1 research outputs found

    Daddy potential : A discourse analytical study on the construction of paternity in investigations of legal/physical custody and rights of access

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur faderskap konstruerades i vĂ„rdnad-, boende- och umgĂ€ngesutredningar med intentionen att studera hur fĂ€dernas lĂ€mplighet gestaltades samt vilka egenskaper hos fĂ€derna som betonades. Studiens empiri bygger pĂ„ nio stycken utredningar dĂ€r fadern bedöms lĂ€mpligast för att handha barnets omsorg samt dĂ€r moderns förĂ€ldraförmĂ„ga anses brista. Som metodologisk grund utgĂ„r studien frĂ„n diskursanalys inspirerad av filosofen Foucault. Studiens teoretiska referensram utgörs av genusteori, hegemonisk maskulinitet samt diskursanalytisk teori.  Studiens resultat gav uttryck för en bild av faderskapet som nĂ„got mĂ€n successivt internaliserar. Vidare pĂ„visade studien en moderpresumtion inom förĂ€ldraskapet genom att modersrollen gestaltades som svĂ„r att utmana, trots att de faktiska mödrarna ansĂ„gs brista i sitt förĂ€ldraskap. Moderpresumtionen Ă€r skönjbar i utsagorna om fĂ€dernas lĂ€mplighet som förĂ€ldrar, vilken Ă„terkommande skildrades utifrĂ„n en centrering kring mödrarnas olĂ€mplighet. Resultatet kan ocksĂ„ tolkas visa att den hegemoniska maskuliniteten Ă€r i förĂ€ndring. Studiens slutsats Ă€r att moderskapet fortsatt betraktas som norm inom förĂ€ldraskap och att faderskapet pĂ„ sĂ„ vis vĂ€rderas i ljuset av moderskapet. Även om den hegemoniska maskuliniteten till viss del tycks vara i förĂ€ndring pĂ„visar studien en distinktion i utredningarnas skildring av mĂ€n respektive kvinnors förĂ€ldraskap.The purpose of the study was to investigate how paternity was constructed in investigations of legal/physical custody and rights of access to children, performed by the swedish social services. The study also aimed to study how the fathers' suitability was portrayed and what characteristics of the fathers that were emphasized. The empirical data is based on nine investigations in which the father is considered most appropriate to handle the child's care. As a methodological basis, the study is based on discourse analysis. The theoretical framework consists of gender theory, hegemonic masculinity and discourse analytical theory.  The results expressed images of paternity as something men gradually internalize. Furthermore, the study demonstrated a mother presumption in parenting whereas the mothers were portrayed as the most essential for the child. The mother presumption is discernible in the statements about the fathers 'suitability as parents, which was repeatedly portrayed from a centering on the mothers' inability. The results can be interpreted to show that the hegemonic masculinity is changing. The study's conclusion is that maternity is still regarded as the norm in parenting and that paternity is thus valued in the light of motherhood