2 research outputs found

    Prediction of teenagers' school burnout level in respect to alexithymia and school climate

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    Ergenler, eğitim öğretim sürecinde kendilerinden beklenen eğitsel görev ve sorumluklardan kaynaklı ilgisizlik yaşamakta, bu görev ve sorumluluklara karşı alaycı tavır sergileme şeklinde tanımlanan okul tükenmişliği yaşayabilmektedirler. Ergenlik döneminde sıklıkla rastlanan aleksitimi ve eğitim öğretim sürecinin yaşandığı, okul ikliminin ergenlerin okul tükenmişlik düzeyini etkilediği, araştırmacı tarafından düşünülmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, ergenlerde okul tükenmişliğinin yordayıcısı olarak aleksitimi ve okul ikliminin incelenmesidir. Çalışma 2015-2016 eğitim öğretim yılında Konya ili, Meram ilçesinde üç ortaöğretim kurumunda öğrenim gören, yaşları 14 ile 18 arasında değişen 227'si kız, 173'ü erkek olan toplam 400 öğrenci üzerinde yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın verileri, kişisel bilgi formu, okul tükenmişlik ölçeği, Toronto aleksitimi ölçeği ve okul iklimi ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizi aşamasında SPSS-17 paket programı aracılığı ile pearson momentler çarpımı korelasyon katsayısı, t-testi, varyans ve regresyon analizi yöntemlerinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada anlamlılık düzeyi olarak .05 alınmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, örneklem grubunu oluşturan ergenlerin sınıf düzeyleri arttıkça okul tükenmişlik düzeyinin arttığı, algılanan akademik başarısı düşük öğrencilerin; algıladıkları akademik başarıları orta olan ve algıladıkları akademik başarıları yüksek olan öğrencilerden daha yüksek, okul tükenmişliği yaşadıkları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin okul tükenmişliğini, genel aleksitimi ve aleksitiminin uyum sağlamaya yönelik bilişsel yapı boyutu haricinde tüm alt boyutları (duyguları ve bedensel duyumları ayırt etme güçlüğü, duyguları fark etme ve söze dökme güçlüğü, hayal kurma fantezi yaşamında kısıtlılık) ile okul iklimi ve okul ikliminin tüm alt boyutlarının (öğretmen öğrenci ilişkisi; güvenlik ve düzenlilik; idare; öğrenciler arası ilişkiler; anne-baba, toplum ve okul arası ilişkiler; ders yönetimi; öğrenci etkinlikleri; akademik yönlendirme; davranışsal değerleri; yol gösterme) anlamlı düzeyde açıkladığı saptanmıştır. Bu bulgular ışığında öğretmenlere, idarecilere, ailelere, araştırmacı ve program geliştirme uzmanlarına yönelik öneriler sunulmuştur.Adolescents experience neglect arising from educational duties and responsibilities expected from them during their educational process and they also can experience school burnout described as adopting a mocking attitude towards these duties and responsibilities. It is considered by researcher that alexithymia that is common during the adolescence and school climate where the educational process is lived influence the level of school burnout. The aim of this research is to examine alexithymia and school climate as a predictor of school burnout in adolescents. The study was carried out in 2015-2016 school year in Meram, Konya province, in various secondary education institutions, aged between 14 and 18 227 girls and 173 boys, a total of 400 students. Data from the study were collected using the Personal Information Form, School Burnout Scale, Toronto alexithymia scale and School climate scale. The Pearson Moments Multiplication Correlation Coefficient, t-test, variance and regression analysis methods were used through the SPSS-17 package program in the analysis phase of the data. Significance level was taken as .05 in the study. As a result of study, it is found that, as the class levels of the adolescents increased, their burnout levels also increased and that students with low perceived academic achievement experience higher school burnout that those with middle and high perceived academic achievement. As a result of the research, it was determined that the students predicted School Burnout, General Alexithymia and all dimensions of alexithymia – except Cognitive Structure for Adaptation- (Difficulty to distinguish emotions and physical senses, Difficulty to notice feelings and speaking, Imagination, Limitation in the life of fantasy). At the same time, it has been found that it also predicts all sub-dimensions of School climate and School climate. (Relationship between Teacher and Student, Security and Regularity, Administration, Relations among Students, Parents, Society and School Relations, Course Management, Student Activities, Academic Orientation, Behavioral Values, Guidance). It has been suggested to take measures to reduce or eliminate student burnout by conducting research on these findings on different sample groups, at different educational levels. In the light of these findings, suggestions have been put forward for teachers, administrators, families, researchers and program development experts

    The Attitudes of Prospective Teachers towards Homosexuality: A Case Study in Konya

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    Sexuality has played a natural and significant role in human life throughout history and the interpretations of the values related with sexuality have varied in time and place (Pınar, Pınar, Doğan, Karahan, Algier, at all, 2009). Homosexuality is also interpreted in various ways. In modern Turkey, homosexuals are among the discriminated and marginalised groups (Gelbal, & Duyan, 2006; Oksal, 2008)This study tried to determine the attitudes of prospective teachers towards homosexuality. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the attitudes of the participants vary according to gender, age and domains. The study group consists of 488 students who were studying at Ahmet Kelesoglu Education Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University, in Konya, Turkey in the academic year 2011-2012. The number of female participants was 319 and the number of males was 169. The age of participants ranged from 19 to 22. The Attitudes towards Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) and Personal Information Form were used as data gathering instruments.As regards the studies into gender variable, the males have been found to have more negative attitudes than females.As for the findings related to the age variable, the 21-22 year old participants were found to have more positive attitude towards homosexuals than other age groups. The findings about the domain of the participants showed that the students with equal- weighted had more positive results towards homosexuality