109 research outputs found

    NYCTALE: Neuro-Evidence Transformer for Adaptive and Personalized Lung Nodule Invasiveness Prediction

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    Drawing inspiration from the primate brain's intriguing evidence accumulation process, and guided by models from cognitive psychology and neuroscience, the paper introduces the NYCTALE framework, a neuro-inspired and evidence accumulation-based Transformer architecture. The proposed neuro-inspired NYCTALE offers a novel pathway in the domain of Personalized Medicine (PM) for lung cancer diagnosis. In nature, Nyctales are small owls known for their nocturnal behavior, hunting primarily during the darkness of night. The NYCTALE operates in a similarly vigilant manner, i.e., processing data in an evidence-based fashion and making predictions dynamically/adaptively. Distinct from conventional Computed Tomography (CT)-based Deep Learning (DL) models, the NYCTALE performs predictions only when sufficient amount of evidence is accumulated. In other words, instead of processing all or a pre-defined subset of CT slices, for each person, slices are provided one at a time. The NYCTALE framework then computes an evidence vector associated with contribution of each new CT image. A decision is made once the total accumulated evidence surpasses a specific threshold. Preliminary experimental analyses conducted using a challenging in-house dataset comprising 114 subjects. The results are noteworthy, suggesting that NYCTALE outperforms the benchmark accuracy even with approximately 60% less training data on this demanding and small dataset

    Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome in an Elderly Female with Pulmonary Fibrosis

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    Mounier-Kuhn syndrome (MKS), or tracheobronchomegaly, is a rare clinical and radiologic condition characterized by pronounced tracheobronchial dilation and recurrent lower respiratory tract infections. Tracheobronchomegaly presents when the defect extends to the central bronchi. MKS can be diagnosed in adult women when the transverse and sagittal diameters of the trachea, right mainstem bronchus, and left mainstem bronchus exceed 21, 23, 19.8, and 17.4 mm, respectively. Its diagnosis is based on chest radiograph and chest computed tomography (CT). Patients, usually middle-aged men, may be asymptomatic or present with clinical manifestations ranging from minimal symptoms with preserved lung function to severe respiratory failure. Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) typically reveal a restrictive pattern. This report presents an elderly woman with previously diagnosed pulmonary fibrosis with symptoms of increased sputum production and haemoptysis. High-resolution chest CT showed tracheal and main stem bronchi dilatation along with bronchial diverticulosis. PFTs indicated a restrictive pattern characteristic of the underlying pulmonary fibrosis. The patient is the oldest, referred to the female gender, at presentation of MKS hitherto reported. This case highlights the need to include MKS in the differential diagnosis of recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, even in older subjects

    Esophageal Crohn's Disease Treated “Topically” with Swallowed Aerosolized Budesonide

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    Proximal Crohn's disease, involving the esophagus, the stomach, the duodenum, and the proximal jejunum, is uncommon. Treatment for proximal Crohn's disease is based on data derived from case series than from controlled trials. We present a case of Crohn's colitis with concomitant proximal esophagogastroduodenal involvement treated with conventional treatment plus swallowed aerosolized budesonide as a novel adjuvant topical treatment for the esophageal disease, and we review the treatment options for proximal Crohn's disease

    Histogram-based models on non-thin section chest CT predict invasiveness of primary lung adenocarcinoma subsolid nodules.

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    109 pathologically proven subsolid nodules (SSN) were segmented by 2 readers on non-thin section chest CT with a lung nodule analysis software followed by extraction of CT attenuation histogram and geometric features. Functional data analysis of histograms provided data driven features (FPC1,2,3) used in further model building. Nodules were classified as pre-invasive (P1, atypical adenomatous hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma in situ), minimally invasive (P2) and invasive adenocarcinomas (P3). P1 and P2 were grouped together (T1) versus P3 (T2). Various combinations of features were compared in predictive models for binary nodule classification (T1/T2), using multiple logistic regression and non-linear classifiers. Area under ROC curve (AUC) was used as diagnostic performance criteria. Inter-reader variability was assessed using Cohen's Kappa and intra-class coefficient (ICC). Three models predicting invasiveness of SSN were selected based on AUC. First model included 87.5 percentile of CT lesion attenuation (Q.875), interquartile range (IQR), volume and maximum/minimum diameter ratio (AUC:0.89, 95%CI:[0.75 1]). Second model included FPC1, volume and diameter ratio (AUC:0.91, 95%CI:[0.77 1]). Third model included FPC1, FPC2 and volume (AUC:0.89, 95%CI:[0.73 1]). Inter-reader variability was excellent (Kappa:0.95, ICC:0.98). Parsimonious models using histogram and geometric features differentiated invasive from minimally invasive/pre-invasive SSN with good predictive performance in non-thin section CT


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    During the Byzantine Times, medicine and surgery developed as Greek physicians continued to practice in Constantinople. Healing methods were common for both adults and children, and pediatrics as a medical specialty did not exist. Already Byzantine hospitals became institutions to dispense medical services, rather than shelters for the homeless, which included doctors and nurses for those who suffered from the disease. A major improvement in the status of hospitals as medical centers took place in this period, and physicians were called archiatroi. Several sources prove that archiatroi were still functioning in the late sixth century and long afterward, but now as xenon doctors. Patients were averse to surgery due to the incidence of complications. The hagiographical literature repeated allusions to doctors. Concerns about children with a surgical disease often led parents to seek miraculous healings achieved by Christian Protectors – Saints. This paper is focused on three eminent Byzantine physicians and surgeons, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, who dealt with pediatric operations and influenced the European Medicine for centuries to come. We studied historical and theological sources in order to present a comprehensive picture of the curative techniques used for pediatric surgical diseases during the Byzantine Times.U bizantsko doba medicina i kirurgija razvijali su se dok su grčki liječnici nastavili s praksom u Carigradu. Metode liječenja i za odrasle i za djecu se nisu razlikovale, a pedijatrija kao medicinska specijalizacija nije postojala. Bizantske bolnice postale su ustanove, a ne skloništa za beskućnike, u kojima su liječnici i medicinske sestre pružali medicinske usluge za sve oboljele. U ovom se razdoblju dogodilo veliko poboljšanje statusa bolnica kao medicinskih centara, a liječnici su prozvani archiatroi. Nekoliko izvora dokazuje da su archiatroi još uvijek djelovali u kasnom šestom stoljeću i dugo nakon toga, ali sada kao ksenonski liječnici. Pacijenti nisu bili skloni operacijama zbog učestalosti komplikacija. U hagiografskoj literaturi su se učestalo spominjali liječnici. Zabrinutost za djecu s kirurškom bolešću roditelje je često tjerala da traže čudesna ozdravljenja koja su prakticirali kršćanski sveci zaštitnici. Ovaj rad govori o tri ugledna bizantska liječnika i kirurga. Oribazije, Aecije iz Amide i Pavao iz Aegine bavili su se pedijatrijskim operacijama i utjecali na europsku medicinu u idućim stoljećima. Proučavali smo povijesne i teološke izvore kako bismo predstavili sveobuhvatnu sliku kurativnih tehnika koje su korištene za dječje kirurške bolesti u bizantsko doba

    Total Splenectomy due to an Unexpected “Complication” after Successful Extended Laparoscopic Partial Decapsulation of a Giant Epidermoid Splenic Cyst: A Case Report

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    Splenic cysts are rare entities and are classified as true cysts or pseudocysts based on the presence of an epithelial lining. Congenital nonparasitic true cysts can be epidermoid, dermoid, or endodermoid, present at a young age, and are commonly located in the upper pole of the spleen. Surgical treatment is recommended for symptomatic, large (more than 5 cm), or complicated cysts. Depending on cyst number, location, relation to hilus, and the major splenic vessels, the surgical options include aspiration, marsupialization, cystectomy, partial cystectomy (decapsulation), and partial or complete splenectomy. Laparoscopic techniques have now become the standard approach for many conditions, including the splenic cysts, with emphasis on the spleen-preserving minimally invasive operations. We present the successful extended partial laparoscopic decapsulation of a giant epidermoid splenic cyst in a young female patient that, although asymptomatic, was unfortunately followed by complete splenectomy five days later due to a misinterpreted abdominal CT suggesting splenic postoperative ischemia

    Endoscopic removal of a toothpick perforating the sigmoid colon and causing chronic abdominal pain: a case report

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    Toothpick ingestion is implicated in gut injuries which may cause severe complications, mimicking diseases causing acute abdomen. However, toothpick ingestion-related perforation may also cause mild, non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms without significant findings or major complications. We describe a young male with chronic postprandial lower abdominal pain caused by a toothpick impaction at the rectosigmoid junction after inadvertent ingestion. The foreign body was detected and successfully removed during flexible sigmoidoscopy. Perforation due to foreign body ingestion must be considered in the differential diagnosis in patients presenting with unexplained symptoms and findings, even when they do not recall any foreign body ingestion

    Laparoscopic resection of a pancreatic serous cystadenoma preserving the integrity of main pancreatic duct: a case report

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    Pancreatic serous cystadenomas are rare benign cystic neoplasms. Extended operations are unnecessary for serous cystadenomas and minimally invasive surgery should be performed. Laparoscopic pancreatic procedures are under evaluation. We present a case of a 79-year-old Greek woman with symptomatic cholelithiasis and a serous pancreatic cystadenoma located at the neck of the pancreas. In the occasion of a standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy the pancreatic mass was resected with a novel minimally invasive laparoscopic method preserving the integrity of the main pancreatic duct and the whole pancreas. Laparoscopic resection is a feasible, safe and effective treatment of benign pancreatic tumors, in experienced hands under proper indications