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    El derecho a la imputaci贸n necesaria y de defensa en la formalizaci贸n de la investigaci贸n preparatoria

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    La presente investigaci贸n analiza la vulneraci贸n del derecho a la imputaci贸n necesaria y derecho de defensa dentro del proceso penal ante la falta de control judicial de la formalizaci贸n de la investigaci贸n preparatoria, derechos que vienen siendo vulnerados por parte del Ministerio Publico a trav茅s de disposiciones de formalizaci贸n de investigaci贸n preparatoria gen茅ricas, con escasa informaci贸n sobre los hechos, la norma penal infringida y los actos de investigaci贸n iniciales, que impiden que la persona inmersa en una investigaci贸n en calidad de autor o participe pueda ejercer de manera eficiente su derecho de defensa. En el desarrollo de esta investigaci贸n, se utiliz贸 los m茅todos generales entre ellos el m茅todo deductivo, inductivo, descriptivo y anal铆tico-sint茅tico con el fin de analizar la informaci贸n recolectada, especificar las caracter铆sticas de ambos derechos materia de estudio, obteniendo un resumen organizado, as铆 mismo, se utiliz贸 los m茅todos de investigaci贸n jur铆dica como el m茅todo exeg茅tico, doctrinario, hist贸rico y comparativo permitiendo interpretar las normas relacionadas a la investigaci贸n, la b煤squeda de antecedentes referentes al tema, as铆 como la comparaci贸n con la legislaci贸n internacional. Entre las t茅cnicas e instrumentos se hizo uso del fichaje, recopilaci贸n de informaci贸n, documentos y el an谩lisis del contenido. En consecuencia, lo que se pretende con la presente investigaci贸n ante la evidente afectaci贸n de ambos derechos, es la regulaci贸n de un control judicial de la formalizaci贸n de la investigaci贸n preparatoria que impidan investigaciones fiscales inconsistentes, permitiendo al imputado el ejercicio pleno del derecho de defensa, el cual se encuentra reconocido en la Constituci贸n as铆 como en los tratados internacionales, tales como la Convenci贸n Americana de Derechos Humanos y el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Pol铆ticos.The present investigation analyzes the violation of the right to imputation necessary and right of defense within the criminal process in the absence of judicial control of the formalization of the preparatory investigation, rights that have been violated by the Public Ministry through formalization provisions of generic preparatory investigation, with little information about the facts, the criminal rule infringed and the initial acts of investigation, that prevent the person immersed in an investigation as author or participant can exercise in an efficient way their right of defense. In the development of this research, we used the general methods including the deductive, inductive, descriptive and analytic-synthetic method in order to analyze the information collected, specify the characteristics of both study subject rights, obtaining an organized summary, as well same, legal research methods were used as the exegetical, doctrinal, historical and comparative method allowing to interpret the norms related to the investigation, the search of antecedents referring to the subject, as well as the comparison with the international legislation. Among the techniques and instruments was made use of the signing, collection of information, documents and content analysis. Consequently, what is intended with the present investigation in view of the evident affectation of both rights, is the regulation of a judicial control of the formalization of the preparatory investigation that prevent inconsistent fiscal investigations, allowing the accused the full exercise of the right of defense, which is recognized in the Constitution as well as in international treaties such as the American Convention on Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.Tesi