21 research outputs found

    Transition of Chinese Health Culture in Modern Times: Consider succession and development of health culture

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    This study tried to examine the transition of modern Chinese health consciousness and health culture, and especially the succession to the ancient Chinese health culture and the contents that develop based on it. In order to carry out this examination, the following work was performed. 1. Described the characteristics of Chinese health culture up to the modern age. 2. We explained the influence on the development of Chinese health culture with the recent development and change of China’s politics and economy. 3. We clarified the above effects and discussed future issues. Based on the above, we have discussed the characteristics of modern Chinese health culture, its causes, and the direction of future development

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movement of Life Time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (II) : From the View Point of the Curriculum Development Study

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    先報(1991)では, 『生涯スポーツ』概念の形成課程を吟味することと, その概念の実質的イメージについて検討した。そして, それらの作業に基づいて, 生涯スポーツ概念と学校体育の機能との関係を問題にした。議論の結果, 生涯スポーツや生涯体育の概念が活発に議論されて, 学校の機能・役割との関係も議論された割合には, 生涯スポーツの実態もイメージも余り明確でなく, 従って両者の関係も曖昧モコとしていることが明らかになった。そして, 生涯スポーツ運動に連動する形で, 中等教育学校で〈習熟度別授業〉や〈選択制履修授業(以下「選択制」と略す)〉を積極的に位置づけようとする働きが, 理論的にも実質的にも相当不可解なものと理解された。 さらに, こうした実態もイメージも不明確な状況でありながら, それでいて体育の教科内容や教科課程にかかわる問題意識は一般にさほど高くない。少なくとも, 日本体育学会や日本教科教育学会でみる限り, こうした学校内外の体育・スポーツの将来構想にかかわる問題意識をもつテーマは, 一部シンポジウム等を除けば最近の5年間ほとんど設定されていない事実も認められる。 そこで, 生涯スポーツに関連させようとする学校体育の趨勢, 即ち代表的には選択制の導入等は今日的に, かつ将来的にはいかなる意味をもち, 学校教育にどのような影響をおよぼすかについて, 改めて予測的に検討したい。その際, スポーツや運動は, 〈国民的教養〉あるいは〈国民的権利〉とさえ把握されようとしてきた思想や社会的運動そして歴史・伝統に, 学校体育が現実にどうかかわっていけるのかという視点を軸としたい。The purposes of this study were to make clear the problems of the curriculum study, and to search the possibility of an optional physical education system through discussing the idea of life time sports in Japan. As the result of the examination what are judged from the social sports situations and the characters of Japanese school system, it is considered that this system does not contain the conditions of a generalization or a diffusion, though this optional physical education system is an important and an urgent problems. The main results are follows; 1) From viewpoint of curriculum research and development in physical education, the discussion of the fearture that contain the abolition of physical education in school, are need in the private affairs of sports and game. 2) The optional physical education system in secondary education will be done by halves near fearture, because of a lack of considerations about the real school conditions. And the result of failre in optional system may cause the discussoin of unnecessary of physical education in high school. 3) From view of the fact, discussed in 2), it is predicted that a school physical education is confused, at least the base or value of the physical education in school is fundamentally discussed, and we must protect ourselves by new theories that will be re-integrated in near fearture. 4) The tentative plan, it is accepted to the sociaty, is to open the school sports facilities and instructors for the outside of school,and to full up the present school physical education class for the inside of school. It can be started to coexist the public sports activities and private one's by functioning the tentative plan

    A Research on the Operation Situation of China’s Large-Sized Stadiums: Focusing on the operation and management model

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    In order to improve the level of competitive sports, some large-scale stadiums were built in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China for athletes’ daily training and sports events. With the growth of the national economy and the emphasis on mass sports, the Chinese government began to vigorously build sports venues after the 1990s. However, just as the operation and management of large-scale stadiums is a worldwide problem, China’s large stadiums are also facing various problems such as imbalances in revenue and expenditure. In order to solve the problems, we must firstly clarify the operating status of China’s large stadiums and venues, especially what kind of operating and management models are adopted. On the other hand, with the reform of China’s economic system, various industries have seen changing their operation and management methods, as well as in sports venues. Therefore, this article adopts documentation collection and analysis, and data comparative analysis to understand the impact of China’s economic system reform on the changes in the management model of large stadiums and venues, as well as the types of management and operation models adopted by large stadiums in China at this stage. I hope this article could play a role in promoting an effective solution on the issue of management and operations of China’s large sports venues

    On the reiationship of Sports club activities and Responsibilities of Teacher in School System : Especialy view point of Fiveday school system

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    The purpose of this paper was to make clear the position and the responsibilities of the teacher or the superviser in school. Sports club activities of the instractors wear related to two main area, education area and superviser area. that Mixed up cause the situation of the much complcation. This study was finded to investigat the relationships between these two term. It was needed to study the view point of low and to study of judical precedents. Major findings are summarized as follows : 1) Between the sports activity and the public administration has the cleared contradiction of a office hours. 2) these school teachers have many duties and their volunteer activities for sports club are requiered to their duty in any case. 3) This duty of the activity should transfer to outside of school. At, the same time it need to change the flexed public administration system for solved the cleared contradiction

    A Study on the Condition of the Curriculum Research and Development in Japan

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    The area of study, the curriculum research and development in Japanese education, seems to be a turnning point. Though the cleared direction of this study was presented by Japan curriculum research and development association, 15-20 years ago, it did not face the direction which embodied practical researches and becoming more metaphysically researches. From a grobably view point, schools have rather real educational problems than subjects. These problems are like school low systems and a school discipline. Therefore formal schools are not functioning a primary task that educate students through teaching the subjests and informal schools recently take on the task to enter a school of higher grade. There are 5 main subjects such as a mathematic in spite of no definition of the higher grade of subjects and others are like a physical education which has a different character and a thought of evaluate system. We must have confident of the character and the thought of evaluate system, because both the abilities of 5 main. subjects and other subjects are very important to get the quality of life (QOL) when making a focus from our total life span and our life style. As an additional term, it is very important to study the relationship between one's real intention to the school and formal policy to the school for the school education. The results are summarized as follow ; 1) When the study on curriculum research and development are limited to the area of subjects, the value of research will be not a significance for formal schools. 2) When we start to study on curriculum research and development, we must have some questions about low systems in Japan. 3) When school teachers are limited to the primary task, we must construct the system to back up the teachers

    Imagination and Trend on Physical Education Didactics (3), : Espesially on the Research Plobrem about Teaching-Learning in Physical Education

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    The practical researchs of teaching-learning process in physical education had begun about 25 years ago, and developed the many imformation. In this research area, there were two main trends, one is the analysis method by categoly system, and the other is the theoretical approach. And modern didactics in general by Dr. Yoshimoto had been contributed to physical education lessons for espesially elementaly school teacters. But the teachers of high school can't apply the Dr. Yoshimoto's theory to their class room manegment. We think the reason why high school students are not liner reactions to teacher's actions compare with elementary students. And physical education class has much more difficult than other subjects do classroom lessons like as mathematics and so on. Therefore we will be clear the difficalties of physical education class, and must construct the physical education didactics as a total theory by the new sysmistic discusstions

    A Study on Lawsuit and Judical Precedent in an Accident of Physical Education

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    This study worked from the point of view that increasing the number of lawsuits were caused by the drift of the condition of public life. Under the condition, the purpose of this paper was to make clear how a court of justice passd sentence upon an accident of Physical Education and what a judical precedent had an influence on. And it was a valuable to analize this study in Physical Education Accident as one of main problem to public. Major findings were usmmarized as follows: 1) In a court of justice, it converged into a focus on the relationship between the plaintiff, a student who was damerged, and the defendant, usually his teacher. 2) In showing above one's relationship, the criterion developed a tendency to depend on comparing to one of other's schol condition. 3) It was a judical precedent as a criterion would influence upon Physical Education class activities and a way of planing