3 research outputs found

    Effects of the methanol leaf extract of Palisota hirsuta in post-surgical wound management

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    Plants are important in the management and treatment of wounds. Their medicinal values lie in their phytochemical constituents. Palisota hirsuta Reichb. Ex Endl (Commelinaceae) is used traditionally in the treatment of diseases and wounds. This study evaluates the effects of methanol leaf extract of Palisota hirsuta (MLEPH) in post-surgical wound management, using incision and dead space wound models in rats. Thirty albino rats were used for each model (n=30) by assigning into 5 groups of 6 each. In the incision wound model, an incision wound created surgically on the dorsum of each rat was treated daily by topical application of: Petroleum Jelly (PJ, Group I), Cicatrin® powder (Group II), 1% w/w MLEPH (Group III), 2% w/w MLEPH (Group IV) and 4% w/w MLEPH (Group V) for 10 postoperative days. Wound breaking strength and histopathology were evaluated. In the dead space wound model, a sterilized polypropylene tube was implanted in the left groin region of each rat. They were treated orally daily for 10 postoperative days as follows: 10 mL/kg 5 % Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO, Group I), 12.5 mg/kg MLEPH (Group II), 25 mg/kg MLEPH (Group III), 50 mg/kg MLEPH (Group IV) and 100 mg/kg MLEPH (Group V). Granulation tissue formation and hydroxyproline assay were assessed. The results showed that wound breaking strength was significantly (p<0.05) higher in the MLEPH and Cicatrin® treated groups. MLEPH (4 %w/w) showed the highest wound breaking strength. This was confirmed by histopathological sections of the healing skin which showed 4% w/w MLEPH (Group V) to have the best wound healing effect. Dry granulation tissue weight was significantly (p<0.05) higher in groups IV and V. Also, the hydroxyproline content was significantly (p<0.05) higher in MLEPH treated groups III-V. From the results obtained, MLEPH has wound healing effects and can be used in post-surgical wound  management.Keywords: Incision, Palisota hirsuta, Post-surgical, Rats, Woun

    Growth of Clarias gariepinus juveniles fed five commercial feed

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    Clarias gariepinus juveniles 6.35 ~C 0.22 g weight were fed five different commercial diets for 105 days to determine growth rates. Diets were hand distributed in triplicate groups of 30 fish once daily. The diets used were Coppens, Multifeed, Eurogold, Vittal and Ajanla feeds. At the end of the experiment, the final mean weight for Coppens, Multifeed and Eurogold were 181.54 ~c 0.63 g, 179.92 ~c 0.95 g and 139.92 ~c 0.26 g respectively, while final mean weight for Vital and Ajanla were 110.11 ~c 0.23 g and 119.03 ~c 0.35 g respectively. The statistical analysis of the results showed that there were significant differences (P0.05) in the mean final weight between Coppens and Multifeed. The specific growth rates (SGR) were 3.19% day-1 3.18 % day-1 and 2.94% day-1 for Coppens Multifeed and Eurogold respectively and 2.71% day-1 and 2.78% day-1 respectively for Ajanla and Vital. There were significant differences (P0.05) between SGR of Coppens and Multifeed. Based on these findings, it was concluded that feed with macronutrient combinations of 45% CP, 12% crude fat, crude fiber, 1.5%, Ash 9.5% promoted better growth rates in C. gariepinus juveniles as compared with other combinations