92 research outputs found

    Jet-ISM Interaction in the Radio Galaxy 3C293: Jet-driven Shocks Heat ISM to Power X-ray and Molecular H2 emission

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    We present a 70ks Chandra observation of the radio galaxy 3C293. This galaxy belongs to the class of molecular hydrogen emission galaxies (MOHEGs) that have very luminous emission from warm molecular hydrogen. In radio galaxies, the molecular gas appears to be heated by jet-driven shocks, but exactly how this mechanism works is still poorly understood. With Chandra, we observe X-ray emission from the jets within the host galaxy and along the 100 kpc radio jets. We model the X-ray spectra of the nucleus, the inner jets, and the X-ray features along the extended radio jets. Both the nucleus and the inner jets show evidence of 10^7 K shock-heated gas. The kinetic power of the jets is more than sufficient to heat the X-ray emitting gas within the host galaxy. The thermal X-ray and warm H2 luminosities of 3C293 are similar, indicating similar masses of X-ray hot gas and warm molecular gas. This is consistent with a picture where both derive from a multiphase, shocked interstellar medium (ISM). We find that radio-loud MOHEGs that are not brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), like 3C293, typically have LH2/LX~1 and MH2/MX~1, whereas MOHEGs that are BCGs have LH2/LX~0.01 and MH2/MX~0.01. The more massive, virialized, hot atmosphere in BCGs overwhelms any direct X-ray emission from current jet-ISM interaction. On the other hand, LH2/LX~1 in the Spiderweb BCG at z=2, which resides in an unvirialized protocluster and hosts a powerful radio source. Over time, jet-ISM interaction may contribute to the establishment of a hot atmosphere in BCGs and other massive elliptical galaxies.Comment: Accepted by ApJ 21 pages in ApJ format, 9 figures, 8 table

    Superluminous Spiral Galaxies

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    We report the discovery of spiral galaxies that are as optically luminous as elliptical brightest cluster galaxies, with r-band monochromatic luminosity L_r = 8–14L* (4.3–7.5 × 10^(44) erg s^(−1)). These super spiral galaxies are also giant and massive, with diameter D = 57–134 kpc and stellar mass M_(stars) = 0.3–3.4 × 10^(11)M⊙. We find 53 super spirals out of a complete sample of 1616 SDSS galaxies with redshift z 8L*. The closest example is found at z = 0.089. We use existing photometry to estimate their stellar masses and star formation rates (SFRs). The SDSS and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer colors are consistent with normal star-forming spirals on the blue sequence. However, the extreme masses and rapid SFRs of 5–65 M⊙ yr^(−1) place super spirals in a sparsely populated region of parameter space, above the star-forming main sequence of disk galaxies. Super spirals occupy a diverse range of environments, from isolation to cluster centers. We find four super spiral galaxy systems that are late-stage major mergers—a possible clue to their formation. We suggest that super spirals are a remnant population of unquenched, massive disk galaxies. They may eventually become massive lenticular galaxies after they are cut off from their gas supply and their disks fade

    Star Formation Suppression Due to Jet Feedback in Radio Galaxies with Shocked Warm Molecular Gas

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    We present Herschel observations of 22 radio galaxies, selected for the presence of shocked, warm molecular hydrogen emission. We measured and modeled spectral energy distributions in 33 bands from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared to investigate the impact of jet feedback on star formation activity. These galaxies are massive, early-type galaxies with normal gas-to-dust ratios, covering a range of optical and infrared colors. We find that the star formation rate (SFR) is suppressed by a factor of ~3–6, depending on how molecular gas mass is estimated. We suggest that this suppression is due to the shocks driven by the radio jets injecting turbulence into the interstellar medium (ISM), which also powers the luminous warm H_2 line emission. Approximately 25% of the sample shows suppression by more than a factor of 10. However, the degree of SFR suppression does not correlate with indicators of jet feedback including jet power, diffuse X-ray emission, or intensity of warm molecular H_2 emission, suggesting that while injected turbulence likely impacts star formation, the process is not purely parameterized by the amount of mechanical energy dissipated into the ISM. Radio galaxies with shocked warm molecular gas cover a wide range in SFR–stellar mass space, indicating that these galaxies are in a variety of evolutionary states, from actively star-forming and gas-rich to quiescent and gas-poor. SFR suppression appears to have the largest impact on the evolution of galaxies that are moderately gas-rich

    A Catalog of the Most Optically Luminous Galaxies at z < 0.3: Super Spirals, Super Lenticulars, Super Post-Mergers, and Giant Ellipticals

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    We present a catalog of the 1525 most optically luminous galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with r-band luminosity L_r > 8L* and redshift z < 0.3, including 84 super spirals, 15 super lenticulars, 14 super post-merger galaxies, and 1400 giant ellipticals. With mass in stars of 10^(11.3)–10^(12) M⊙, super spirals and lenticulars are the most massive disk galaxies currently known. The specific star formation rates of super spirals place them on or below the star-forming main sequence. They must have formed stars at a high rate throughout their history in order to grow their massive, gigantic stellar disks and maintain their blue u − r integrated colors. Their disks are red on the inside and blue on the outside, consistent with inside-out growth. They tend to have small bulge-to-total (B/T) r-band luminosity ratios, characteristic of disk building via minor mergers and cold accretion. A large percentage of super disk galaxies (41%) have double nuclei, double disks, or other signatures of ongoing mergers. Most (72%) are found in moderate- to low-density environments, while the rest are found at the outskirts of clusters. It is likely that super spirals survive in these environments because they continue to accrete cold gas and experience only minor mergers at late times, by virtue of their enormous masses and angular momenta. We suggest that super post-mergers are the product of super spiral major mergers and may be the precursors of some giant elliptical galaxies found in low-density environments. We present two new gravitational lens candidates in an appendix

    Molecular gas in super spiral galaxies

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    We thank the referee for the careful revision of the manuscript and constructive comments. UL acknowledges support by the research projects AYA2017-84897-P and PID2020-114414GB-I00 from the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad, from the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) and the Junta de AndalucĂ­a (Spain) grants FQM108. This work is based on observations carried out under project numbers 205-19 and 068-20 with the IRAM 30m telescope. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France), MPG (Germany) and IGN (Spain). This research made use of the “K-corrections calculator” service available at http://kcor.sai.msu.ru/ . This research made use of Astropy, a community- developed core Python ( http://www.python.org ) package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration 2013, 2018); ipython (PĂ©rez & Granger 2007); matplotlib (Hunter 2007); SciPy, a collection of open source software for scientific computing in Python (Virtanen et al. 2020); and NumPy, a structure for efficient numerical computation (van der Walt et al. 2011). This publication makes use of data products from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a joint project of the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. This work was made possible by the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database and the NASA/ IPAC Infrared Science Archive, which are both operated by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We acknowledge the usage of the HyperLeda database ( http://leda.univ-lyon1.fr ).At the highest stellar masses (log(M*) ≳ 11.5 M⊙), only a small fraction of galaxies are disk-like and actively star-forming objects. These so-called ‘super spirals’ are ideal objects to better understand how galaxy evolution proceeds and to extend our knowledge about the relation between stars and gas to a higher stellar mass regime. We present new CO(1–0) data for a sample of 46 super spirals and for 18 slightly lower-mass (log(M*) > 11.0 M⊙) galaxies with broad HI lines – HI fast-rotators (HI-FRs). We analyze their molecular gas mass, derived from CO(1–0), in relation to their star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass, and compare the results to values and scaling relations derived from lower-mass galaxies. We confirm that super spirals follow the same star-forming main sequence (SFMS) as lower-mass galaxies. We find that they possess abundant molecular gas (mean redshift-corrected molecular gas mass fraction (log(fmol, zcorr) = −1.36 ± 0.02), which lies above the extrapolation of the scaling relation with stellar mass derived from lower-mass galaxies, but within the relation between fmol and the distance to the SFMS. The molecular gas depletion time, τdep = Mmol/SFR, is higher than for lower-mass galaxies on the SFMS (τdep = 9.30 ± 0.03, compared to τdep = 9.00 ± 0.02 for the comparison sample) and seems to continue an increasing trend with stellar mass. HI-FR galaxies have an atomic-to-molecular gas mass ratio that is in agreement with that of lower-mass galaxies, indicating that the conversion from the atomic to molecular gas proceeds in a similar way. We conclude that the availability of molecular gas is a crucial factor to enable star formation to continue and that, if gas is present, quenching is not a necessary destiny for high-mass galaxies. The difference in gas depletion time suggests that the properties of the molecular gas at high stellar masses are less favorable for star formation.Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad AYA2017-84897-P, PID2020-114414GB-I00European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) AYA2017-84897-P, PID2020-114414GB-I00Junta de AndalucĂ­a (Spain) FQM108INSU/CNRS (France) 205-19, 068-20MPG (Germany) 205-19, 068-20IGN (Spain) 205-19, 068-20IPACNational Aeronautics and Space Administration NASACentre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNR

    Rule-based Cross-matching of Very Large Catalogs

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    The NASA Extragalactic Database (NED) has deployed a new rule-based cross-matching algorithm called Match Expert (MatchEx), capable of cross-matching very large catalogs (VLCs) with >10 million objects. MatchEx goes beyond traditional position-based cross-matching algorithms by using other available data together with expert logic to determine which candidate match is the best. Furthermore, the local background density of sources is used to determine and minimize the false-positive match rate and to estimate match completeness. The logical outcome and statistical probability of each match decision is stored in the database and may be used to tune the algorithm and adjust match parameter thresholds. For our first production run, we cross-matched the GALEX All Sky Survey Catalog (GASC), containing nearly 40 million NUV-detected sources, against a directory of 180 million objects in NED. Candidate matches were identified for each GASC source within a 7''.5 radius. These candidates were filtered on position-based matching probability and on other criteria including object type and object name. We estimate a match completeness of 97.6% and a match accuracy of 99.75%. Over the next year, we will be cross-matching over 2 billion catalog sources to NED, including the Spitzer Source List, the 2MASS point-source catalog, AllWISE, and SDSS DR 10. We expect to add new capabilities to filter candidate matches based on photometry, redshifts, and refined object classifications. We will also extend MatchEx to handle more heterogenous datasets federated from smaller catalogs through NED's literature pipeline

    Shocked Molecular Hydrogen in the 3C 326 Radio Galaxy System

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    The Spitzer spectrum of the giant FR II radio galaxy 3C 326 is dominated by very strong molecular hydrogen emission lines on a faint IR continuum. The H2 emission originates in the northern component of a double-galaxy system associated with 3C 326. The integrated luminosity in H2 pure-rotational lines is 8.0E41 erg/s, which corresponds to 17% of the 8-70 micron luminosity of the galaxy. A wide range of temperatures (125-1000 K) is measured from the H2 0-0 S(0)-S(7) transitions, leading to a warm H2 mass of 1.1E9 Msun. Low-excitation ionic forbidden emission lines are consistent with an optical LINER classification for the active nucleus, which is not luminous enough to power the observed H2 emission. The H2 could be shock-heated by the radio jets, but there is no direct indication of this. More likely, the H2 is shock-heated in a tidal accretion flow induced by interaction with the southern companion galaxy. The latter scenario is supported by an irregular morphology, tidal bridge, and possible tidal tail imaged with IRAC at 3-9 micron. Unlike ULIRGs, which in some cases exhibit H2 line luminosities of comparable strength, 3C 326 shows little star-formation activity (~0.1 Msun/yr). This may represent an important stage in galaxy evolution. Starburst activity and efficient accretion onto the central supermassive black hole may be delayed until the shock-heated H2 can kinematically settle and coolComment: 27 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa
