6 research outputs found

    Additional file 12: of High-density linkage map construction and QTL analysis for earliness-related traits in Gossypium hirsutum L

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    Distribution of the mapped SNPs on the 26 reference chromosomes. The horizontal line indicates the physical position (Mb) of the 26 chromosomes, and the vertical line indicates the 26 chromosomes from D13 to A1. (TIF 1351 kb

    Additional file 9: of High-density linkage map construction and QTL analysis for earliness-related traits in Gossypium hirsutum L

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    Recombinants in the RIL population at locus qFT-D3-3 defining the core region between Marker25957 and Marker25965. CCRI36 is the maternal cultivar; G2005 is the paternal line; b is the homozygous allele conferred by CCRI36; a is the homozygous allele conferred by G2005; and h is heterozygous. (PDF 124 kb