88 research outputs found

    Gender differences in credit acquisition techniques of rural dwellers in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State

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    The study assessed gender differences in credit acquisition techniques of rural dwellers in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun state. A multistage sampling procedure was used to select respondents for the study. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire covering respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics, sources of information, constraints faced and credit sources available. Data were analyzed using percentages, frequencies and t-test. Result of analysis showed that the mean ages were 43 and 40 for males and females, 51.5% and 38.5% of males and females had access to credit facilities. Farming was a major (64.7% and 76.9%) source of income in the study area. Farm organization was the major source of information, ̅= 2.53 and =2.58 in the study area. Major constraints faced by males were time wasting and undue embarrassment ̅= 2.93 while high interest rate ̅= 2.88 constrained the females most. Family was the major source of credit, ̅=2.9 for both males and females. There was a significant difference (t= 0.96, p< 0.05) in credit acquisition from money lenders between males and females. The study concluded that respondents mostly acquired credits from family sources, hence, recommended that strings and barriers be lessened to enable respondents have access to formal credit sources.

    Review of Researches on Techno-Economic Analysis and Environmental Impact of Hybrid Energy Systems

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    Hybrid energy systems, which are combinations of two or more renewable and non-renewable energy sources, have been identified as a viable mechanism to address the limitations of a single renewable energy source, utilized for electricity generation. In view of this, several research works have been carried out to determine the optimal mix of different renewable and non-renewable energy resources used for electricity generation. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the optimization approaches proposed and adopted by various authors in the literature for optimal sizing of hybrid energy systems. It is observed that the objective functions - considered by a large percentage of researchers to optimize the sizing of hybrid energy systems - are cost minimization of the generated electricity, system reliability enhancement and environmental pollution reduction. Other factors covered in the literature are equally discussed in this article. Similarly, simulation and optimization software used for the same purpose are covered in the paper. In essence, the main aim of this paper is to provide a scope into the works that have been carried out in the field of hybrid energy systems, used for electricity generation with the view to informing researchers and members of the public alike, on trends in methods applied in optimal sizing of hybrid energy systems. It is believed that the information provided in this paper is very crucial in advancing research in the field

    Factors Influencing Initiation of Breast Feeding among Post-Partum Mothers in a Teaching Hospital of Osun State, Nigeria.

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    INTRODUCTION:- Breastfeeding is well recognized as the best food source for infants. It has been advocated as a cost effective means of improving the child’s health, mother’s health and mother - infant bonding. The study was carried out to determine the factors that influence the initiation of breast feeding among post partum mothers in a teaching hospital of Osun State, Nigeria. METHOD: - A descriptive cross sectional research design was used, with 317 respondents selected randomly. Data were collected using a self-designed questionnaire. The data were analyzed using statistical product and service solutions window version 21. Six research hypotheses were set and analyzed while only one research questions was answered. RESULT: Results showed that maternal age was the only factor found to influence breast feeding initiation. Majority of respondents lack adequate understanding of the factors that are major predictors of breast feeding initiation. CONCLUSION:- It was concluded that mothers should be given health information on factors that can influence initiation of Keywords:Factors influencing, Initiation, Post partum mothers, breast feeding

    Optimization of Nutritional and Pasting Properties of Rice-Sweet Potato Based Composite Flour for Biscuit Production

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    Rice-sweet potato based biscuit was produced from optimization of the composite flour. The composite flour consisted rice, sweet potato and soybean flours with carboxyl methylcellulose as binder. Experimental design and statistical analysis were carried out using optimal mixture design of response surface methodology. The proximate compositions were optimized while the pasting characteristics and amino acid profile of the optimum blends were evaluated. The sensory evaluation and mechanical properties of the biscuit produced were also determined. The result showed that 15 of the 16 samples had protein content above 10 g/100g. This value is considerable if compared with 100% wheat flour. Samples 6 (85.694% rice flour, 11.806% sweet potato and 2.5% CMC) and 7 (95% rice flour, 2.5% sweet potato flour and 6.765% CMC), specifically, had high levels of ash, fibre and protein contents. In addition, all the samples had carbohydrate content above 70 g/100g. The result of the pasting characteristics showed that the composite flour had good flour quality. The addition of the binder (carboxyl methyl cellulose) enhanced the pasting properties. In addition, the amino acid profile showed that the composite flour had all the nine essential amino acids. The biscuit produced had good mechanical and sensory properties

    Fabrication of forced air cool austempered ductile iron and exploring its corrosion behaviour in a simulated mine water

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    Abstract: The production of austempered ductile iron (ADI) with uniform microstructure and properties is constrained by the austempering process vis-à-vis the quenching medium. This is as a result of the stringent operating parameters with costly facilities. This limitation has restricted the application of ADI, despite its inherent mechanical and chemical properties. An emerging technology of overcoming this limitation is by austempering with force air cooling equipment, which is accessible, available and cost-efficient. This work characterizes the behaviour of the forced air cool ADI in simulated mine water due to the strategic importance of the mining industry in the global economy. The study establishes the influence of sample section thickness on the corrosion performance. The sample’s thickness were 5, 15, and 20 mm. Electrochemical experiments were performed on the forced air cool ADI at atmospheric pressure and room temperature with method such as open circuit potential (OCP). The post-corrosion analyses were performed using X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). The research highlighted that small section thickness has a more favourable performance compared with larger section. Consideration is also accorded to the capability of the ADI in the studied environment

    Evaluation of Vegetable Based Lubricants on Hardness Property of ECAE Aluminum

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    Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) is the extrusion method that involve s the use of angular die to introduce plastic deformation on any metal espec ially aluminum which in turn improves its hardness. Lubricant’s role cannot be under estimated in the process as it requires reducing the high heat of deformation and extrusion pressure in- volved. The commonly used lubrican ts for this process were from orga nic sources, very scarce and non - environmentally friendly. Hence , it is a great advantage to in vestigate alternative extrusion lubricant from vegetable source. Four vegetable based lubricants such as jatropha oil, castor oil, neem oil and cottonseed oil were selected for this research . The properties of these selected oils were characterized to its physical and chemical properties. Aluminum rod was machined to 17 billets of size 11.95m x 11.95m x 40m (l × b × h) each and was annealed. The billet size was selected based on the configurations of the fabricated ECAE die. Four billets were extruded with each lubricant which makes the tot al of 16billets extruded for the four lubricants and the last billet was used as the con- trol. The hardness of the extruded sa mples was evaluated after the extrusion and compared to the control. The hardness result was compared to the sample extrude d with organic based lubricants from the literature It was di s- covered that all the lubricants tested greatly enhanced hardne ss of the extruded sample but at different magnitude. Jatropha oil exhibit s the greatest hardness on extrusion of Aluminu

    Comparative case studies in integrated care implementation from across the globe: A quest for action

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: Integrated care is the coordination of general and behavioral health and is a highly promising and practical approach to improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. While there is growing interest and investment in integrated care implementation internationally, there are no formal guidelines for integrated care implementation applicable to diverse healthcare systems. Furthermore, there is a complex interplay of factors at multiple levels of influence that are necessary for successful implementation of integrated care in health systems. Methods: Guided by the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, Sustainment (EPIS) framework (Aarons et al., 2011), a multiple case study design was used to address two research objectives: 1) To highlight current integrated care implementation efforts through seven international case studies that target a range of healthcare systems, patient populations and implementation strategies and outcomes, and 2) To synthesize the shared and unique challenges and successes across studies using the EPIS framework. Results: The seven reported case studies represent integrated care implementation efforts from five countries and continents (United States, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Israel, and Nigeria), target a range of clinical populations and care settings, and span all phases of the EPIS framework. Qualitative synthesis of these case studies illuminated common outer context, inner context, bridging and innovation factors that were key drivers of implementation. Conclusions: We propose an agenda that outlines priority goals and related strategies to advance integrated care implementation research. These goals relate to: 1) the role of funding at multiple levels of implementation, 2) meaningful collaboration with stakeholders across phases of implementation and 3) clear communication to stakeholders about integrated care implementation. Trial registration: Not applicable

    Stigma and utilization of treatment for adolescent perinatal depression in Ibadan Nigeria

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    This study identified predisposing, enabling, and hindering factors to health services utilization by adolescent mothers. Approximately 95% of all births to girls under age 18 occur in low- and middle -income countries (LMICs), where supporting infrastructure for healthcare is limited. Depression is a common and severe disorder among low-income adolescent mothers, where treatment often includes stigmatizing attitudes towards adolescent sexuality by healthcare providers. The study recognizes that it is difficult for someone young to enforce anything at home because they are not autonomous

    Available online www.ejaet.com European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 201 7 , 4 ( 8 ): 592 - 596 Research Article ISSN: 2394 - 658X 592 Evaluation of Vegetable Based Lubricants on Hardness Property o f ECAE Aluminum

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    Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) is the extrusion method that involve s the use of angular die to introduce plastic deformation on any metal espec ially aluminum which in turn improves its hardness. Lubricant’s role cannot be under estimated in the process as it requires reducing the high heat of deformation and extrusion pressure in- volved. The commonly used lubrican ts for this process were from orga nic sources, very scarce and non - environmentally friendly. Hence , it is a great advantage to in vestigate alternative extrusion lubricant from vegetable source. Four vegetable based lubricants such as jatropha oil, castor oil, neem oil and cottonseed oil were selected for this research . The properties of these selected oils were characterized to its physical and chemical properties. Aluminum rod was machined to 17 billets of size 11.95m x 11.95m x 40m (l × b × h) each and was annealed. The billet size was selected based on the configurations of the fabricated ECAE die. Four billets were extruded with each lubricant which makes the tot al of 16billets extruded for the four lubricants and the last billet was used as the con- trol. The hardness of the extruded sa mples was evaluated after the extrusion and compared to the control. The hardness result was compared to the sample extrude d with organic based lubricants from the literature It was di s- covered that all the lubricants tested greatly enhanced hardne ss of the extruded sample but at different magnitude. Jatropha oil exhibit s the greatest hardness on extrusion of Aluminu
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