15 research outputs found

    The Living Tradition of Living in the Law: Paul's Use of Leviticus 18:5

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    This essay addresses Paul's quotations of Leviticus 18:5 in Galatians and Romans. Starting from the interpretive tradition of Leviticus 18:5, intertextuality between the quotation and the surrounding texts is traced along with echoes of Leviticus 18:5 throughout each epistle. It is demonstrated that Paul interpreted Leviticus 18:5 in Galatians in connection to the reward of life. In Romans, on the other hand, Paul interpreted Leviticus 18:5 as the law written on the hearts of those who are in Christ –thus fulfilling its covenantal function. Rather than implying inconsistency, Paul's different applications of Leviticus 18:5 are consistent with the unity of his view on the law

    Knowing Yet Not Knowing: the Irony of the Evangel in Romans 10

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    Is Romans 10 simply an excursus on the need for evangelism and mission in the midst of Paul's “doctrine of predestination”? In this article, a chiasm is identified and utilized as a framework to further analyze Romans 10. It is demonstrated that the chiasm lends itself to accentuate the epistemological irony of Israel's response to the gospel. Despite the glory of the gospel that was proclaimed in the Hebrew Bible, the majority of the Jews in Paul's time remained in ignorance as they missed the hermeneutical key to understanding the Mosaic Law, namely, “Christ is the goal of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” Rather than an excursus within Paul's doctrinal discourse, Romans 10 is the climax of the irony of Israel as the most privileged people who failed in their hearing and understanding

    Canonical space-time processing for wireless communications

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    Efficient signaling schemes for wideband space-time wireless channels using channel state information

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    Low Complexity Space-Time Multiuser Detectors

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    A design framework for space-time multiuser detectors is introduced based on the recently introduced notion of canonical space-time coordinates (CSTC). The CSTC system employs a fixed set of basis signals which eliminates the need for estimating direction of arrivals (DOAs) and delays of the channel, thereby allowing significant reduction in receiver complexity. The proposed framework is based on a hybrid structure for multiuser detection which combines the power of centralized processing and the flexibility of decentralized reception. In the first stage, a subset of users whose spreading codes are assumed known are suppressed in a centralized fashion. The remaining interference is suppressed via the second stage in an adaptive decentralized mode. The hybrid scheme offers a flexible design framework by offering lower complexity compared to fully centralized receivers and improved adaptive performance compared to fully decentralized schemes. I. Introduction The use of antenna arrays..

    Multi-access interference suppression in canonical space-time coordinates: A decentralized approach

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    Optimal antenna diversity signaling for wide-band systems utilizing channel side information

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder