34 research outputs found
Complications of dental whitening treatment
În prezent, datorită sporirii interesului faţă
de aspectul estetic al corpului uman, tot mai
multe persoane se adresează medicilor stomatologi pentru efectuarea procesului de albire
a dinţilor. Faptul în cauză generează o atenţie
sporită a stomatologului în prevenirea complicaţiilor sau a erorilor pe parcursul acestei medicaţii estetice.Summary.
Nowadays, due to the increase of the interest in the aesthetic aspect of the human
body, more and more people are going to the
dentists to perform the teeth whitening process. This generates a greater attention of the
dentist in preventing complications or errors
during this aesthetic procedure
The presence of the principle of confidentiality in dentistry
A priority concern of bioethics and, equally, of contemporary medical
practice is respect for the confidentiality principle. The specificity of the dental field is also manifested in terms of the medical secret status. The current
trends in dentistry emphasize increasingly evident the confidentiality of the
administered medical act
Complex therapeutic approach of children with diabetes and oral diseases
This material represents a theoretical and analytical approach to the
problem of the correlation between type 1 diabetes in minors and diseases of the oral cavity. Following observations made in parallel by
doctors specializing in dentistry and those in endocrinology, a clear interdependence between dental conditions and type 1 diabetes was found. This fact also requires an appropriate therapeutic tactic. Parallel actions
with bio-psycho-social rehabilitation are of particular importance for
minor patients
On the definition of terms Stomatologist/Dentist and Stomatology/Dentistry
Catedra Stomatologie Terapeutică FPM a USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”A present-day subject of discussion referring to the field of dentistry has to do with the notions of “stomatologist” and “stomatology”, these representing the name and the essence of this field of contemporary medicine. A lot of discussions have been held as to the use of these terms since the formation of stomatology/dentistry as a distinct compartment of medicine. Nowadays, under the new conditions of theory and treatment, discussions have been retaken which can not but affect us.
Un subiect de discuţie actual referitor la domeniul stomatologic se prezintă a fi noţiunile „stomatolog” şi „stomatologie”, care reprezintă însăşi denumirea şi esenţa acestui domeniu al medicinei contemporane. Privitor la utilizarea respectivilor termeni au fost duse dispute aprinse chiar pe parcursul perioadei iniţiale de devenire a stomatologiei ca compartiment distinct al medicinei. Actualmente, în noi condiţii de prezenţă a faptului teoretic şi curativ, disputele definirii s-au reactualizat, fapt ce nu poate să ne lase indiferenţi
Psycho-emotional stress in adolescents with periodontal disease
Dental care involves several components. An important role in the dental medical act is the psycho-emotional conduct of the doctor. Taking into account dental
anxiety is not only a condition that leads to successful treatment, but also a requirement of contemporary bioethics. Annihilation or reduction of stress caused by
dental anxiety ensures compliance with the principle of therapeutic integrity
Configuring some perspectives of the activity of the general medical assistant in dentistry
The profession of medical assistant is one of the most important and in
demand. Recently, in a first for the Republic of Moldova, at the „Nicolae
Testemițanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the training of
general medical assistants with undergraduate studies began. This year,
2022, was the first promotion. These contingents of specialists have great prospects in the realization of the profession, including in dentistry. The
field of clinical dentistry offers diverse and important possibilities for the
activity of the medical assistant with university education
Disinfection of Working Surfaces: an up‑to‑date subject
O condiţie a reuşitei actului medical în stomatologie, protecţiei personalului medical şi a pacienţilor reprezintă menţinerea impecabilă a suprafeţelor de lucru. Acest subiect se actualizează accentuat datorită prestaţiei
presante a unor factori epidemiologici, tehnogeni şi sociali. Sunt necesare
modalităţi optime de dezinfectate utilizându‑se preparate de ultimă oră.Summary:
Maintaining the working surfaces impeccably clean is a condition of successful dental practice and is directed at patients and medical staff ’s protection. The actuality of this subject increases due to the pressing conscriptions
of some epidemiologic, technogenic and social factors. Optimal modalities
of disinfection making use of the most recent preparations are necessary
Elements of dacian dental medication
Prin abordarea istorico-medicală a trecutului dacic se restabileşte tabloul medicaţiei stomatologice din acel timp, facilitând urmărirea evoluării
respectivului domeniu. Mărturiile prezente în diferite surse, pornind de la
vestigii arheologice şi până la studii ştiinţifice, denotă un nivel evoluat pentru acele timpuri a metodelor de tratament stomatologic. Dacii mai dispuneau de numeroase reţete pentru tratamentul afecţiunilor bucale, utilitatea
acestora fiind recunoscută de către ştiinţa contemporană.Summary.
The medico-historical approach to Dacian past reconstructs the dental medication picture of the time and facilitates the study of the evolution
process in the field. Evidences given in different sources, from archeological
vestiges to scientific studies denote a developed, for those times, level of
dental treatment. The Dacians also benefited from numerous recipes used
in treating oral affections, their usefulness being recognized by modern science
Theoretic Imperatives in Dental Practice
Catedra Stomatologie Terapeutică FPMMultidimensional approach to medical theory is becoming an obvious necessity. Representatives of different fields of medicine rank this subject as being one of priority within the framework of medical evolution strategy. Dentistry also joins in this desideratum. It is necessary to determine the conditions of medicine development, to establish some theoretical postulates, peculiarities of dental medicine, importance of medical theory in this field, etc.
Abordarea polidimensională a teoriei medicale devine o necesitate evident actuală. Reprezentanţii diferitor ramuri ale medicinei plasează acest subiect drept unul prioritar în cadrul strategiei evoluării medicinei. Acestui deziderat se ataşează şi stomatologia. Iniţial e necesar de a determina condiţiile dezvoltării medicinei, a stabili unele postulate teoretice, particularităţile teoretizării medicinei stomatologice, importanţa teoriei medicale în această ramură, etc
Essential moments in preventing conflicts in the stomatologist – patient relationships
Conflict prevention, reducing their persistence or annihilation, is an essential topic in the field of contemporary stomatologycal care. On this subject,
an important role is the interdisciplinary approach, but, on leading place,
the bioethical and medical behavior aspects are placed. The doctor-patient
relations represent the basic framework of the approach of conflict states in