5 research outputs found

    Adaptive Agent Systems in Contemporary e-Commerce Environment

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    Ewolucja priorytetów konsumenckich, ukierunkowana na oszczędność czasu transakcji, spersonalizowane podejście i ogólne odejście od ceny jako jedynego i najważniejszego wyznacznika jakości produktów i usług spowodowały nasilenie dynamiki zmian zachodzących w handlu elektronicznym. Zdeterminowało to konieczność zastosowania technologii, która w sposób efektywny sprostałaby wymogom stawianym przez analizowany rynek. Technologią taką są inteligentni agenci programowi. Autorzy, poprzez wyróżnienie wybranych zastosowań systemów tej klasy w obszarze analizowanego rynku, wskazują na cechę adaptacyjności jako kluczową dla sprawnego i efektywnego funkcjonowania tych systemów. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje różne podejścia do kwestii adaptacyjności, która jest odpowiedzią na konieczność dostosowania się agentów do dynamiki zmian zachodzących w środowisku e-commerce. Wymóg taki wynika zarówno z potrzeby modyfikowania swojego zachowania w reakcji na bodźce płynące z otoczenia, jak i z interakcji z innymi agentami w systemach wieloagentowych.The evolution of consumer priorities focused on time-saving transactions, a personalized approach and the general move away from price as the sole and most important determinant of the quality of products and services have resulted in intensification of dynamic changes in e-commerce. This determined the need for technology which would effectively meet the requirements set by the market. Such a technology are intelligent program agents. The authors, through the award of selected applications of this class of systems in the analyzed market, indicate adaptability as a key for their efficient and effective functioning. This article presents different approaches to the issue of adaptability, which is a response to the need for agents to adapt to dynamic changes in the environment of e-commerce. Such a requirement is clear both from the need to modify their behavior in response to stimuli from the environment in which they operate and from the interaction with other agents in multi-agent systems

    Innovation in the construction of educational systems balancing the supply-demand of PhD candidates. An initial research survey

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    Nowadays, the requirements and expectations of universities are increasing along with globalization. The functions of Research and Development and the doctorate programmes which aim to support education and train the academic staff, came to the fore with globalization. The doctorate programmes in European countries cannot be updated fast enough and quotas for these programs are insufficient in some regions – faster balancing seems to be the must. The Decision Support System (DSS) can be a solution to the problem. In this study, the candidates’ demand of the universities, the public-private organizations and R&D centres are included to a model. As a result DSS will help us identify the need for candidates and develop PhD planning strategies by analysing the current situation of the university policies through the innovative model balancing the supply-demand for PhD candidates – including formulae of doctorate implementation (recently introduced in Poland)

    Usługi dla osób wykluczonych w miejskich platformach wiedzy

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    Exclusion phenomenon denotes processes in which some group of people or individuals is permanently blocked from resources (mostly considered as social exclusion). The discussed phenomenon can be considered in many aspects: identifying exclusion as a process, multidimensional research in this area and presenting solutions useful in solving problems. Real support of the processes in overtaking exclusion phenomenon can be offered from Information and Communication Technologies area. The aim of this paper is the presentation of smart city portals content in order to support services devoted to exclusion processes neutralization. Several existing portals of selected smart cities are taken into account. The contents of the research sample will be analysed to investigate the state of the art solutions in the area and confronted with the concept of knowledge portal. The paper consists of five parts, including Introduction and Conclusions. The three merit parts describe exclusion phenomena, then general concept of knowledge portal devoted to services is presented and the last part demonstrates existing solutions in this area

    Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management

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    International audienc