18 research outputs found

    Islam and Problems of State: Considering the Position of Sharia in Democratic Country Indonesia

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    The jargon stating that humans are social beings seems to have become theproportion accepted by Islamic thinkers from past to present. Neither of the Islamicexperts refuses the fact that to be able to develop their self-potencies andhumanitarianism, human beings impossibly can live alone without requiringsomeone else\u27s aids or helps. However, when they talk about the relationshipbetween religion and power, Islam and politics or Islam and state, not all of theIslamic experts have the same viewpoints. Their distinction in history can be investigated from the difference among them in seeing what is the main mission brought by Prophet Muhammad, is it right that Prophet Muhammad is as the head of state? If yes, is it part of his treatise mission or part of the tactics, procedure or ijtihad (reinterpretation) in his efforts to build egalitarian society guided by the universal moral values

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Berbasis Keterampilan Generik Sains (Kgs) Materi Tekanan

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    The objective of this this research was to produce worksheets with a generic science skills (GSS)-based on the lesson of pressure for class 8th in MTs Alfatah. According to Sugiyono (2011), the method is adapted from research steps that includes 9 stages of development. The result of tests on user response on the aspects of the attractiveness get score 3,18 with good category, the aspects of simplicity got score 3,07 with good category, and for the aspect of usefulness get score 3,14 with good category. While for the effectivity test results in the USAge of product trial get 81,25%, student complete 65 of accomplishments criteria (or KKM). Therefore, GSS-based of students worksheets is worthy and efective to use as a learning media.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan LKS Berbasis KGS pada materi tekanan untuk kelas VIII MTs Alfatah Natar. Metode pengembangan diadaptasi dari langkah-langkah penelitian dan pengembangan menurut Sugiyono (2011) yang meliputi sembilan tahapan pengembangan. Hasil uji coba terhadap respon pengguna untuk aspek kemenarikan memperoleh skor 3,18 dengan kategori baik, aspek kemudahan memperoleh skor 3,07 dengan kategori baik, untuk aspek kebermanfaatan memperoleh skor 3,14 dengan kategori baik. Semetara itu, untuk hasil uji efektivitas pada uji pemakaian produk mencapai 81,25% siswa tuntas KKM 65. Dengan demikian, LKS berbasis KGS layak dan efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran

    Hukum Islam Di Era Demikrasi: Tantangan Dan Peluang Bagi Formalisasi Politik Syari'at Islam Di Indonesia

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    ISLAMIC LAW IN THE ERA OF DEMOCRACY. Challenges and Opportunities for a formalization of Islamic Politics in Indonesia: This paper describes the long journey of struggle to include the Islamic teaching into constitution and laws of Indonesia, the challenges faced by some muslims who would establish Islamic teaching through state institutions and the extent to which the opportunities provided by the democracy in Indonesia which can be used by muslims to offer what they consider to be Islamic laws. Attempts to include the Islamic teaching (Shari'ah) in the constitution of the republic of Indonesia appeared before this state is officially declared. Before that, the founders of the state have been arguing about the foundation of the state. Most of them want the basic state of Indonesia is Islam, while others require that the state of Indonesia's basic is nationalism. The first compromise was reached at the time of the founders of state agreed that the Jakarta Charter which combines elements of nationalism and Islam will be the opening of the country's constitution

    Islam dan Pasar: Studi Atas Pemikiran Abū Ḥasan Al-Māwardī Tentang Mekanisme Pasar

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    This paper analyzes Imam al-Māwardi's economic thought. He is a Muslim scholar, an interdisciplinary scientist who has contributed to Islamic economic concepts. This article is one of the arguments about the weakness of Schumpeter's "the Great Gap" thesis which considers the history of economic thought to jump dramatically from ancient Greek times to St. Thomas Aquinas by ignoring the contribution of Muslim scholars/economists who greatly influenced the period. This research focuses on al-Mawardi's view of the market mechanism, tas'īr and hisbah institutions using the literature method and analyzed with philosophical and historical approaches. About the market mechanism, al-Māwardi argues that in principle the market must proceed naturally (freely) and government intervention in the market is allowed to monitor economic fraud, crime and to stabilize of economic condition. Interestingly, this concept is almost the same as the thought of John Maynard Keynes (Fathers of Modern Economics). This thinking seems to precede the modern economic concept of the task of government and the market system

    Pengaruh Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Struktur Pengendalian Intern terhadap Keberhasilan Koperasi

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan maksud untuk mendiskripsikan dan memperoleh kesimpulan tentang pengaruh efektivitas pelaksanaan struktur pengendalian intern terhadap keberhasilan koperasi baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada KPRI di Kabuapten Mojokerto Jawa Timur. Teknik pengumpulan data primer dengan simple random sampling melalui penyebaran angket sebagai instrumen utama, disamping dokumentasi dan observasi terhadap responden. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 48 KPRI dengan sampel penelitian sebesar 32 koperasi. Untuk analisis data dan pengujian hipotesis digunakan analisi jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian dan pengujian menunjukkan bahwa (1) secara simultan efektivitas pelaksanaan struktur pengendalian intern yang terdiri dari lingkungan pengendalian, penaksiran resiko, aktivitas pengendalian, informasi dan komunikasi dan pemantauan memberikan kontribusi yang positif terhadap keberhasilan koperasi sebesar 91,91%; (2) secara parsial lingkungan pengendalian memberikan kontribusi secara total sebesar 23,91%, penaksiran resiko memberikan kontribusi secara total sebesar 21,90%, aktivitas pengendalian memberikan kontribusi secara total sebesar 21,70%, informasi dan komunikasi memberikan kontribusi secara total sebesar 10,96%, sedangkan pemantauan memberikan kontribusi secara total sebesar 16,18% secara positif dan signifikan terhadap keberhasilan Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia di kota Mojokerto Jawa Timur. Kata Kunci : Struktur pengendalian intern, keberhasilan koperasi

    Sistem Informasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam pada PT Meiwa Indonesia Berbasis Java Desktop

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    This study aims to facilitate performance in the cooperative data storage and storage organization of PT MEIWA INDONESIA. The research method used by researchers is a research method that is based on fact-based research methods and uses comparative analysis with the aim of generating empirical, concept building, proving theories, developing theories, analyzing data and analyzing data. The results obtained are the idea of a savings and loan cooperative information system to assist in processing employee data. The development of an information system is expected to simplify and provide maximum service to employees and facilitate cooperative staff in collecting loan transaction data for reporting, making data and information management processes more effective, producing Faster output and no loan requests, data input or data duplication

    Stunning On Animals Slaughter On Islamic Law Perspective

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    The research aimed to analyze the study of Islamic law regarding slaughter and stunning, and provide an assessment of the benefits of the slaughter and slaughter results. The research method is a library study in which the process is by collecting book data and other reading sources. Data sources in the form of fiqh references and ICU fatwas, accompanied by empirical research findings on stunning. The main references are obtained from al-Fiqh al-Islami wa Adillatuhu, al-Haram wa al-Haram, Kasysyaf al-Qina', and several books of hadith and fiqh. The research found that stunning is permissible by paying attention to temporary fainting animals, does not cause death and permanent injury, aims to facilitate slaughter, and not to torture animals. Slaughter by conventional means is recommended. The benefit is based on the indicator that animals die Faster. Opinions of Ulama and ICU Fatwa encourage the slaughter manually without stunning

    Spatial Urban – Rural Interaction Patterns in Metropolitan Cirebon Raya Using Remote Sensing and Socioeconomic Data

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    Urbanization patterns in developing Asian countries may or may not follow commonly known urbanization patterns and models set forth by lessons from the developed world. A unique phenomenon described as desakota is well known as a unique artifact of Asian urbanization, in which new urban areas arise semi-independently from otherwise rural regions in proximity to the edges of continuous urbanized areas.. We intend to identify the interaction between the urban fringe and surrounding rural areas while taking unique socioeconomic and morphological characteristics of the Desakota into account. We utilize a combination of K - Means Clustering, factor analysis and spatiotemporal analysis to identify patterns of urbanization in Metropolitan Cirebon Raya, an industrializing metropolitan statistical region where agriculture is still a douse, around Cirebon City, using statistical socioeconomic and demographic data from Badan Pusat Statistik in addition to land use data obtained from Landsat. Between 2010 – 2020, we identified substantial desakota type growth, in which new urbanized land development occurred organically from a formerly rural area, weakly linked to the supposed ‘center' of the specified metropolitan region (Metropolitan Cirebon Raya). Based on the results obtained, we were able to corroborate desakota theory through quantitative methods, by taking socioeconomic and demographic data into account as a supplement to land use data. For delineation of metropolitan regions in Southeast Asia in which desakota patterns of development are presumed, we recommend utilizing the methodology we have developed, integrating both socioeconomic and demographic data to better identify desakota regions in peri-urban regions