12 research outputs found

    Estrategias metodológicas utilizadas en el desarrollo de la asignatura Laboratorio didáctico de la física y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de cuarto año de la carrera de física de la Facultad de Educación e Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, en el I Semestre del año académico 2015

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    Las estrategias metodológicas se constituyen en secuencias integradas de procedimientos y recursos utilizados por el docente con la finalidad de desarrollar en los discentes diversas capacidades, habilidades, destrezas, actitudes y valores, que les conlleven a la obtención, interpretación y procesamiento de la información, utilización de estas en la generación de nuevos conocimientos y su aplicación en el campo laboral futuro, con el fin de incidir en la adquisición de aprendizajes significativos. Las estrategias metodológicas deben ser diseñadas de modo que estimulen a los estudiantes a observar, analizar, opinar, formular hipótesis, buscar soluciones y descubrir el conocimiento por sí mismos. Este trabajo de investigación está dirigido a conocer las estrategias metodológicas utilizadas en el desarrollo de la asignatura Laboratorio Didáctico de la Física (LDDF) y su incidencia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de cuarto año de la Carrera de Física de la Facultad de Educación e Idiomas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua, Managua, en el I semestre del año académico 2015. Esta investigación es de tipo cualitativo. Se utilizan técnicas propias de este tipo de investigación, como son: observación directa, entrevista en profundidad, grupo focal y diarios de campos mixtos, abordando cada una con sus individualidades para llegar a establecer generalidades. La investigación se ubica dentro del campo educativo como una investigación aplicada, debido a que se estudia un problema específico, como es: ¿Qué estrategias metodológicas se están utilizando en el desarrollo de la asignatura Laboratorio Didáctico de la Física y cómo incide en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de cuarto año de la Carrera de Física de la Facultad de Educación e Idiomas, en el I semestre del año académico 2015? Y se da respuesta al mismo, mediante el diseño del programa de asignatura de Laboratorio Didáctico I (LDI) y la propuesta de estrategias metodológicas que pueden ser implementadas en la ejecución de dicho programa. Para dar cumplimiento a los propósitos planteados se efectuó un recorrido por diversos escenarios, siendo el principal el Departamento de Física de la Facultad de Educación e Idiomas, debido a que ahí se encontraron los principales informantes. Durante toda la investigación se hizo revisión documental lo más exhaustiva posible. Una vez recopilada toda la información se efectuó el análisis intensivo de la misma, lo que implicó: Efectuar análisis documental al programa de asignatura de Laboratorio Didáctico de la Física, a la entrevista aplicada a docentes con experiencia docente en la asignatura antes mencionada, encuesta aplicada a estudiantes del IV de la Carrera de Física, observaciones directas efectuadas al docente que impartió la asignatura antes mencionada durante el primer semestre del académico del año 2015 y grupo focal desarrollado con los estudiantes en mención. Luego de haber desarrollado el análisis intensivo de la información, se procedió a efectuar el proceso de triangulación de la misma, lo que brindó insumos relevantes para el diseño del programa de asignatura de Laboratorio Didáctico I y la propuesta de estrategias metodológicas con enfoque constructivista que puede ser implementado en el desarrollo de esta asignatura. Asimismo, se derivaron las principales conclusiones del estudio

    Morphometric variability between and within species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea : Ancyrocephalidae) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Monogeneans belonging to the genus Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 are parasitic on the gills of several fish species of the family Mugilidae ( mullets). At present, 12 species belonging to this genus have been described in the Mediterranean Sea and each host species is infected by a number of Ligophorus species that are not found on other mullets. A multivariate study using principal component and canonical variate analyses was carried out, with the aim of investigating the extent of morphometric variability within and between the 12 Mediterranean species of Ligophorus. Significant intraspecific morphometric variation was detected between two allopatric populations of L. angustus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 parasitic on Chelon labrosus from Sardinia; however, the existence of a new species of Ligophorus needs further evidence. Analysis of interspecific variation confirms the validity of the morphological keys used at present for the identification of Ligophorus at the species level and provides a picture of the relationships between species, indicating that the two species parasitising Mugil cephalus, L. chabaudi Euzet & Suriano, 1977 and L. mugilinus ( Hargis, 1955) are the most differentiated. The hypothesis that strict host- parasite ecological relationships may be the result of co- speciation processes is briefly discussed

    Levels of anti-HBs antibody in HBV-vaccinated students enrolled in the faculty of medicine, dentistry and health professions of a large italian university

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    Prophylaxis against hepatitis B virus (HBV) addressed to students of the faculties of health professions has received great attention. Objectives. The present study aims to assess vaccination coverage against hepatitis B in healthcare professionals in training.A retrospective study was carried out using data from the students of medicine, dentistry, and health professions. 4180 vaccination certifications were examined through the internal database. Significant differences (<0.0001) emerge between the number of doses applied and the antibody level. 50.4% of the students have nonprotective antibody levels (<10 IU). The age of the first dose significantly influences the level of coverage, resulting in more coverage in those vaccinated with earlier onset (1-10 years). Antibody levels are not significantly different by type of course; the levels of noncoverage are present in 44.4% of the students of medicine and dentistry and in 50.6% among those belonging to the health professions. This study represents one of the first experiences in Italy on vaccination against HBV and the relationship between doses of vaccination and antibody titer in the biomedical students that can configure a step forward in the real-time monitoring in order to establish a register of vaccination

    Proposta operativa per le vaccinazioni in vari contesti professionali

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    La prevenzione del rischio biologico è un argomento di sempre maggiore attualità e importanza per il Medico Competente non solo perché normato dal Decreto Legislativo 81/08 (comma 2 art 279, il datore di lavoro, su conferme parere del medico competente, adotta misure protettive particolari per quei lavoratori per i quali, anche per motivi sanitari individuali, si richiedono misure speciali di protezione fra le quali: a) la messa a disposizione di vaccini efficaci per quei lavoratori che non sono già immuni all'agente biologico presente nella lavorazione, da somministrare a cura del medico competente) ma anche per la sempre più ampia proposta vaccinale disponibile.The prevention of biological risk is a topic of increasing relevance and importance to the occupational physiciajn not only because regulated by Legislative Decree 81/08 (paragraph 2, art. 279, the employer, upon advice of the competent doctor, adopt protective measures particular for those workers for whom, even for personal health reasons, they require special protection measures, including: a) the provision of effective vaccines for those workers who are not already immune to the biological agent present in the processing, to be administered by the competent doctor); but also for the increasingly available wide vaccination given

    Revision of the behavior of Italian universities towards the HBV vaccination and tuberculosis prophylaxis

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    Diagnostic screening for hepatitis B and tuberculosis infection bears a very important role for health care professionals even considering the decreasing epidemiological trends. According to the WHO predictions in 2030 these diseases will remain at third and fourth places among the causes of death for infectious diseases in industrial countries. The aim of this study is to verify the presence of hepatitis B and tuberculosis prophylaxis among the entry requirements for Medical Schools (MED) and Healthcare Professions Degree (PS) courses in 2011/2012 enrollment announcements. We examined 39 websites of Italian Public and Private Universities and we discovered 38 different announcements for MED and PS courses looking for any reference about hepatitis B and tuberculosis vaccinations and Mantoux skin test. The statistical analysis is descriptive (frequency tables). Hepatitis B vaccination was required in 7 (18.4%) enrollment announcements for MED and 6 (13.6%) for PS, respectively. Tuberculosis vaccination and/or Mantoux skin test were found among requirements of only 10 announcements for MED and 7 for PS, respectively. According to this study there is a great and unexpected variability among the different universities. A homologation of these requirements would be strongly desirable among Italian regions and on the entire national territory

    [Changes in tobacco addiction and spirometric variations in workers exposed to chemical risk in biochemical research laboratories of a large Italian University--a retrospective cohort study]

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    To describe smoking cessation in a group of workers exposed to chemical risk and factors associated; to assess the changes of respiratory function over the years also in relation to risks to which they were exposed