45 research outputs found

    Zesde Nederlandse bosinventarisatie : methoden en basisresultaten

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    Bos beslaat 11% van het grondgebruik in Nederland. Het Nederlandse bos wordt gemiddeld ouder, meer gemengd en iets meer ongelijkjarig. De gemiddelde voorraad levend en dood hout blijft toenemen. De gemiddelde bijgroei is iets gedaald, bij ongeveer gelijkblijvende kap. Er is een duidelijke verschuiving gaande van naaldboomsoorten naar loofboomsoorten. Dat zijn resultaten uit de zesde bosinventarisatie (in opdracht van ministerie EZ)

    FEM growth and yield data uneven-aged - Beech-oak

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    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantattions of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Corsican pine

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    The current database is a part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collecction of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantations of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Sycamore

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    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantattions of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Austrian pine

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    The current database is a part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collecction of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantations of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Silver birch

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    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantattions of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base i

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Common beech, revised version

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    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantations of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - Common Oak (revised version)

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    The current database is a part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantations of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren

    FEM growth and yield data monocultures - White willow

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    The current database is part of the FEM growth and yield database, a collection of growth and yield data from even-aged monocultures (douglas fir, common oak, poplar, Japanese Larch, Norway spruce, Scots pine, Corsican pine, Austrian pine, red oak and several other species, with only a few plots, even-aged mixed species forest plots, uneven-aged natural forest, uneven-aged selection forest and roadside plantattions of poplar. The FEM growth and yield data base is currently supervised by Jan den Ouden and Frits Mohren