3 research outputs found

    Community Perceived Attitude on Forest Related Environmental Issues using Mass Media in Osun States, Nigeria

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    This paper examines community perceived attitude on Forestry Related Environmental Issues (FREI) in Osun state with a view to strengthening mass media use. Data collected from primary and secondary sources were analyzed qualitatively. The pooled data on frequency distribution of perceived attitude on forest related environmental issues reveals that majority of the end users (75percent) agreed minimally that it is important to pay attention to FREI to eco-balance the environment while 60percent respondent said it is a mere threat, that FREI cannot have adverse effect on the stability of the environment. This suggests that attitude to forest related environmental issues with respect to community awareness on forestry mitigation approaches have been ranked very low while more end-users/ farmers considered average mass media efforts as town criers a mere threat, and thus FREI cannot have adverse effect on the stability of the environment. The need to undertake community perceived attitude on FREI in Osun state with a view to strengthening sustainable livelihoods approach using mass media coverage is essential. The results of this study brought into focus the involvement of mass media in disseminating environmental issues as watchdogs for a good environment but that is currently dominated by incidental reporting from actual assessment. Most mass media do not channel feedback to appropriate body such as FRIN for processing, therefore this disposition becomes imperative for collaboration and coordination among government agencies horizontally and vertically. Community forestry awareness supports livelihood assets such as social capital and community organization, as well as diversified livelihoods and the protection of the natural resource base on which they depend. Keywords: perceived attitude; Mass media; Forestry Related Environmental Issues; Mitigation

    Socioeconomic Uses of Non-Timber Forest Products among Urban Dwellers in Oyo State, Nigeria.

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    This study assessed the socioeconomic importance of   Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) among  the urban dwellers  in Oyo State. Two hundred and thirty (230) structured questionnaires were administered at household level. Both random and proportionate sampling techniques were adopted. Data were sourced on the basis of senatorial districts. The three senatorial districts are Oyo South, Oyo Central and Oyo North with a population size of 1,764,217, 1,906,814 and 1,909,863 respectively. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents; the multiple regression analysis was employed to determine the factors affecting the utilization of NTFPs. The result of the multiple regression coefficient of 0.79 indicates that 79% of the independent variables explain the dependent variable. Therefore educational level, marital status, household size and household income explain significant variation in the level of utilization of NTFPs in the study area, while variables such as age and sex were not significant in determining the variation in the level of the utilization of NTFPs. Some of the reasons given by the respondents for using the NTFPs include cheapness, availability and accessibility and some of the sources where they obtain the NTFPs were given as market, hawkers, forest and friends. Efforts should therefore be made by government and relevant research institutes to train the people on the domestication of these NTFPs to achieve sustainability, Pharmaceutical involvement to make more refine herbal or medicinal products, and  create more awareness about efficacy of  NTFPs in nutrition and  medicine. Keywords: Nontimber forest products, Utilization, Urban Dwellers

    Sensitivity analysis of semi-intensive method of swine production:a case study of anguwar-gwari area of Kaduna north local government area of Kaduna state.

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    The present animal protein intake level in Nigeria can be improved by increased livestock production in quantity and quality. This can be achieved through adoption of improved production practices and the rearing of high yielding species of livestock. This work therefore sought to determine the sensitivity of swine production under semi-intensive technique in response to increased cost of production and a decline in the price of swine. Data were collected by means of structured questionnaire administered on twenty-one farms practicing semi-intensive technique of swine production with the aid of cluster sampling technique. Data collected was subjected to various measures of return on investment viz: Gross Margin, Benefit-Cost Ratio, Net Present Value, and Internal Rate of Return. Results show that in the first year gross margin was N833, 850.00, Net profit, N449,350.00, Rate of Return 69.5% while BCR of 2.85, NPV N3,879,697.64 at 25% and IRR 55.25% were recorded for a five year estimated cash flow. Result of sensitivity test on increased cost of production 30% and fall in price 30% showed that BCR of 2.19 and 1.99, NPV N3,194,160.60 and N2,030,020.15, IRR, 35.57% and 46.91% were recorded respectively. These are indicators that even with the assumption of increased cost or declined price of output, swine production using semiintensive technique is a profitable venture in the study area. It is therefore recommended that semiintensive technique of swine production be encouraged to enhance animal protein production of higher quantity and quality.Key words: Sensitivity analysis, semi intensive, swin