83 research outputs found

    Understanding microenvironment and particulate matter: a case study of underground train systems for a sustainable environment

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    In this paper, we assessed particulate matter (PM) in microenvironments to understand environmental sustainability in a typical underground train system (UTS). The focus on air quality has become paramount in line with the climate goals which has direct influence on human health, society, built environment, and sustainability. To ensure a sustainable underground train system, it is paramount to establish a policy covering occurrence, investigation, monitoring, and mitigation of PM in such microenvironments. Several studies have reported on air quality of the outdoor environment with minimal consideration of microenvironments such as in UTS. There also exist paucity of data on hourly PM using a portable device. It is therefore necessary to assess exposure concentration of PM in selected UTS using a portable device. The average international standard for PM2.5 in the environment is established as 25 μgm-3. Concentration of PM less than 2.5 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) was measured in selected underground train and platforms using a portable Aeroqual device. The data obtained were analysed quantitatively using statistical mean and qualitatively using international standards for permissible PM limits. Using a pollutant of PM2.5 as a datum, concentrations in μgm-3 ranged between 103-165 on platforms and 115-153 inside the train - indicating the need for improved air exchange on the platform. It was observed that PM2.5 concentration on the platform and the trains are much above the international standards. This study argues for the need for an efficient ventilation system. A further study of UTS covering a longer period of exposure time (annual) and the use of different methodologies (equipment, sample size, etc.) are strongly recommended

    Integrated solutions for urban sustainability in Lagos, Nigeria: enhancing housing accessibility and transportation efficiency

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    In this paper, we focus on the sustainability of housing and transport in Lagos, Nigeria. The study's goal is to give a complete assessment of Lagos' existing housing condition and to identify urban priority areas that need immediate intervention. The paper also suggests building large public housing developments that do not become exclusive estates for the wealthy, as well as implementing flexible layout plans that prioritise locations above automotive traffic and movement. According to the research, the Lagos metropolis government should address transport concerns immediately and then address other sustainability challenges affecting the city. The paper suggests that geographic information systems and remote sensing technology be used to track rapidly increasing areas and aid in better policy decisions, spatial planning, land management, and infrastructure development. The paper also recommends the development of integrated, pedestrian-friendly mass transit networks, as well as a shift in social and cultural values to emphasise the benefits of non-motorized modes of transportation. Finally, the report emphasises the importance of policies that promote multi-story residential construction, participatory slum upgrading initiatives, mortgage-based homeownership plans, site and service programmes, private sector estate development, and phased urban neighbourhood regeneration. Future work will include analysing the implications of other SDGs relating to sustainable cities

    A Survey of Computerization of Selected Community Pharmacies in Southwestern Nigeria

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    Background: The use of computers has had impact in all professions including pharmacy. Computers have found lots of application in the management of inventories, electronic prescribing and counting machines for tablets and capsules.Objective: This research was designed to identify the types of technology devices and programs in use by community pharmacies, capabilities of software in use, as well as to identify the challenges faced by community pharmacists in the use of computerized systems in their premises.Method: A cross-sectional survey of 217 community pharmacies in 6 Southwestern Nigerian states was done using a set of questionnaires. Data gathered was subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS version 17.Results: Some community pharmacies in Southwestern Nigeria used inventory management software (47.0%). The reported capabilities of the software packages in use included sales processing (99.0%), account processing (88.2%) and POS link (62.7%). The reasons why some community pharmacies have not computerized their outlets were erratic power supply (56.2%), high cost of the devices (48.4%) and low turnover (35.9%). The major challenges faced by community pharmacists in the use of computer devices in their premises included erratic power supply (90.2%) and high cost of fuel (83.3%).Conclusion: The level of computerization of community pharmacies in Southwestern Nigeria was observed to be generally low. Erratic power supply and cost of device were major challenges to the computerization of community pharmacies in Southwestern Nigeria. Keywords: Community Pharmacy, Software, Computerizatio

    Spatial distribution patterns of the populations of two subterranean termites (Blattodea: Termitidae) in eucalyptus (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) plantations

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    The study was conducted in Afaka, Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria to determine the spatial distribution patterns of the populations of Ancistrotermes sp. and Microtermes sp. in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh, Eucalyptus citriodora Hook, Eucalyptus cloeziana F. and Eucalyptus tereticornis Muell plantations. Spatial distributions patterns of the two termite species populations were determined using indices such as ratios of population variance to mean, Lloyd’s index, Green coefficient, Taylor power and Iwao’s regression models. The values of variance to mean ratios, Lloyd’s index and Green coefficient showed that the populations of both termite species had aggregated distribution pattern in all the Eucalyptus species plantations. The distribution patterns of Ancistrotermes and Microtermes differed using Taylor’s and Iwao regression models. The values of R2 in Taylor’s model ranged from 0.02 to 0.99 for Ancistrotermes sp. and 0.29 to 0.99 for Microtermes sp., while in Iwao’s model, R2 ranged from 0.10 to 0.96 for Ancistrotermes sp. and 0.08 to 0.98 for Microtermes sp. The information provided is vital to develop a sound pest management protocol for these termite species. Keywords: Spatial distribution, Ancistrotermes sp., Microtermes sp., Aggregated, Taylor’s model, Iwao’s mode


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    The paper focuses on Stra tegic Human Resource Development (SHRD) for aging Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) in Nigeria aviation Industry. The existing AME are aging and the concern that there are no strategic plans to meet their requirements is posing a threat to safety of fli ght operations in the Nigerian aviation industry. Although there are numbers of foreign AMEs in Nigeria, however the current shortfalls call for the need to equip indigenous AME so as fill the emerging gaps. Aging technical workforce in aviation industry i s a global phenomenon. Singapore aviation industry embarked on Pre - Employment Educational Training (PET) system in addition to ‘ Attract, Develop and Retain’ (ADR) model in addressing the problems of aging workforce. This paper determined the future needs o f aging AMEs and identified strategic plans to address the gaps . Qualitative research design was used to collect and analyse primary data using Windows based Statistical Package for Social Science Student (SPSS). Despite its advocacy in the national media, result showed that, there are no coherent national strategic plans (i.e. training, workplace design, reward, recognition and retention) to meet the forecasted future aging AME needs hence supporting the research hypothesis. A generic framework model (GORD LAR), adapted from ADR was developed as a strategic implementation matrices to enable airlines meet the future forecasting needs of aging technical workforce. This paper argued the need to augment significant manpower development, training and work design plan for young or aspiring AMEs. It further calls for the need to re - strategise the SHRD framework of the numerous foreign AME working in Nigeria in the mentoring and transfer of knowledge to the younger and indigenously produced AME. Future work would inc lude examining the issue in respect of coexistence of multigenerational AME in Nigeria; and the need to encourage Nigerian airlines to implement GORDLAR model as SHRD and as proposed in this paper to meet the future forecasting needs of AME


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    This article describes the effects of Economic Regulation (ER) on domestic airlines in developing countries using Nigeria as case study. In recent times ER has received much attention in the developing countries as setbacks in airline industry are partly attributed to poor financial management despite the huge loosely monitored Government subventions in the form of bail outs. The regulatory mechanism for ER in t he airline industry emphasised non - financial qualitative metrics and cost variables whilst numerous financial ratios that guide industrial best practices globally received insignificant attention. Literatures confirmed that financial ratios are of outmost significance in evaluating airline solvency and they further provide objective basis for financial analysis, statistical inference, comparative and trend analysis. Two sets of structured interviews were administered to the NCAA and three (3) selected domes tic airlines to determine the extent of adoption of quantitative (financial ratios) in ER; regrettably, the inherent lack of quantitative data was evidenced. This article employed qualitative comparative analysis methodology to bridge the existing literatu re gaps. It developed a framework as benchmark for best industrial practices by utilising financial ratios to assess airline solvency. The results of the study conducted were used t o modify the existing body of knowledge, propose institutional change that are airline - specific and augment the holistic mechanism for ER of airlines in Nigeria inclusive of consideration of mergers and acquisitions that improves both scope and scale economies. Future work would include specific testing of the proposed framework in an airline environment with the objective of improving learning and dynamics of policy formulation in a complex air transport environme
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