13 research outputs found

    Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde Organik Balık Yetiştiriciliği İmkânlarının Araştırılması

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    Araştırma Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nde bulunan Artvin, Rize, Trabzon, Gümüşhane, Bayburt, Giresun ve Ordu illerini kapsamaktadır. Bölge illerinde kayıtlı bulunan, 3 ton/yıl kapasitenin üzerinde ve tatlı sularda (kaynak suyu ve dere suyu) alabalık yetiştiriciliği yapan işletmeler, organik su ürünleri üretimi açısından incelenmiştir. Sektörde organik tarım konusunda önemli bilgi eksikliği olduğu gözlenmiştir. Alabalık çiftliklerinde yapılan incelemeler sonucunda işletme sahiplerinin sadece %33 lük bir kısmı organik tarımı daha önce duyduklarını belirtmişlerdir. Ayrıca işletme sahiplerinin sadece % 4’ü organik su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinden haberdar olduklarını belirtmişlerdir. İncelenen işletmelerin çok büyük bir kısmının (%91) yetiştiricilikle ilgili kayıt tutma özelliklerinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Gümüşhane, Artvin ve Rize (yüksek kesimler) illerinde diğer illerimize nazaran önemli sayılabilecek bir organik yetiştiricilik potansiyeli bulunmaktadır. Bu da işletmelerin bulundukları bölgelerin kirlilik kaynaklarından uzak bakir bölgeler olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Giresun ve Ordu illerinde bulunan bazı işletmelerin yoğun fındık tarımından dolayı tarımsal kirlilik (gübre-pestisit) riski altında bulundukları, özellikle fındık gübreleme dönemlerinde balık ölümleri görüldüğü bazı çiftlik sahipleri tarafından ifade edilmiştir. Ayrıca Trabzon, Rize, Giresun ve Ordu İllerimizin sahil kesimine yakın bölgelerde bulunan bazı işletmelerde, dere suyunun bulanması, ısınması ve çeşitli kirlilik problemleri nedeniyle yetiştiricilikte çeşitli sorunlar yaşandığı, diğer bölgelerden biraz daha yoğun hastalık görüldüğü gözlemlenmiştir. Arazi çalışmalarında, uygun potansiyel görülen işletmelerde yapılan su analizleri sonuçlarıyla, Dünya’da organik alabalık yetiştiriciliği ile ilgili su kalite kriterlerini belirten sertifikasyon kuruluşlarının değerleri karşılaştırılmış ve incelenen birçok işletmenin su özelliklerinin bu kriterleri sağladığı görülmüştür

    Effects of triploid induction to the early cleavage patterns of black sea turbot (Psetta maxima) embryos

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    Fertilization and embryonic survival rates and cleavage pattern were examined to test the effects of triploid induction in the Black Sea turbot (Psetta maxima). Fertilization rates were similar between cold shock and control groups, but the incidence of 4 different blastomere malformations were higher in cold shock group than that of control group. A positive linear correlation was detected in between normal blastomere morphology and embryo viability in all treatment groups. Except blastomere asymmetry, no other morphological abnormalities found correlated with embryo survival. Blastomere asymmetry showed negative linear correlation with embryo survival only in cold shock group. The results of the study demonstrated that blastomere morphology could be used in assessing egg quality and the negative effects of triploid induction in the Black Sea turbot. © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey

    An unusual variation of the median nerve: Double palmar cutaneous branch

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    Median sinirin palmar kutanöz dalı (PKD), elin küçük ama önemli bir siniridir. Bu sinirin travmatik veya iyatrojenik olarak hasarlanması, inerve ettiği bölgede paresteziye ve rahatsızlık verici nöroma oluşumuna yol açabilir. Palmar kutanöz dala ait varyasyonlar sıkça görülmekle birlikte, birden fazla sinirin varlığı ender bir durumdur. Burada, el bileğindeki bir kitlenin eksizyonu sırasında farkedilen, iki palmar kutanöz dala sahip bir olgu sunulmaktadır.The palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN), is a small but important nerve for the hand. Traumatic or iatrogenic injury to this nerve may result in troublesome neuroma formation and paresthesia in the area supplied. Despite the usual occurence of variations in this nerve, the presence of more than one nerve is a rare incident. In this report, we present a case with two PCBMN's, which were diagnosed during excision of a mass in the wrist. The PCBMN's were dissected to their origin from the median nerve and were found to be arising separately from the median nerve

    Simultaneous high-performance thin layer chromatographic determination of indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, and absisic acid in in vitro Seedling of watermelon exposed to heavy metals

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    A new method based on the use of high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) was developed for the simultaneous determination of the plant growth hormones, indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, and absisic acid in in vitro seedling of watermelon. The measurements were performed at the associate maximum absorption wavelength of hormones. Calibration plots were constructed in the range of 50–600 ng per spot for indole acetic acid, 50–600 ng per spot for indole butyric acid, and 50–600 ng per spot for absisic acid. The limits of quantification (LOQs) determined experimentally were as follows: 10, 10, and 6 ng per spot, respectively, for indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, and absisic acid. The method was successfully applied to watermelon tissues exposed to Cu2+, Co2+, and Pb2+ for determination of its indole acetic acid, indole butyric acid, and absisic acid concentrations

    Abnormal innervation of the index finger

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    Son yıllarda lokal anestezinin kullanımındaki artış ve plastik cerrahinin el ve derisi üzerinde yoğunlaşması ve bunun sonucunda gelişen cerrahi teknikler parmakların duyusal inervasyonlan ve bunlarla ilgili varyasyonların bilinmesini daha zaruri hale getirmiştir. Elin fonksiyonel kullanımında çok önemli yeri olan birinci vebin ve dolayısıyla işaret parmağının palmar yüz duyusal inervasyonunun ve varyasyonlarının bilinmesi ve araştırılması ayrı bir özellik arzetmektedir.. Bu makalede, kliniğimize tendon rekonstrüksiyonu nedeniyle yatırılan ve operasyon sırasında işaret parmağının fleksör yüzünde üç adet digital siniri bulunan bir kadın hasta sunulmuştur. Parmakla ilgili müdahalelerde iatrojenik yaralanmalardan korunmak için parmak inervasyonlarının çok çeşitlilik gösterdiği akılda tutulmalıdır.Abnormal innervation of the index finger: Case report abstract. Recently, with increased use of local anaesthesia and developments in plastic surgery of the skin of the fingers, a detailed knowledge of the sensory supply and its variations in the fingers has become increasingly im-portant. Palmar digital nerves to the index finger have a variable pattern. In this article, we present a woman who referred to our clinic for tendon reconstruction, and who was discovered to have three proper digital nerves on the flexor side of her index finger. Innervation of the fingers may show various patterns and this fact should be kept in mind to avoid accidental injury to the nerves during procedures involving the digits

    Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Investigate the Impact of Temperature Treatment and Salt Stress on Four Forage Peas (<i>Pisum sativum</i> var. <i>arvense</i> L.)

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    The combination of high or low temperatures and high salt may cause significant harm to the yield, quality, and overall productivity of forage pea crops. The germination process, a crucial phase in the life cycle of forage peas, may be greatly influenced by varying temperature and salinity conditions. To comprehend the influence of these elements on the germination of forage peas, one must use many tactics, including the choice of resilient forage pea cultivars. The experiment aimed to evaluate the response of four forage pea cultivars (Arda, Ozkaynak, Taskent, and Tore) caused by various temperature (10 °C, 15 °C, and 20 °C) and salt (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 dS m−1) conditions at the germination stage using multivariate analysis and machine learning methods. An observation of statistical significance (p −1. It was determined that temperature treatment of fodder peas can reduce salt stress if kept at optimum levels. The effects of temperature and salt treatments on the germination data of several fodder pea cultivars were analyzed and predicted. Three distinct machine learning algorithms were used to create predictions. Based on R2 (0.899), MSE (5.344), MAPE (6.953), and MAD (4.125) measures, the MARS model predicted germination power (GP) better. The GPC model performed better in predicting shoot length (R2 = 0.922, MSE = 0.602, MAPE = 11.850, and MAD = 0.326) and root length (R2 = 0.900, MSE = 0.719, MAPE = 12.673, and MAD = 0.554), whereas the Xgboost model performed better in estimating fresh weight (R2 = 0.966, MSE = 0.130, MAPE = 11.635, and MAD = 0.090) and dry weight (R2 = 0.895, MSE = 0.021, MAPE = 12.395, and MAD = 0.013). The results of the research show that the techniques and analyses used can estimate stress tolerance, susceptibility levels, and other plant parameters, making it a cost-effective and reliable way to quickly and accurately study forage peas and related species

    Oseltamivir use for viral pneumonia in newborns

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    Objective: Viruses are demonstrated to be an uncommon etiologic agent of early and late pneumonia. In this study we aimed to investigate the safety and affectivity of oseltamivir use for viral pneumonia in newborns. Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted in a single tertiary neonatal intensive care unit between September 2009 and April 2013. Demographic, clinical and laboratory data before and after treatment, duration of hospitalization, time of clinical improvement were recorded. Results: During the study period, a total of 69 newborn cases who were treated by oseltamivir for H1N1 swine flu (n=12) or suspicious influenza (n=57) were evaluated. Mean birth weight and gestational age were 3100±601 grams and 37.9±1.8 weeks, respectively. On admission, median postnatal age was 20.6 (7-47) days. Oseltamivir, along with supportive care, was administered as 3.0 mg/kg/dose twice a day for 5 days according to the recommendations of Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The median time of initiation of oseltamivir was 2.3 days (1-4) after admission and the median hospitalization day was 10.4 days (5-22). No adverse effects associated with oseltamivir were observed and all patients were discharged after full recovery. Conclusion: Oseltamivir use in addition to supportive therapy seems to be safe and effective in newborns with severe viral pneumonia

    Sirküler trakeal rekonstrüksiyonda farklı yöntemlerin karşılaştırılması: Deneysel çalışma

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada sirküler trakeal rekonstrüksiyon için farklı prefabrike modellerin karşılaştırılması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Otuz adet erişkin dişi Yeni Zelanda tavşanı, farklı doku kombinasyonuyla sirküler trakeal rekonstrüksiyon için altı gruba ayrıldı. Prefabrike edilmiş trakealarda anastomoz yapılmadı. Vasküler kaynak olarak lateral torasik fasya veya pektoralis majör kası; iskeletsel çatı olarak polipropilen mesh, politetrafloroetilen (Gore-Tex) veya yüzük kartilajlar kullanıldı. İç yüzey tüysüz epitelyal deri greftinden sağlandı. Gruplar tüysüz epitel greftinin canlılığı, longitüdinal esneklik, dayanıklılık, flep duvar kalınlığı, iç çap ve flep canlılığı açısından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Polipropilen mesh gruplarında tama yakın epitelyal deri grefti canlılığı görülürken (%95-%99), Gore-Tex gruplarında tama yakın nekroz gözlendi (%74-%71). Longitüdinal esneklik ve dayanıklılık Gore-Tex ve polipropilen mesh gruplarında normal trakeaya yakın ölçülerde bulundu. Kartilaj greftleri ile prefabrikasyon yapılan gruplar normalden fazla longitüdinal esneklik ve kolayca kollaps gösterdi. Sonuç: İskeletsel çatı olarak polipropilen mesh, vasküler kaynak olarak lateral torasik fasyanın kullanıldığı prefabrike model, sirküler trakea defektlerinin rekonstrüksiyonunda en iyi seçenek olarak görünmektedir.Objectives: This study was designed to compare different pr&eacute;fabrication models for circumferential tracheal reconstruction. Materials and Methods: Thirty adult female New Zealand rabbits were divided into six groups for circumferential tracheal reconstruction with a different tissue combination. Pr&eacute;fabrication of neotrachea was performed without anastomosis. Lateral thoracic fascia or pectoralis major muscle were used for vascular supply. Polypropylene mesh, polytetrafluoroethylene (Gore-Tex), or cartilage rings were used for skeletal framework. Hairless epithelial skin graft was used for inner lining. The groups were compared in terms of viability of hairless epithelial graft, longitudinal flexibility, rigidity, flap wall thickness, internal diameter, and flap viability. Results: Epithelial skin graft was almost totally viable (95%-99%) in the polypropylene mesh groups.. Gore-Tex groups exhibited almost total necrosis (74%-71%). Longitudinal flexibility and rigidity were similar to the native trachea in Gore-Tex and polypropylene mesh groups. Neotrachea prefabricated with cartilage grafts showed more than normal longitudinal flexibility and collapsed easily, Conclusion: The prefabricated model with the use of polypropylene mesh for skeletal framework and lateral thoracic fascia for vascular supply seems to be the best alternative in the reconstruction of circumferential tracheal defects

    Intussusception in a term newborn with duct-dependent congenital heart disease

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    Prostaglandin E1 infusion is widely used to maintain patencyof ductus arteriosus in newborns with duct-dependentcongenital heart disease until surgery. ProstaglandinE1 is a lifesaving drug, but it has many side effects includingfever, apnea, bradycardia, hypotension, convulsion,edema, and cortical hyperostosis. The gastrointestinaltract has not been recognized as a major site of seriousadverse effects of prostaglandin E1 infusion, althoughdiarrhea is a well-recognized side effect that usually respondsto dose reduction. In this report, we present acase of intestinal intussusception presumably induced byprostaglandin therapy in a newborn with duct-dependentcongenital heart disease.Key words: Prostaglandin E1, newborn, gastrointestina