198 research outputs found

    Corn Rootworm Insecticide Performance

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    The objective of our testing program is to monitor the performance of registered insecticides and evaluate new chemical and transgenic tools that are more economical, efficacious, and environmentally compatible. Labeled corn rootworm insecticides are evaluated yearly on university research farms and the farms of private growers. 2000 data from the Crawfordsville SE Research Farm, a 2000 summary, and a 3-year summary are presented in this report

    Reduced Rates of Corn Rootworm Insecticides

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    Full-labeled rates of commercially available corn rootworm insecticides are evaluated yearly for their ability to protect corn root systems from corn rootworm feeding injury. Less-than-labeled, or reduced, rates also have been tested in past years. Performance of both rate types are compared in this report

    Transgenic Seed Corn Evaluated for Corn Rootworm Control

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    The newly labeled YieldGard® Rootworm seed corn (transgenic seed containing a Bt protein) along with two traditional granular insecticides (Force and Aztec) were evaluated for their ability to protect corn root systems from corn rootworm feeding injury. 2003 data from tests conducted at the Kanawha, Nashua, and Crawfordsville farms are presented in this report

    Corn Rootworm Insecticide Performance

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    Commercially available corn rootworm granular and liquid insecticides, as well as seed treatments, are evaluated yearly for their ability to protect corn root systems from corn rootworm feeding injury. The 2002 data from the Nashua farm plus a 3-year, multi-location summary are presented in this report

    Combined high and low thrust propulsion for fast piloted Mars missions

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    The mission benefits of using both high thrust nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) and low acceleration, high specific impulse nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) to reduce piloted trip times to Mars with reasonable initial mass are assessed. Recent updates in mission design, such as the Earth fly-by return, are assessed for their impact on previous studies. In addition, the Synthesis Commission split mission to Mars in 2014 is also assessed using combined propulsion. Results show an 80 to 100 day reduction in trip time over the reference NTP or NEP systems and missions, with comparable or reduced vehicle initial masses. The impacts of the mission and system analyses upon technology planning and design are discussed

    Those who are detained or have their supervision revokedbefore trial are more likely to go to prison, and for longerperiods

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    Those who encounter the court system are guaranteed equal treatment under the Constitution, but is this always the case? Does being detained before trial affect a person’s likelihood of going to prison? In new research that examines the cases of more than 90,000 federal defendants, James C. Oleson and his colleagues find that those released before trial were far less likely to be sent to prison if convicted, and if they were, for far shorter periods than those who were not released or who had their pretrial supervision revoked. He argues that this sort of sentencing disparity should be of interest to federal prosecutors and judges alike

    Investigation and development of a mathematical model for the oxidation of cyanide in the INCO SOâ‚‚/Oâ‚‚ process

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2003The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematical model to describe the oxidation of cyanide with SOâ‚‚ as proposed in the INCO process. This research employed a direct method for measuring the change in cyanide concentration with respect to time as affected by varying concentrations of SOâ‚‚ and copper and pH. This model may be applicable in determining optimum conditions in a process well known and used in the mining industry

    Reduced Rates of Corn Rootworm Insecticide

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    Full, three-fourths, and one-half rates of Force 3G insecticide were applied in-furrow at planting time on both continuous corn and rotated (corn/soybeans) cropping schemes. It was thought that northern corn rootworms, with extended diapause capabilities, may have caused damage to first-year corn in 2001
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