16 research outputs found

    Vpliv različnih tipov komercialno dostopne mikrokristalne celuloze na razpad erbuminijevega perindoprilata in enalaprilijevega maleata v binarnih zmeseh

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    Influence of some commercially available types of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) on the stability of certain active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), when in contact, has been investigated. Two structurally similar APIs, perindopril erbumine (PER) and enalapril maleate (EM), both well-known angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were used. The main properties of an MCC that could determine the stability for each API were measured and correlated to the stability of these two APIs in binary mixtures. The stability of these APIs differed when in contact with different types of MCC. The dominant properties of MCC from one manufacturer were surface features that influenced the stability of PER and acidity that influenced the stability of EM. In the case of MCC from other manufacturers, unbound water was stability determining for both substances.V raziskavi smo proučevali vpliv nekaterih tipov komercialno dostopne mikrokristalne celuloze (MCC) na stabilnost izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin, kadar sta učinkovina in pomožna snov v stiku. Uporabili smo dve strukturno sorodni učinkovini, znana zaviralca angiotenzin-konvertaze, erbuminijev perindoprilat in enalaprilijev maleat. Izmerili smo najpomembnejše lastnosti mikrokristalne celuloze, ki bi lahko vplivale na stabilnost posamezne zdravilne učinkovine in določili povezavo med temi lastnostmi pomožne snovi in stabilnostjo zdravilnih učinkovin v binarnih zmeseh. Stabilnost obeh učinkovin se je razlikovala pri posameznih eksperimentih in je bila odvisna od tipa uporabljene mikrokristalne celuloze. Na stabilnost erbuminijevega perindoprilata so najbolj vplivale površinske značilnosti enega izmed proizvajalcev mikrokristalne celuloze, na stabilnost enalaprilijevega maleata pa njene šibko kisle lastnosti. V primeru ostalih dveh proizvajalcev mikrokristalne celuloze je na stabilnost obeh zdravilnih učinkovin najbolj vplivala nevezana voda

    Design and synthesis of amino-substituted N-arylpiperidinyl-based inhibitors of the (immuno)proteasome

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    The constitutive proteasome and the immunoproteasome represent validated targets for pharmacological intervention in the context of various diseases, such as cancer, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. The development of novel chemical scaffolds of non-peptidic nature, capable of inhibiting different catalytically active subunits of both isoforms, is a viable approach against these diseases. Such compounds are also useful as leads for the development of biochemical probes that enable the studies of the roles of both isoforms in various biological contexts. Here, we present a ligand-based computational design of (immuno)proteasome inhibitors, which resulted in the amino-substituted N-arylpiperidine-based compounds that can inhibit different subunits of the (immuno)proteasome in the low micromolar range. The compounds represent a useful starting point for further structure-activity relationship studies that will, hopefully, lead to non-peptidic compounds that could be used in pharmacological and biochemical studies of both proteasomes

    Pharmacy practice and education in Slovenia

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    The PHARMINE ("Pharmacy Education in Europe") project studied pharmacy practice and education in the European Union (EU) member states. The work was carried out using an electronic survey sent to chosen pharmacy representatives. The surveys of the individual member states are now being published as reference documents. This paper presents the results of the PHARMINE survey on pharmacy practice and education in Slovenia. In the light of this, we examine the harmonisation of practice and education in Slovenia with EU norms

    Pharmacy Practice and Education in Slovenia

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    The PHARMINE (“Pharmacy Education in Europe”) project studied pharmacy practice and education in the European Union (EU) member states. The work was carried out using an electronic survey sent to chosen pharmacy representatives. The surveys of the individual member states are now being published as reference documents. This paper presents the results of the PHARMINE survey on pharmacy practice and education in Slovenia. In the light of this, we examine the harmonisation of practice and education in Slovenia with EU norms

    Development of a unified reversed-phase HPLC method for efficient determination of EP and USP process-related impurities in celecoxib using analytical quality by design principles

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    This article presents the development of a reversed-phase (RP) high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for determination of process-related impurities in a celecoxib drug substance following Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) principles. The method from European Pharmacopeia (EP) for celecoxib drug substance does not sufficiently separate celecoxib from its EP impurity B because the system suitability criterion is not achieved (resolution NLT 1.8). The same issue was observed with the proposed method from United States Pharmacopeia (USP) for celecoxib capsules, where EP impurity A elutes under the main peak. A new HPLC method was developed that eliminates the disadvantages of the two pharmacopeial methods and is capable of efficiently separating and determining all seven impurities listed in EP and the proposed USP monographs. The development of a new HPLC method started with method scouting, in which various C18 and phenyl stationary phases were tested. Improved selectivity was obtained only with a chiral stationary phase. An immobilized Chiralpak IA-3 column used in RP mode turned out to be the most appropriate for method optimization. The ratio of acetonitrile in the mobile phase, flow rate, and column temperature were recognized as critical method parameters (CMPs) and were further investigated using a central composite face response-surface design. A multiple linear regression (MLR) method was applied to fit the mathematical models on the experimental data to determine factor–response relationships. The models created show adequate fit and good prediction abilities. The Monte Carlo simulation method was used to establish the design space. The method developed was verified in terms of precision, sensitivity, accuracy, and linearity, and the results showed that the new method is suitable for determination of seven process-related impurities of celecoxib

    Developing an improved UHPLC method for efficient determination of European pharmacopeia process-related impurities in ropinirole hydrochloride using analytical quality by design principles

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    This article presents the development of a reversed-phase ultra-high-performance liquid chromatographic method for determining process-related impurities in ropinirole hydrochloride drug substance applying the analytical quality by design approach. The current pharmacopeial method suffers from selectivity issues due to two coelutions of two pairs of impurities. The development of a new method began with preliminary experiments, based on which the Acquity UPLC BEH C8 was selected as the most appropriate column. The effects of six different critical method parameters (CMPs) were then investigated using a fractional factorial screening design. Column temperature, the ratio of methanol in mobile phase B, and gradient slope turned out to be highly significant CMPs in achieving critical resolutions, and they were further evaluated using a central composite face-centered response-surface design. Mathematical models were created by applying a multiple linear regression method. Based on the elution order of an unknown degradation impurity and impurity C, two design spaces were established, and for each design space an optimal combination of CMPs was determined. The method developed was validated for precision, accuracy, linearity, and sensitivity, and it was proven suitable for determining nine process-related impurities of ropinirole

    A Putative Serine Protease is Required to Initiate the RIPK3-MLKL-Mediated Necroptotic Death Pathway in Neutrophils.

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    Adhesion receptors, such as CD44, have been shown to activate receptor interacting protein kinase-3 (RIPK3)-mixed lineage kinase-like (MLKL) signaling, leading to a non-apoptotic cell death in human granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) - primed neutrophils. The signaling events of this necroptotic pathway, however, remain to be investigated. In the present study, we report the design, synthesis, and characterization of a series of novel serine protease inhibitors. Two of these inhibitors, compounds 1 and 3, were able to block CD44-triggered necroptosis in GM-CSF-primed neutrophils. Both inhibitors prevented the activation of MLKL, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3'-kinase (PI3K), hence blocking the increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) required for cell death. Although compounds one and three partially inhibited isolated human neutrophil elastase (HNE) activity, we obtained no pharmacological evidence that HNE is involved in the initiation of this death pathway within a cellular context. Interestingly, neither serine protease inhibitor had any effect on FAS receptor-mediated apoptosis. Taken together, these results suggest that a serine protease is involved in non-apoptotic CD44-triggered RIPK3-MLKL-dependent neutrophil cell death, but not FAS receptor-mediated caspase-dependent apoptosis. Thus, a pharmacological block on serine proteases might be beneficial for preventing exacerbation of disease in neutrophilic inflammatory responses

    Discovery of novel small-molecule compounds with selective cytotoxicity for Burkittʼs lymphoma cells using 3D ligand-based virtual screening

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    We describe a ligand-based approach towards compounds with more specific targeting for Burkittʼs lymphoma. Using three-dimensional ligand-based similarity searches and a previously described hit compound, we have identified six compounds that are chemically different but with similar spatial conformations. Biological evaluation revealed that one compound has better growth inhibition and improved selectivity towards Burkittʼs lymphoma cells than the query compound. However, initial mechanism-of-action studies show a different target profile in comparison with the previous hit compound, which does not involve the inhibition of the proteasome or the NFκB pathway. The data from this study provide a solid basis for further efforts in the search for selective agents against Burkittʼs lymphoma