4 research outputs found


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    Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than 5% moisture. The dry matter content is over 95% which is several times higher than other fruit species. The high content of dry matter and low moisture content in the fruits of hazelnut allows much longer storage of the fruits of other species, with no changes and harmful consequences for the quality.Sugar content ranges between 4.91% (‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe’) to 6.73% in (‘Roman hazelnut’). The protein content of examined cultivars is about 16%, and oil content as the majority of the organic matter in the fruits of the hazelnut was over 60%. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of unsaturated acids, oleic over 81% and 6% of linoleic and saturated, about 5% palmitic and stearic over 4%.Based on the above we can conclude that the fruits of hazelnut high-quality and essential in the diet, due to the significant roles they play in the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of fruits of three major economic and most widespread cultivars of hazelnut in Serbia: 'Istrian long’, ‘Roman hazelnut’ and ‘Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe’


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    Plum is the most important fruit crop for cultivation in Serbia. However, a small amount of plum fruit is sold as fresh fruit due to its poor quality. In order to improve fruit quality and obtain regular and high yield chemical blossom thinning agents were applied. The experiment was conducted on seven-year-old plum trees of cultivar `Stanley` which were planted on distance 5x5 m. Ammonium thiosulphate and ethephon were applied in the next treatments: 1) ammonium thiosulphate 1.5% (ATS); 2) ethephon 0.015% (E); 3) ammonium thiosulphate 1.5% + ethephon 0.015% (ATS + E); 4) hand thinning (HT); 5) untreated control treatment (UTC). Chemical thinning treatments were performed once during the phase of full bloom, while hand thinning treatment was performed after the fall of unfertilized fruitlets at the end of May. Parameters analyzed were yield, fruit size, fruit weight, pit weight, fruit firmness, fruit shape index, soluble solids content, total acid content and the amount of harvested fruits per time unit. The obtained results have shown that ATS + E, ATS and HT treatments significantly reduced the number of fruits on the trees compared to the control treatment. However, yield per tree was reduced significantly only in the ATS + E treatment. Other treatments compensated for the smaller number of fruits per tree with a significantly larger fruit size. Since the fruit size was larger on treated trees, the amount of harvested fruits per time unit was significant compared to control treatment. There were no significant differences among the applied treatments in terms of fruit firmness, soluble solids and total acid content


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    Based on the results it was established that the fruits of all three tested varieties have less than 5% moisture. The dry matter content is over 95% which is several times higher than other fruit species. The high content of dry matter and low moisture content in the fruits of hazelnut allows much longer storage of the fruits of other species, with no changes and harmful consequences for the quality. Sugar content ranges between 4.91% (‘Tonda Gentile delle Langhe`) to 6.73% in (‘Roman hazelnut`). The protein content of examined cultivars is about 16%, and oil content as the majority of the organic matter in the fruits of the hazelnut was over 60%. Vegetable oils are mainly composed of unsaturated acids, oleic over 81% and 6% of linoleic and saturated, about 5% palmitic and stearic over 4%. Based on the above we can conclude that the fruits of hazelnut high-quality and essential in the diet, due to the significant roles they play in the human body. The aim of this study was to analyze the chemical composition of fruits of three major economic and most widespread cultivars of hazelnut in Serbia: 'Istrian long`, ‘Roman hazelnut` and ‘Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe`.Â

    The Use of Plant Bioregulators in Deciduous Fruit Trees

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    Intenzivna proizvodnja voća, pre svega jabučastog i koštičavog, bez primene biljnih bioregulatora, koji su moćan alat za regulisanje brojnih fizioloških procesa u voćkama bi bila veoma teška. Najznačajniji bioregulatori su: α-naftil sirćetna kiselina (NAA), 6-benziladenin (BA), giberelini (GAs), etefon, aminoetoksivinilglicin (AVG) i 1-metilciklopropen (1-MCP). Oni se uspešno koriste u proizvodnji sadnica za popravku njihovog kvaliteta. U rodnim zasadima se koriste za regulisanje bujnosti i rodnosti stabala voćaka, kao i za popravku kvaliteta plodova. Mogu se primeniti i na ubranim plodovima radi povećanja njihove skladišne sposobnosti i smanjenja pojave fizioloških bolesti tokom čuvanja.Intensive fruit production, primarily pome and stone fruits, without the use of plant bioregulators, which are a powerful tool for the regulation of many physiological processes in fruit trees, would be very difficult. The most important bioregulators are as follows: α-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 6-Benzyladenine (BA), Giberellins (GAs), Etefon, Amino ethoxy vinyl glycine (AVG) and 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). They are successfully used in the production of nursery trees in order to improve their quality. These compounds are also used for regulation of fruit trees vigor and productivity as well as for improving fruit quality. In addition to this, bioregulators can be applied on harvested fruits to increase their storage ability and reduce the incidence of physiological diseases during storage