7 research outputs found

    A distributed algorithm for strong bisimulation reduction of state spaces

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    It is a known problem that state spaces can grow very large, which makes operating on them (including reducing them) difficult because of operational memory shortage. In an attempt to extend the size of the state spaces that can be dealt with, we designed and implemented a bisimulation reduction algorithm for distributed memory settings using message passing communication. By using message passing, the same implementation can be used on both clusters of workstations and large shared memory machines. The algorithm performs reduction of large labeled transition systems modulo strong bisimulation. We justify its correctness and termination and provide an evaluation of the worst-case time and message complexity and some performance data from a prototype implementation. Both theory and practice show that the algorithm scales up with the number of workstations

    Fair exchange is incomparable to consensus

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    In asynchronous systems where processes are prone to crash failures, we show that fair exchange is incomparable to distributed consensus. By incomparability we mean there exist failure detector classes that solve fair exchange and not distributed consensus, and vice versa. Remarkably, this is in contrast to the folklore belief that solving fair exchange is generally harder than solving distributed consensus

    Data failures

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    To improve the theoretical understanding of the byzantine model and enable a modular design of algorithms, we propose to decompose the byzantine behaviour into a data failure behaviour and a communication failure behaviour. We argue that the two failure types are orthogonal and we point out how they generate a range of several new interesting failure models, which are less difficult than byzantine, but different than the already well understood crash model. Such intermediate models are relevant and subject to recent studies, e.g. [2]

    Epistemic verification of anonymity

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    Anonymity is not a trace-based property, therefore traditional model checkers are not directly able to express it and verify it. However, by using epistemic logic (logic of knowledge) to model the protocols, anonymity becomes an easily verifiable epistemic formula. We propose using Dynamic Epistemic Logic to model security protocols and properties, in particular anonymity properties. We have built tool support for DEL verification which reuses state-of-the-art tool support for automata-based verification. We illustrate this approach by analyzing an anonymous broadcast protocol and an electronic voting protocol. By comparison with a process-based analysis of the same protocols, we also discuss the relative (dis)advantages of the process-based and epistemic-based verification methods in general

    Refinement of Kripke models for dynamics

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    We propose a property-preserving refinement/abstraction theory for Kripke Modal Labelled Transition Systems incorporating not only state mapping but also label and proposition lumping, in order to have a compact but informative abstraction. We develop a 3-valued version of Public Announcement Logic (PAL) which has a dynamic operator that changes the model in the spirit of public broadcasting. We prove that the refinement relation on static models assures us to safely reason about any dynamic properties in terms of PAL-formulas on the abstraction of a model. The theory is in particular interesting and applicable for an epistemic setting as the example of the Muddy Children puzzle shows, especially in the view of the growing interest for epistemic modelling and (automatic) verification of communication protocols

    Operational and epistemic approaches to protocol analysis: bridging the gap

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    Operational models of protocols, on one hand, are readable and conveniently match their implementation, at a certain abstraction level. Epistemic models, on the other hand, are appropriate for specifying knowledge-related properties such as anonymity. These two approaches to specification and analysis have so far developed in parallel and one has either to define ad hoc correctness criteria for the operational model or use complicated epistemic models to specify the operational behavior. We work towards bridging this gap by proposing a combined framework which allows modeling the behavior of a protocol in a process language with an operational semantics and supports reasoning about properties expressed in a rich logic with temporal and epistemic operators

    Distributed analysis with μCRL:a compendium of case studies

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    \u3cp\u3eModels in process algebra with abstract data types can be analysed by state space generation and reduction tools. The μCRL toolset implements a suite of distributed verification tools for clusters of workstations. We illustrate their application to large case studies from a wide range of application areas, such as functional analysis, scheduling, security analysis, test case generation and game solving.\u3c/p\u3