110 research outputs found

    Tolerantnost kukuruza (Zea mays L.) na prisustvo NaCl tokom klijanja i nicanja

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    Since corn is grown in climatically diverse regions and under different production conditions, assuming that high salinity in the substrate affect corn seed performance, such conditions were simulated in this study in order to examine their effects on seedling geminability and length in several corn genotypes. The study showed that the tested seeds tolerated the stress conditions up to a certain point. The studied genotypes differed in level of resistance to the stress conditions. Salt concentrations were determined, which were capable of affecting negatively seed germinability and seedling growth.S obzirom na širok areal rasprostranjenja i na različite uslove proizvodnje, seme kukuruza izloženo je različitim stresnim uslovima koji vladaju u pojedinim rejonima. Seme različitih genotipova kukuruza izloženo je različitim nepovoljnim faktorima. Simulirani su uslovi povećanog sadržaja soli u supstratu kao i njihov uticaj na klijavost i dužinu klijanca kod pojedinih genotipova kukuruza. Seme svih biljnih vrsta je osetljivo na nepovoljne uslove koji se mogu javiti u prirodi. Povećan sadržaj soli može da utiče na smanjenje klijavosti semena kukuruza kao i na smanjenje dužine korena i dužine ponika. Ispitivanja su pokazala razliku između genotipova u otpornosti na stresne uslove. Takođe ispitivanjem su utvrđene koncentracije koje mogu imati negativan uticaj kako na klijavost semena tako i na porast klice. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivano seme može podneti određene nepovoljne uslove

    Testing of seed viability using different tests

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    Tetrazolium test is a biochemical test that distinguishes viable from non-viable seeds based on breathing activity in the seed itself. The test finds application as a backup procedure for identifying a viable, but dormant, i.e. dormant seeds that failed to germinate during the germination test. The tetrazolium test is not an absolute test of the viability of the seed, and to make the conclusions valid, the results obtained by applying this test must be compared with the results of other germination tests for each plant species. This study included seed of two oil type and one confectionery sunflower hybrids, separated by size and weight into six fractions. Testing seed germination was carried out on four replicates of 100 seeds by applied Standard laboratory test and tetrazolium test. Obtained results were statistically analysed by applying analysis of variance. The results of the study show that in the case of oily-type hybrids, higher germination is obtained by using a tetrazolium test. Contrary to these results, in the confectionery hybrid, significant differences were observed that occurred between the seed fractions themselves

    Uticaj podloge na klijavost tretiranog semena suncokreta

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    Results of the examination of Rimi hybrid seed showed the existence of a highly significant effect of different substratum on germination energy and germination. Also, a highly significant influence was detected between treatments, while the substratum x treatments interaction was significant. On average, germination energy was the highest on filter paper and it was 90.10%. Also, the germination was the best on filter paper (92.05%). This value was statistically significantly higher (by 13.60%) with respect to germination determined in sand and by 4.00% concerning germination determined in compost.Rezultati ispitivanja energije klijanja i klijavosti semena hibrida Rimi na različitim podlogama za ispitivanje klijavosti ukazali su na postojanje visoko značajnog uticaja podloge na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena. Takođe, visoko značajna razlika utvrđena je i kod primenjenih tretmana, dok se značajna razlika ispoljila kod interakcije podloga x tretmani. U proseku, energija klijanja bila je najveća kod semena koje je naklijavano na filter papiru i iznosila je 90,10%. Ispitivanje klijavosti semena pokazalo je u proseku, takođe, najveću vrednost kod naklijavanja na filter papiru (92,05%). Ova vrednost bila je statistički visoko značajna u odnosu na rezultat ispitivanja u pesku za 13,60%, a u odnosu na ispitivanje u kompostu za 4,00%

    Effect of the environment on the chemical composition and some other parameters of sunflower seed quality

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    Considering the area of sunflower cultivation in the world, the profit made by selling the seed varieties and sunflower hybrids, the number of companies whose business activity is related to production and selling of sunflower seed, the tendency of the struggle for taking the greatest market share is bigger and tougher. This type of competition conditions all seed companies to encourage as many producers as they can with their choice of hybrids and seed quality, all aimed at making bigger profits. The common argument of seed companies for attracting producers is the chemical composition of seed. Chemical composition of sunflower seed consists of great number of different organic compounds, the oil content and proteins being the most important. The objective this research has been to evaluate the differences appearing in seed quality parameters in two localities

    Influence of different substrate on sunflower parents line seed germination

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    Germination is a feature that is characteristic of each individual genotype. If unfavorable conditions can occur during the seed processing, storage, seed treatment, transport, germination and emergence, the value of this parameter may decrease. Therefore the aim of this study was to determine whether the substrate affects seed germination of two sunflower parental lines treated by various combinations of pesticides and stored in different storage conditions. The study involved two substrates for germination - sand and soil. The seed was treated with fungicides: benomyl, metalaxyl and fludioxonil, insecticides: thiamethoxam and imidacloprid, control was untreated seed. The seeds were stored in a warehouse and a cold chamber. Based on the F - test of ANOVA, a significant influence of substrate on seed germination of both examined lines was determined. Seed germination in the soil was significantly higher than in sand – at line L-1 for 16.77%, and line L-2 for 6.54%. The L-1 line noted the existence of a significant effect of storage conditions, the impact of chemical treatment was not significant, and only interaction the storage conditions x substrate were statistically significant. Line L-1 also saw the existence of a significant impact of storage conditions, not significant impact of chemical treatment, and statistically significant only of interaction storage conditions x substrate

    Starenje semena uljane repice

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of oilseed rape seeds, produced at various locations, immediately after harvest and after a one-year storage period under controlled and uncontrolled conditions. The experimental testing was performed on seeds of five winter oilseed rape varieties produced at two localities (Rimski Šančevi and Pančevo). Following harvest and a one-year storage period, the seed quality was determined under laboratory conditions using standard germination tests. Seed germination, seedling length and vigour index were determined after seven days. The seed germination, length of seedling and vigour index values of the seeds produced at both localities were lower after one year of storage. Differences obtained between the seeds stored under controlled and uncontrolled conditions were not statistically significant. The seeds with higher initial values of all the tested parameters proved better under storage conditions.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi kvalitet semena neposredno posle žetve i nakon godinu dana skladištenja, u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima, kod semena proizvedenog na različitim lokalitetima. Ispitivanja su izvedena na semenu, pet sorti ozime uljane repice, proizvedenog na dva lokaliteta (Rimski Šančevi i Pančevo). Nakon žetve i godinu dana skladištenja, u laboratorijskim uslovima, utvrđen je kvalitet semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Nakon 7 dana utvrđeni su klijavost semena, dužina ponika i vigor indeks. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Rimski Šančevi kretala se 91,00 - 95,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim uslovima klijavost je bila niža i iznosila je 85,00 - 91,75%, dok je kod semena čuvanog u nekontrolisanim uslovima klijavost iznosila 84,50 - 90,75%. Klijavost semena kod sorata proizvedenih na lokalitetu Pančevo je bila značajno manja i neposreno posle žetve je iznosila 73,75 - 82,50%. Nakon godinu dana starenja klijavost je statistički značajno opala i kod semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim (51,25 - 71,0%) i nekontrolisanim uslovima (53,50 - 71,25%). Dužina ponika i vigor indeks su bili niži nakon godinu dana sklaištenja kod semena proizvedenog na oba lokaliteta. Razlike dobijene između semena čuvanog u kontrolisanim i nekontrolisanim uslovima nisu bile statistički značajne. Seme koje je imalo više početne vrednosti ispitivanih parametara bolje je podnelo uslove sklaištenja

    Klijavost semena i porast ponika uljane repice u uslovima sonog stresa

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    Oilrape is used for human consumption, domestic animal consumption, for biodiesel production, as bee pasture and as an important green manure. This crop is tolerant to many soil types (including saline soils) in the growing regions across the globe. Testing was done on three oilrape winter varieties: Ana, Slavica and Ilia. The influence of salinity on seed quality was determined after the harvest using standard laboratory methods under laboratory conditions. Seed germination in the control ranged from 92.75 % do 96 %. As NaCl concentration increased from 150 mmol/l to 250 mmol/l, germination decreased, and statistically the lowest values were obtained at the concentration of 300 mmol/l in Slavica and Ilija varieties (57-84 %). In all studied genotypes, the first seedlings emerged after three days of testing in the control and at NaCl concentrations of 75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l and 200 mmol/l. The seed germinated on the medium moisturized with 250 mmol/l NaCl started to germinate after four days of testing, while the seed germinated on the medium moisturized with 300 mmol/l NaCl started germination after five days. The length of seedlings was statistically the most significant in the control in all three varieties. Statistically the lowest values were obtained in the seedlings at NaCl concentration of 300 mmol/l. For successful production under stress conditions, adaptable genotypes which have pronounced positive interaction with environmental conditions should be chosen.Uljana repica je biljna vrsta koja je tolerantna na mnoge tipove zemljišta u regionima gajenja širom sveta, koja dobro podnosi zaslanjena zemljišta. Ispitivanja su izvedena na tri sorte ozime uljane repice: Ana, Slavica i Ilia. Nakon žetve, utvrđen je uticaj zaslanjenosti na kvalitet semena primenom standardnog laboratorijskog metoda. Filter papir je kvašen destilovanom vodom (kontrola) i različitim koncentracijama NaCl (75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l, 200 mmol/l, 250 mmol/l i 300 mmol/l). Nakon 7 dana utvrđeni su klijavost semena, brzina klijanja semena i dužina ponika. Klijavost semena u kontroli se kretala od 92.75% do 96%. Sa povećanjem koncentracije NaCl od 150 mmol/l do 250 mmol/l klijavost se smanjivala i statistički najniže vrednosti dobijene su na koncentraciji od 300 mmol/l kod sorti Slavica i Ilija (57%-84%). Kod svih ispitivanih genotipova prvi klijanci su se pojavili nakon tri dana ispitivanja i to u kontroli i na koncentracijama NaCl od 75 mmol/l, 100 mmol/l, 150 mmol/l i 200 mmol/l . Seme naklijavano na podlozi kvašenoj sa 250 mmol/l NaCl počelo je da klija nakon 4 dana ispitivanja, a nakon 5 dana na podlozi kvašenoj sa 300 mmol/l NaCl. Dužina ponika je bila statistički značajno najveća u kontroli, kod sve tri sorte. Statistički značajno najniže vrednosti su dobijene kod ponika na koncentraciji 300 mmol/l NaCl. Za uspešnu proizvodnju u stresnim uslovima treba odabirati genotipove koji su adaptabilni i imaju izraženu pozitivnu interakciju sa uslovima spoljne sredine

    Masa 1000 semena suncokreta u zavisnosti od godine i genotipa

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    For a successful seed production, it is necessary to know the size, i.e. 1000-seed weight, since it affects the sowing rate, plant density over the vegetative period as well as the seed yield per unit area. The study was conducted in field conditions, on plots where seed production of sunflower hybrids parental components was organized. Seed production was based at three different localities. Observation was conducted during the course of three years. The study was performed on 18 different genotypes. Considering the total number of the observed genotypes, 10 genotypes represented lines based on CMS, while the remaining 8 genotypes represented restorer lines. The study showed that 1000-seed weight was higher with CMS based lines than with restorer lines, which was expected considering the branching of the restorer lines. Sunflower 1000-seed weight depended on the year of observation and the observed genotype. Year had a significant effect on 1000-seed weight.Za uspešnu semensku proizvodnju neophodno je poznavati krupnoću, tj. masu 1000 semena jer ona utiče na setvenu normu, optimalan sklop biljka u toku vegetacije, a samim tim i na prinos semena po jedinici površine. Ispitivanje je vršeno u poljskim uslovima na parcelama gde je organizovana semenska proizvodnja roditeljskih komponenti hibrida suncokreta. Semenska proizvodnja organizovana je na tri različita lokaliteta. Posmatranje se odvijalo tokom tri godine. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 18 različitih genotipova. Od ukupnog broja posmatranih genotipova, 10 genotipova predstavljale su linije na bazi CMS-a, dok su preostalih 8 genotipova predstavljale restorer linije. Ispitivanja su pokazala da je masa 1000 semena veća kod linija na bazi CMS-a u odnosu na restorer linije, što je bilo i za očekivati s obzirom na granatost linija restorera. Masa 1000 semena suncokreta zavisila je od godine posmatranja i posmatranog genotipa. Godine kao faktor posmatranja imale su značajnog uticaja na masu 1000 semena

    Ispitivanje uticaja hemijskog tretiranja i dužine skladištenja semena na suvu masu klijanaca suncokreta

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    Chemical treatment of seed is a common crop protection measure. In the case of sunflower seed, fungicides are used regularly and insecticides at an increasing rate. In some cases, sunflower hybrid seed not planted in the first year is planted in the second or even third year after production. Seed vigour decreases gradually over time, which negatively affects seed emergence and subsequent plant growth and development. Seed with high vigour is expected to germinate quickly, producing seedlings that grow fast and uniformly. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of seed chemical treatment and storage length on seedling dry matter content in different sunflower hybrids. The study included several variants with fungicide and pesticide treatments and an untreated control. In the case of the hybrid NS-H-111, highest values of the studied characteristic were recorded in the control and directly after chemical treatment. In the case of the hybrid Sremac, the lowest value was recorded in seed treatment with benomyl+metalaxyl, highest in the treatments directly after chemical treatment and in seed stored for six months. In the case of the hybrid Šumadinac, highest values were recorded in the control and in seed treatment with fludioxonil+metalaxyl, the lowest in seed treatment with fludioxonil+metalaxyl+im idacloprid. Regarding the effect of different seed storage periods, highest values of the studied characteristic were recorded shortly after chemical treatment and in seed stored for six months.Hemijski tretman semena je uobičajena mera u zaštiti semena ratarskih biljaka. Kod suncokreta se za tretman semena obavezno koriste fungicidi, a sve češće i insekticidi. Ponekad se seme koje ne ode u promet u godini tretmana pušta u promet naredne, a nekad čak i nakon dve godine. Vigor semena se u toku čuvanja postepeno smanjuje, što se nepovoljno odražava na klijanje, a kasnije i na rastenje i razviće. Od semena sa visokim vigorom može se očekivati da klija brže, a da ponik raste brže i ujednačenije. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita uticaj hemijskih tretmana i dužine čuvanja semena na suvu masu klijanaca hibrida suncokreta. U ispitivanje su bile uključene kombinacije sa fungicidima i insekticidima, kao i kontrola. Kod hibrida NS-H-111 najveće vrednosti ispitivanog parametra zabeležene su u kontrolnoj varijanti i kod početnog ispitivanja, dok je kod hibrida Sremac najmanja vrednost zabeležena je kod semena tretiranog sa B+M, a najveća kod početnog i ispitivanja nakon šest meseci. Suva masa klijanaca hibrida Šumadinac u kontroli i kod semena tretiranog sa F+M bila je najveća, dok je najmanja vrednost zabeležena kod semena tretiranog sa F+M+I. Kod ispitivanih dužina čuvanja najveće vrednosti zabeležene su na početnom i ispitivanju nakon šest meseci

    Chemical Characterization of Marrubium vulgare Volatiles from Serbia

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    Marrubium vulgare is a cosmopolitan medicinal plant from the Lamiaceae family, which produces structurally highly diverse groups of secondary metabolites. A total of 160 compounds were determined in the volatiles from Serbia during two investigated years (2019 and 2020). The main components were E-caryophyllene, followed by germacrene D, alpha-humulene and alpha-copaene. All these compounds are from sesquiterpene hydrocarbons class which was dominant in both investigated years. This variation in volatiles composition could be a consequence of weather conditions, as in the case of other aromatic plants. According to the unrooted cluster tree with 37 samples of Marrubium sp. volatiles from literature and average values from this study, it could be said that there are several chemotypes: E-caryophyllene, beta-bisabolene, alpha-pinene, beta-farnesene, E-caryophyllene + caryophyllene oxide chemotype, and diverse (unclassified) chemotypes. However, occurring polymorphism could be consequence of adaptation to grow in different environment, especially ecological conditions such as humidity, temperature and altitude, as well as hybridization strongly affected the chemotypes. In addition, this paper aimed to obtain validated models for prediction of retention indices (RIs) of compounds isolated from M. vulgare volatiles. A total of 160 experimentally obtained RIs of volatile compounds was used to build the prediction models. The coefficients of determination were 0.956 and 0.964, demonstrating that these models could be used for predicting RIs, due to low prediction error and high r(2)