1 research outputs found

    Mobilitas Pemulung Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Kota Surakarta

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    The poverty rate in cities is still high. The city of Surakarta is in the 2nd rank for the highest number of poor people in Central Java Province in the city category. The urban poor usually live in slum areas. Pasar Kliwon sub-district has the largest slum area in the city of Surakarta. The poor usually work in the informal sector, one of which is working as scavengers. Scavengers perform mobility while working around looking for used goods to various locations or regions. This research is entitled "Mobility of Scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City" which aims to: (1) determine the social and economic characteristics of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta City. (2) knowing the mobility of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City. The sampling method used snowball sampling with the number of respondents 20 scavengers. The data collection method used a questionnaire. The results of this study indicate the social characteristics of scavengers in Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City, on average 46 years of age with male gender, the majority (90%) of residents who were born native in Pasar Kliwon District. Economic Characteristics of Scavengers, Pasar Kliwon Subdistrict, Surakarta City, has an average income of Rp. 42,500 / day with an average total expenditure of Rp. 45,400 / day. The average monthly income of scavengers is below 36% of the UMK Surakarta. Most of the mobility of scavengers (60%) use motorbike transportation, the farthest location for scavenging is in the Sukoharjo regency with a distance of 19.7 km. The majority of respondents (50%) scavenged garbage to north Solo and the majority (70%) scavenged waste outside the Pasar Kliwon District and outside Surakarta City. The majority (100%) of the patterns of mobility carried out by scavengers go straight home, most (50%) work for 5-6 hours / day