7 research outputs found

    Brief Counseling and Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS) Increase Patient Compliance

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    Abstract—Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that is irreversible and progressive. One of the factors that plays a role in the success of COPD disease control is compliance in taking the drug. This research aimed to know the effect of SMS and brief counseling on compliance level in COPD outpatient at Pulmonary special Hospital in Bantul Yogyakarta. The research was conducted between the December 2014 and January 2015. This research used experimental study with pre and post controlled group design. There were 33 patients for each group. The intervention group received SMS and brief counseling, while the control group received standard care. The level of compliance data was collected based on interviews using Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS) questionnaire. The results showed that from 66 patients, 49 patients (72.2%) had a high level of compliance, 12 patients (18.2%) a moderate compliance and 5 patients (7.6%) a low compliance. MMAS analysis results showed that there was significant difference p = 0.000 ( 0.05). SMS and brief counseling in patients with COPD effectively enhanced the patient's compliance

    Simulator Panel Pintu Kargo Pesawat Boeing 737 – 900 Er Otomatis Berbasis Zelio Smart Relay

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    In the current era is a lot of public transportation that has been provided by the government and private sectors. People now, more inclined to use the mode of transport that is more secure, convenient, and timely in mobility to his destination. One form of technological developments in the world of aviation is the air cargo door system. However, at the Boeing 737-900 ER still uses the cargo door manually. Cargo door mechanical system simulation created automatically by connecting the rotor pulley to load the door so that it can move. To make the program by arranging the ladder diagram and simulated work with Zelio Soft 2 is then transferred from the PC (personal computer) to the device to be tested. Panel system works by switching the green Input Port I1 then the DC motor will rotate to right drive the load to open the door and if the load door has touched a mechanical sensor switch 1 Input Port I3 then the motor stops and by switching the red Input Port I2, the DC motor will drive the load rotates left to close the door and if the door is already touching the load mechanical sensor switch 2 input Port I3 then the motor stops. When the load exceeds the capacity ampere circuit safety In 4A until it reaches the average - average of 7,25 A. The MCB trip to secure the circuit within the average - average of 6,25 seconds and the Power Supply change the voltage of 220 VAC enter into a 24 VDC output voltage, which is taken Data is based on testing of the average - average 210,8 VAC and 23,05 VDC.Kata Kunci— Cargo; Zelio Smart Relay; MCB; Power Supply; senso

    Hasil Penilaian Sejawat (Brief Counseling and Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS) Increase Patient Cmpliance)

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    Hasil Penilaian Sejawat (Brief Counseling and Mobile Phone Short Message Service (SMS) Increase Patient Compliance)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan submasalah pada penelitian yaitu citra fisik dan nonfisik tokoh utama dalam novel Kitab Cinta Yusuf Zulaikha karya Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, bentuk kualitatif, dengan pendekatan struktural dinamik. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa (1) citra fisik yang terdapat dari tokoh utama Yusuf adalah berkharisma, gagah, tampan, kulit yang halus, suara yang merdu, dan senyum yang memikat; (2) citra nonfisik yang terdapat dari tokoh utama Yusuf adalah baik hati, jujur, cerdas, bijaksana, penuh cinta kasih, penderitaan, mengakui kesalahan, keyakinan, religius, dan takwa. Kata kunci: citra, tokoh utama, novel Abstract: The research purpose is to describe the subproblems in research are the physical image and non physical image of the main character of Kitab Cinta Yusuf Zuliakha written by Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. The method of this research is descriptive, qualitative form, with the dynamical structural assessment. The result of data analysis showed that (1) the physical image of Yusuf as the main character of this research is charismatic, muscular, handsome, well-treatment skin, good voice, and attractive smile; (2) the non physical image of Yusuf as the main character of this reseacrh is kind, honest, intelligent, wise, loving, suffering, admit mistakes, beliefs, religious piety. Keyword: image, main character, nove