Bank and Federal Government with active involvements of the State and Local governments as quick and sustainable agriculture and rural development strategy targeted at dry sea- son farming activities and related agro–processing and marketing. This study was carried out to as- sess the contributions of Fadama II project to aquaculture development in Ogun State, Nigeria. 120 fish farmers were selected using multi-stage sampling techniques and structured, pre-tested and vali- dated interview guides to elicit information from fish farmers. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study revealed that majority of the respondents were male (60.8%), married (84.2%), cultured Clarias spp. only (62.5%) and also had large household sizes (63.3%), secondary education (44.2%), source of aquaculture messages was mainly from telephone (GSM-66.7%) and extension guides/bulletins (75.8%), and generated large annual fisheries’ income from Fadama aquaculture (65.8%). Fadama II project had contributed positively to acquisition of pro- ductive asset, poverty reduction, increased income, rural infrastructure, provision of input supports, project management, reduced fish culture period, increase in overall fish yield, expansion of fishery business, improvement in livelihood, and demand-responsive advisory services. The results also showed that majority of the fish farmers considered both lack of finance and high cost/lack of construc- 2 tion equipment as serious factors affecting their fish farming. The results of Chi-square analysis (X ) revealed that there was a significant relationship between the Fadama II project and aquaculture de- velopment in provision of Pilot Assets Acquisition Support (X2 = 52.050; P<0.05). Based on the find- ings, it was recommended that more Fadama facilitators should be employed to provide technical knowledge to fish farmers on how to use some equipment and on how to improve their fish farming business and productivity


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    The emergence and wide-spread dissemination of antimicrobial resistant bacteria strains is a global phenomenon of great public health and economic implications. Antimicrobial resistance was investigated in enterobacteriaceae isolated from apparently healthy and diseased poultry birds using the broth micro-dilution method to determine antimicrobial minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). In all, 504 bacterial isolates including Escherichia coli (471), Klebsiella spp (28) and Salmonella enterica isolates (5) were studied. The isolates were resistant to ampicillin (88.5%), chloramphenicol (62.3%), ciprofloxacin (74.8%), enrofloxacin (81.0%), neomycin (83.9%), norfloxacin (78.8%), streptomycin (91.3%) and tetracycline (83.3%). The geometric mean MIC (µg/µL) of tested antimicrobials for enterobacteriaceae is as follows: ampicillin (102.5), chloramphenicol (48.4), ciprofloxacin (19.1), enrofloxacin (34.5), neomycin (47.7), norfloxacin (24.5), streptomycin (142.2) and tetracycline (62.5). Although rates of resistance to ampillin, streptomycin and tetracycline were similar among isolates from apparently healthy and diseases birds, resistance to chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, neomycin and norfloxacin were significantly higher (p<0.05) in isolates from diseased chickens than in those from apparently healthy chickens. The high rates of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria may contribute to the persistence of pathogens in poultry flock and ineffectiveness of antimicrobial chemotherapy during disease outbreaks.Â


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    In this study, heat transfer properties of 10 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ceiling composites and 4 other non-PVC ceiling materials, such as particle board, cardboard, plywood and asbestos were determined using an automated Lee’s disc apparatus and XRY-1C bomb calorimeter. Results obtained indicated that asbestos were consistent in being inert to ignition in addition to having the lowest specific heat capacity (SHC). Polyvinyl chloride ceiling composites had advantageous thermal conductivities in comparison to the non-PVC ceiling materials. The SHCs and thermal characteristics of ceiling materials for building constructions and other applications should be appraised by manufacturers where combustion requirements are of utmost consideration

    Implications of Deceptive Practices of Poultry Input Suppliers on Poultry Production in Kwara State, Nigeria

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    Deceptive practices of poultry input suppliers are partly responsible for inability to meet the consumption of recommended animal protein (35g/person/day). The study examined the prevailing deceptive practices and effects on poultry production in Nigeria. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to select 70 small scale poultry farmers used as respondents. Data were analyzed using percentages and means. The respondents (68.6%) had a minimum of secondary school education and spent averagely 15.7 years in poultry production. The findings showed that deceptive practices include adulteration of feed ingredients, marketing of under‑weighed feeds, lack of proximate analysis of nutrient composition of feeds and use of old bags for packaging. The respondents (81.3%) agreed that deceptive practices delayed the start of growing period of the fowls. Similarly, 79.5% and 61% experienced low meat and egg production, respectively, resulting in expensive animal protein, increased production overheads (83.4%), lowered returns on investment (90.1%). The result of hypothesis indicated a positive significant relationship between the level of educational attainment of respondents and ability to identify deceptive practices in poultry production (R = 0.214, P ≤ 0.05) among respondents. Nigerian Institute of Animal Science and other relevant regulatory agencies should have a structure to regulate and award penalties to culpable individuals in these deceptive practices. Extension organizations should educate poultry producers on the concept of deceptive practices and its consequences. Keywords: adulteration; poultry feeds; egg production; poultry meat production

    Effects of Emission Characteristics on Elemental Composition of Selected PVC Ceiling Materials

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    This research work determined the emission characteristics and elemental composition of selected PVC ceiling materials common in Nigerian markets especially during service. This research work determined the emission characteristics and elemental composition of selected PVC ceiling materials common in Nigerian markets. The emission data and elemental structure gave insight to appraise their suitability as ceiling materials. Three PVC ceiling materials were used for this analysis: Nigerian made PVC, layered Composite PVC and white PVC. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) was performed to obtain the elemental structure of the ceiling materials using Ion Beam Analysis facility. 0.05 kg of the samples were combusted in a controlled fire chamber and the gasses emitted; CO, SO2, NO, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) were identified using four gas analyzers. Elements were detected in total and data collected from the experiment were analyzed. Results showed that Nigerian made PVC has the highest total noxious gas among the three samples with value of 3732.5 ppm while layered composite PVC has the lowest among the PVCs with the value of 1477.5 ppm. The elemental make-ups of the samples influence their emission characteristics. The study established that PVC samples were noxious in terms of their emission characteristics due to the effects of their elemental basis

    Effective Doses and Excess Lifetime Cancer Risks from Absorbed Dose Rates Measured in Facilities of Two Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

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    This study was aimed at examining the radiation absorbed dose rate, annual effective doses and excess lifetime cancer risks of halls of residence, Radiotherapy Unit and Radiology Department of UI, UCH and UNIMEDTH respectively. Results of measurements show that the mean absorbed dose rate for male and female hall are 0.33 ± 0.05476 and 0.17 ± 0.05074 µSv h-1 respectively. The mean overall absorbed dose rates calculated for facilities studied are 0.269 ± 0.0992 µSv h-1, 0.121 ± 0.036 µSv h-1 and 0.123 ± 0.00931 µSv h-1 in UI, UCH and UNIMEDTH respectively. The mean annual effective doses recorded in both male and female halls in University of Ibadan ranges between 0.71 mSv y-1 and 2.67 mSv y-1. The mean annual effective doses obtained from the facility of University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital, Ondo (UNIMEDTH) ranges between 0.17 and 0.44 mSv y-1. In addition, the mean annual effective doses calculated from the measured absorbed dose rate in Radiotherapy Department of University College Hospital, Ibadan ranges between 0.20 and 1.22 mSv y-1. As regards ELCRs, the mean values  determined in various facilities examined are 6.07 x 10-3 (Male Halls, UI), 3.27 x 10-3 (Female Halls, UI), 0.57 x 10-3 (UNIMEDTH- NE), 0.99 x 10-3 (UNIMEDTH- EX), 0.65 x x 10-3 (Teletherapy, UCH) and 0.57 x 10-3 (Brachytherapy, UCH).The mean ELCRs of both halls examined are higher than the world average of 1.45 x 10-3 and the standard value of 0.29 x 10-3 by at least a factor of 1.97 units

    Flame Behaviour Comparison of Building Ceiling Composite using Combustion Calorimeter

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    This study determined the heat of combustion characteristics of selected building ceilings materials. The study was intending to appraise the flame affinity or retardance of building ceiling materials during combustion. Careful selection of ceiling composite was carried out in areas like Osun state, Ogun state, Lagos state, and Kaduna State. The heat of combustion was determined, having identified the heating value from the XRY-1C Oxygen Bomb Calorimeter. The heat flux and heat release rates were determined from the results of the combustion experiment. Based on the data obtained from the discrete experiments, the combustion integrity of the samples was appraised. Particleboard has the highest heat of combustion of 45.666J/kg, while asbestos failed to ignite. Other Polyvinyl chlorides (PVC) left ≤ 0.0007kg of char after combustion and became deliquescent after long minutes of exposure to air. The heat release rate is highest with particleboard, 118.9219 J/s, and lowest with sample 7, 2.230 J/s. The study thus establishes that PVC is safer in terms of combustion properties compared to plant-based building ceilings. Asbestos has the overall most reliable properties, but for asbestosis, its use isn't safe for use. It is necessary to develop building ceilings with flame retardant characteristics of asbestos as an alternative to it

    Comparison of the Elemental Structure and Emission Characteristics of Selected PVC and Non PVC Ceiling Materials Available in Nigerian Markets

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    The recurring fire outbreak in buildings in Nigeria is quite alarming, just as the shift to the use of PVC as a choice for ceiling material due to its aesthetic appearance is on the increase. Hence this study determined the emission characteristics PVC and non-PVC samples. This was done with a view to establishing their suitability as ceiling materials in building designs for tropical countries and providing thermal and combustion data for building stakeholders that could help to checkmate man made fire disasters. This experiment involves the burning of a consistent mass, 50g of 6 samples of 3 PVC and 3 non-PVC in an open furnace where the combustion is carefully controlled. It investigates the flue gasses concentration emitted in the cause of fire outbreak and its effect on occupants. It responds to the question in mind that not only visible flame kills but also toxicity from flue gas can be detrimental to health of victims. The results showed that PVC samples are unwelcome in terms of their emission characteristics which were due to their elemental makeup of their composites such as PVC recorded highest Carbon composition of 77.9% and lowest oxygen composition of 18.0 %. VOCs are cancerous, cause dizziness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting and eventual death. Benzene, a known VOC, is used in making PVC which is a human carcinogen compound. Ceiling materials that will achieve low noxious emission and as well fire retardant should be investigated and employed for use. These materials can be improved upon to achieve environmental friendly building materials