17 research outputs found

    Badanie autokorelacji przestrzennej krwiodawstwa w Polsce

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    Aim of this study is to investigate the presence of spatial dependence in the level of development of the blood donation. Analysis of spatial data will identify the similarities and differences between provinces. Using the tools of spatial statistics will be revised hypothesis of the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Using local statistics there will be highlighted the major development centers of the blood donation in the country. The possibility of using measures of spatial autocorrelation will be shown by the example of analysis of diversity of the population per one blood donor, per one blood unit for particular provinces or diversity in the number of hospital beds per one blood unit for provinces. Then there will be formed the synthetic development measure of provinces on the basis of Hellwig's synthetic development measure. Assumed that determined development measure will illustrate overall situation of blood donation in particular province

    Amyloidoza 艂a艅cuch贸w lekkich immunoglobulin z punktu widzenia kardiologa

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    Light-chain amyloidosis (amyloidosis AL) is diagnosed in approx. 70% of patients with cardiac amyloidosis. This type of amyloidosis has the worst prognosis, especially if the diagnosis is made in advanced stages. The majority of patients are referred to a cardiologist, but unfortunately only every fifth of them has the proper diagnosis. Therefore, strategies promoting early diagnosis are important. One of them is the measurement of serum free light chains concentration in every patient with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. The acknowledgement of free light chains (FLCs) cardiotoxicity rendered the picture of AL amyloidosis from infiltrative cardiomyopathy into a toxic one. Best improvement in regard to heart failure is achieved upon hematological treatment resulting in decrease of FLCs concentration. Therefore, cardiological treatment is rather a supportive therapy. The role of cardiologist is the rapid diagnosis of the disease and referral of the patient to the hematologist. The standard heart failure treatment encompassing use of beta-blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors aggravates orthostatic hypotension and congestion. Instead, up-to-date hematological treatment improves the prognosis of AL amyloidosis markedly, as long as early diagnosis is made.Amyloidoz臋 艂a艅cuch贸w lekkich (amyloidoz臋 AL) rozpoznaje si臋 u oko艂o 70% pacjent贸w z amyloidoz膮 serca. Ta posta膰 choroby wi膮偶e si臋 z najgorszym rokowaniem, szczeg贸lnie je艣li wykrywa si臋 j膮 na zaawansowanym etapie. Kardiolog jest najcz臋艣ciej odwiedzanym specjalist膮 przez pacjent贸w z amyloidoz膮 AL. Niestety tylko u co pi膮tego pacjenta jest stawiana w艂a艣ciwa diagnoza. Dlatego wa偶ne jest, aby promowa膰 dzia艂ania umo偶liwiaj膮ce wczesne stwierdzenie choroby. Nale偶y do nich oznaczanie wolnych 艂a艅cuch贸w lekkich (FLC) w surowicy u pacjent贸w z niewydolno艣ci膮 sercaz zachowan膮 frakcj膮 wyrzutow膮. Wykazanie kardiotoksycznej roli FLC zmieni艂o postrzeganie amyloidozy AL jako choroby polegaj膮cej wy艂膮cznie na pozakom贸rkowym gromadzeniu si臋 nieprawid艂owych z艂og贸w bia艂kowych. Najwi臋ksz膮 popraw臋 funkcji serca uzyskuje si臋, obni偶aj膮c st臋偶enie FLC w surowicy poprzez leczenie cytoredukcyjne. Leczenie kardiologiczne ma znaczenie uzupe艂niaj膮ce. Rola kardiologa sprowadza si臋 do jak najszybszego rozpoznania choroby i przekazania pacjenta do hematologa. Standardowa farmakoterapia niewydolno艣ci serca, obejmuj膮ca beta-adrenolityki i inhibitory konwertazy angiotensyny, u pacjent贸w z amyloidoz膮 wywo艂uje nasilenie hipotensji ortostatycznej i objaw贸w zastoinowych. Natomiast dzi臋ki nowoczesnemu leczeniu cytoredukcyjnemu i antyamyloidowemu istotnie poprawi艂y si臋 wyniki leczenia, pod warunkiem wczesnego rozpoznania amyloidozy AL

    Rating life expectancy in good health of polish population using summary measures of population health

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    Not only has the quantity (i.e. in terms of the extension of the duration of life) become the aim of action on the health plane, but also the qualitative, or extending the duration of lifein good health, which is not accompanied by disability and life activity limitations due to health. To estimate changes in health status of the population, implemented health programs and medical care needed new health measures. Meters beyond the negative indicators on mortality and life expectancy, but also including other dimensions of health status and quality of life related to health. This group of measures is called summary measures of population health and is divided into two main parts: the measure of the health expectancies and measures of health gap. The aim of the article is a presentation and use of selected health summary measures for estimating life expectancy in good health of Polish population against the background of the population of the European Union countries. Data from the Central Statistical Office and the European Statistical System as well as database and publications prepared by the World Health Organization and the United Nations will be a base of empirical analysis

    Rodzina modeli Lee-Cartera

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    This paper presents a proposal for the application of selected models of the group of models using the Lee and Carter methodology for forecasting mortality rates. These include the original Lee-Carter, the Lee-Miller (2001) and Booth-Maindonald-Smith (2002) variants, and the more flexible Hyndman-Ullah (2005) and de Jong (2006) extensions. Based on estimates of mortality rates derived from the selected models was verified the ability to use these models to estimate mortality rates in Poland

    Health Gap and Gap in Population as a Risk Measures Functioning in Health

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    The aim of the action at the level of healthcare has become not only a quantitative dimension, which means extending the duration of life, but also qualitative, extension of the duration of life in good health, which is not accompanied by disability and activity limitation due to health living. Health gap is defined as the difference between the current state of health in the population and the condition termed full health. In contrast, the area between the survival curve and the estimated population norm for survival is called a gap in the population, which are the losses resulting from mortality before the expected age. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the size of the gap of health and gaps in the population and to determine the relationship between them as the risk function in health

    The Aging of the Silesian Agglomeration

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    The progress of the aging population and its diversity associated with space and time, the interaction with the socio-economic situation requires the use of alternative measures of analysis of this phenomenon. The aim of this paper is to analyze the dynamics of differences and the advancement of the aging population of the Silesian agglomeration. Recognition reveals the diversity heterogeneity in the population structure of cities and in the course of demographic change

    Use of omega measure for the assessment survival time in healthy

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    Lata 偶ycia w zdrowiu to jedna z miar zaproponowanych do monitorowania stanu zdrowia w krajach europejskich. Metoda ta oparta zosta艂a na dw贸ch miarach: cz臋sto艣ci wyst臋powania niepe艂nosprawno艣ci w populacji w okre艣lonym wieku oraz umieralno艣ci. Celem artyku艂u jest wykorzystanie miary ryzyka Omega do oceny ryzyka czasu prze偶ycia oraz czasu prze偶ycia w zdrowiu. Miara Omega zaliczana jest do miar kwantylowych, gdy偶 zak艂ada wyst臋powanie pewnego punktu progowego, dziel膮cego zbi贸r realizacji zmiennej na obszar zysku oraz obszar strat. W badaniu jako zysk rozumiana jest liczba lat 偶ycia bez niesprawno艣ci, natomiast strat膮 okre艣lana jest liczba lat 偶ycia z niesprawno艣ci膮.Years of healthy life is one of the measures proposed to monitor the state of health in European countries. This method is based on two measures: the frequency of a disability in the population at a certain age and mortality. The aim of this lecture is to use Omega risk measures to risk assessment of survival time and survival time in health. It is counted to quantile measures because it assumes the existence of a threshold point dividing the set of variables into the profit and loss area. In this study, the number of years of life without disability is understood as a profit, and the loss is defined by the number of years of life with disability

    Use of summary measures of lack of health to assess impact of specific diseases and disability for health condition in Poland

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    Pomimo 偶e ci膮gle podkre艣la si臋 wag臋 chorobowo艣ci i niesprawno艣ci, debaty na temat polityki zdrowotnej zbyt cz臋sto skupiaj膮 si臋 na umieralno艣ci. Jedn膮 z przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy jest brak por贸wnywalnych informacji dotycz膮cych wynik贸w zdrowotnych innych ni偶 zgon, kt贸re mog艂yby by膰 zestawione z informacj膮 na temat obci膮偶enia przedwczesn膮 umieralno艣ci膮. W celu obliczenia czasu prze偶ytego z pewnym stanem zdrowotnym w spos贸b por贸wnywalny ze standaryzowanym czasem utraconym na skutek przedwczesnej umieralno艣ci konieczny jest du偶y stopie艅 uproszczenia. Celem pracy jest prezentacja lat 偶ycia skorygowanych niesprawno艣ci膮 DALY jako miary braku zdrowia oraz jej zastosowanie w szacowaniu obci膮偶enia chorobami. W cz臋艣ci empirycznej zaprezentowano zmiany, jakie dokona艂y si臋 w obci膮偶eniu chorobami populacji Polski mi臋dzy 1990 a 2010 r.Despite that morbidity and lack of health is always in concern, the debate on health policy is too often focus on mortality. One of the reasons for this is the lack of comparable information on health outcomes with premature mortality. In order to calculate the time lived with a certain state of health in a way comparable to the standardized time lost due to premature mortality, it is necessary high degree of simplification. The aim of the work is the presentation of life year adjusted with disability DALY as a measure lack of health and its use in estimating the burden of disease. The empirical part presents the changes that have occurred in the Polish population disease burden between 1990 and 2010

    Badanie autokorelacji przestrzennej krwiodawstwa w Polsce

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    Aim of this study is to investigate the presence of spatial dependence in the level of development of the blood donation. Analysis of spatial data will identify the similarities and differences between provinces. Using the tools of spatial statistics will be revised hypothesis of the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Using local statistics there will be highlighted the major development centers of the blood donation in the country. The possibility of using measures of spatial autocorrelation will be shown by the example of analysis of diversity of the population per one blood donor, per one blood unit for particular provinces or diversity in the number of hospital beds per one blood unit for provinces. Then there will be formed the synthetic development measure of provinces on the basis of Hellwig's synthetic development measure. Assumed that determined development measure will illustrate overall situation of blood donation in particular province