24 research outputs found

    Clinical course and signs in patients with uveitis associated with ankylosing spondylitis

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    Aim: To evaluate clinical course and signs in patients withuveitis associated ankylosing spondylitis (AS).Methods: In this retrospective study we evaluated thepatients who were diagnosed as uveitis related to AS andfollowed up at the Ophthalmology Department of NecmettinErbakan University Hospital between May 2009 andJune 2012. Demographical features and clinical courseswere assessed.Results: Seventeen eyes of 13 patients were includedin the study. Nine patients (69.2%) were male and four(30.8%) were female. The mean age at presentation was38.54±9.61 years (range 28-63). Bilateral involvementwas observed in four (30.8%) patients. The mean followuptime was 17.46±11.86 months (range 3-36). The meannumber of attacks was 1.15±0.37 (range 1-2). Posteriorsegment manifestation accompanied anterior uveitis inthree eyes (17.6%). Posterior synechia developed in one(7.7%) and cataract in one patient (7.7%), cystoid macularedema in two patients (15.4%), and epiretinal membranein one patient (%7.7). The mean final visual acuitywas 0.975±0.07 (range 0.2-1.0).Conclusion: The prognosis of anterior uveitis associatedwith AS is good if the treatment is administered at theappropriate time. However, the posterior segment complicationsmay develop in these patients, treatment andfollow-up should be done in co-operation with the departmentof rheumatology.Key words: Ankylosing spondylitis, uveitis, rheumatology,clinical cours

    Normal Values in Pattern Electroretinography

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    Amaç: Patern elektroretinogram (PERG) kaydı için standart koşulların oluşturulması ve sağlıklı bireylere ait normal değerleri araştırmak.Gereç ve Yöntem: Göz ve sistemik hastalığı olmayan 113 sağlıklı bireyin (76 kadın, 37 erkek), 226 gözü objektif refraksiyon, en iyi düzeltilmiş görme keskinliği ölçümleri, ön segment ve fundus muayeneleri biyomikroskopla yapıldıktan sonra çalışmaya dahil edildi. Patern elektroretinografi kaydı Roland-Consult RETIPORT(TM) (Almanya) cihazı ile yapıldı. P50 ve N95 komponentlerinin latans ve genlikleri kaydedildi. Veriler farklı yaş gruplarına ayrılarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Bireylerin yaş ortalaması 35.9514.8 yıldı (erkekler: 38.4617.10, kadınlar: 34.7213.59 yıl). Erkek ve kadın bireyler arasında PERG komponentlerinin latans ve genlikleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p0.05). P50 ve N95 latans değerlerinin yaşla birlikte zayıf bir pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği görüldü (p0.05). P50 amplitüdünde daha belirgin olmakla birlikte N95 amplitüdünün de yaşla negatif korelasyon gösterdiği tespit edildi (p0.05). N95/P50 amplitüd oranında yaşla ilgili herhangi bir korelasyon bulunmadı. İkili korelasyon analizinde ise P50 ve N95 amplitüdlerinin birbiri ile güçlü pozitif korelasyon gösterdiği tespit edildi. P50 ve N95 amplitüdlerinde 3. dekaddan sonra belirgin bir düşme olduğu, 4., 5. ve 6. dekadlarda değerlerin birbirine benzer seyrettiği ve N95 latansında ise 3. dekaddan 6. dekada doğru belirgin bir uzama olduğu görüldü.Tartışma: PERG değerleri açısından erkek ve kadın bireyler arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılığın olmaması normal değerlerin tanımlanabilmesi açısından önemlidir. P50 ve N95 amplitüdünde yaşla birlikte özellikle 3. dekaddan sonra azalmanın olması, N95 latansında ise 3. dekaddan sonra uzama olması, PERG değerlendirmesinde yaş faktörünün dikkate alınması gerektiğini hatırlatmaktadır. N95/P50 oranının ise yaşla korelasyon göstermemesi, tek başına genlik yerine, genlik oranlarını değerlendirmenin daha doğru olacağını göstermektedir.Purpose: To construct standard conditions for pattern electroretinogram (PERG) recordings and to investigate normal values in healthy individuals. Material and Methods: 226 eyes of 113 healthy participants (76 females and 37 males) with no ocular and systemic disease were included in the study after objective refraction, best corrected visual acuity measurements and anterior segment and fundus examinations using biomicroscopy. The PERG recordings were made using Roland-Consult RETIPORT(TM) (Germany). Latencies and amplitudes of P50 and N95 components were recorded. Data was evaluated in different age groups. Results: The average age of participants was 35.95±14.8 years (males: 38.46±17.10, females: 34.72±13.59 years). There was no statistically significant difference between males and females in latency and amplitudes of PERG components (p0.05). The amplitude values of P50 and N95 showed a negative correlation with age being more prominent in the former (p>0.05). No correlation was found with age in N95/P50 ratio (p<0.05). A strong positive correlation was identified with P50 and N95 amplitude values in binary correlation analysis. P50 and N95 amplitudes showed a significant fall after the 3rd decade, the values were similar to each other in the 4th , 5th and 6th decades and the latency of N95 were markedly increased from 3rd to 6th decade.Conclusions: The statistically non-significant PERG values in male and female subjects is important for the determination of normal values. The decrease in P50 and N95 amplitude with age especially after the 3rd decade and the increase in latency of the N95, implies to consider the age factor in PERG evaluation. Since the N95/P50 ratio is not correlated with age, it would be more correct to evaluate the amplitude ratios instead of amplitudes

    Clinical Study The Evaluation of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    Aim. To evaluate the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) by optical coherence tomography (OCT). Materials and Method. We studied 43 new diagnosed OSAS patients and 40 healthy volunteers. Patients underwent an overnight sleep study in an effort to diagnose and determine the severity of OSAS. RNFL analyses were performed using Stratus OCT. The average and the four-quadrant RNFL thickness were evaluated. Results. There was no difference between the average and the four-quadrant RNFL thickness in OSAS and control groups. There was no correlation between apneahypopnea index and intraocular pressure. Body mass index of patients with moderate and severe OSAS was significantly higher in patients with mild OSAS. Conclusion. Mean RNFL thickness did not differ between the healthy and the OSAS subjects, however, the parameters were more variable, with a larger range in OSAS patients compared to controls

    Cluster headache with ptosis responsive to intranasal lidocaine application: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>The application of lidocaine to the nasal mucosal area corresponding to the sphenopalatine fossa has been shown to be effective at extinguishing pain attacks in patients with a cluster headache. In this report, the effectiveness of local administration of lidocaine on cluster headache attacks as a symptomatic treatment of this disorder is discussed.</p> <p>Cases presentation</p> <p>A 22-year-old Turkish man presented with a five-year history of severe, repeated, unilateral periorbital pain and headache, diagnosed as a typical cluster headache. He suffered from rhinorrhea, lacrimation and ptosis during headaches. He had tried several unsuccessful daily medications. We applied a cotton tip with lidocaine hydrochloride into his left nostril for 10 minutes. The ptosis responded to the treatment and the intensity of his headache decreased.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Intranasal lidocaine is a useful treatment for the acute management of a cluster headache. Intranasal lidocaine blocks the neural transmission of the sphenopalatine ganglion, which contributes to the trigeminal nerve as well as containing both parasympathetic and sympathetic fibers.</p

    Klorokin tedavisinde olası retina toksisitesinin desen elektroretinografi (PERG) ile incelenmesi

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    Improvement In Rabbit Corneal Cell Suspension Viability After Freezing With Gingko Biloba Extrakt

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    We investigated whether the addition of Gingko Biloba extract (EGb 761) to rabbit corneal epithelial medium before cell freezing improved cell viability after freezing then thawing. After removal of corneas, they were treated with enzymes and the corneal epithelium was prepared as a single cell suspension in freezing media with or without EGb 761. After freezing for two weeks then thawing, a higher cell viability was found in the cornea cell suspensions which had been frozen pretreated with EGb 761 in the media. The improvement with corneal cell viability with EGb 761 pretreatment is postulated to be based on the antioxidant capacity of the plant extract

    Evaluation ofchoroidal thickness in primary open angle glaucoma patients

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    Primer açık açılı glokom (PAAG) hastalarında koroid kalınlığındaki değişikliklerin değerlendirilmesi Yöntem:ÇalışmayaPAAG tanılı54olgunun99gözü(PAAGgrubu)ve33yaşüzerindeoküler patolojisi olmayan49olgunun98gözü(kontrol grubu)dahiledildi.Koroidkalınlığıölçümü Spectralis optik kohorens tomografi (OKT)cihazıileEDİ(Enhanced Depth İmaging) modu kullanılarak, 6 mm uzunluğunda radyal B taramalardanyapıldı.EldeedilenverilerinistatistikselanaliziSPSS17.0programıkullanılarakyapıldıve P<0.05anlamlılıkdüzeyiolarakkabuledildi. Bulgular:Peripapiller koroid kalınlığı (ortalama, temporal, nazal, süperior, inferior) gruplar arasında önemli derecede farklıydı (p<0,05). Yaş, gruptan sonra, peripapiller koroid kalınlığıyla ilişkili en önemli faktördü.PAAG grubunda erken, orta ve ileri glokomlu gözler arasında peripapiller koroid kalınlığında önemli fark yoktu. Sonuç:İn vivo EDİ OKT ölçümlerine dayalı peripapiller koroidal kalınlık, PAAG'da önemli derecede azalmıştı.Bu sonuç; PAAG patogenezine katkıda bulanabilecek optik sinir başı çevresi vasküler patofizyolojisine farklı bir bakış açısı verebilir.oevaluatethechangeofchoroidalthicknessin primary open angle glaucoma patients Methods:99 eyesof54caseswithin primary open angle glaucomaand98eyesof48 casesolderthan33yearswithoutanyoculerpathologies(controlgroup)wereincluded.Choroidalthicknesswasmeasuredfrom 6 mm length radial B scans at the optic nerve headbySpectralisOCTdeviceusingEDItechnique.StatisticalanalysisofthedatawasperformedusingtheSPSS17.0softwareandP<0.05wasconsidered statisticallysignificant. Results:The peripapillary choroidal thicknesses (average, temporal, nasal, süperior, inferior) were significantly different among groups (p<0,05). Age was the most significant factor associated with peripapillary choroidal thickness, followed by group. There was no significant difference of peripapillary choroidal thickness between early, moderate and severe glaucoma in primary open angle glaucoma group. Conclusion: Peripapillary choroidal thickness was significantly reduced in primary open angle glaucoma eyes based on EDI OCT measurements in vivo. This result may give some insight into the vascular pathophysiology around the optic nerve head that may be involved in the pathogenesis of primary open angle glaucoma

    Analysis of Peripapillary Choroidal Thickness in Patients with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma

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    Amaç: Primer açık açılı glokom hastalarında peripapiller koroid kalınlığının değerlendirilmesi.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya primer açık açılı glokom tanılı 54 olgunun 99 gözü ve oküler patolojisi olmayan sağlıklı 49 olgunun 98 gözü dahil edildi. Peripapiller koroid kalınlığı ölçümü spektral domain optik koherans tomografi cihazı ile artırılmış derinlikli görüntüleme modu kullanılarak, 6 mm uzunluğunda radyal B taramalardan yapıldı. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiksel analizi Statistical Package for SocialScience, Inc. 17.0 programı kullanılarak yapıldı ve p0,05 anlamlılık düzeyi olarak kabul edildi.Bulgular: Peripapiller koroid kalınlığı (ortalama, temporal, nazal, süperior, inferior) primer açık açılı glokom grubunda kontrol grubunakıyasla anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu (p0,001). Primer açık açılı glokom grubunda erken, orta ve ileri glokomlu gözler arasında peripapiller koroid kalınlığında anlamlı fark yoktu (p0,05). Sonuç: İn vivo artırılmış derinlikli görüntüleme optik koherans tomografi ölçümlerine dayalı peripapiller koroid kalınlığı, primer açık açılıglokom olgularında anlamlı düzeyde azalmıştır.Objective: To evaluate the peripapillary choroidal thickness in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Material and Method: 99 eyes of 54 patients with with primary open angle glaucoma and 98 eyes of 48 healthy subjects without any ocular pathologies were included. Peripapillary choroidal thickness was measured from 6 mm length radial B scans at the optic nerve head by the spectral domain optical coherence tomography device, using the enhanced depth imaging technique. Statistical analysis of the data was performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science, Inc. 17.0 software and p>0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The peripapillary choroidal thicknesses (average, temporal, nasal, superior, inferior) were significantly lower in patients with primary open angle glaucoma (p0.001). There was no significant difference of peripapillary choroidal thickness between early, moderate and severe glaucoma among patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Conclusion: Peripapillary choroidal thickness was significantly reduced in eyes with primary open angle glaucoma based on the enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography measurements in vivo