14 research outputs found

    Perubahan Kadar Iodium Urin, Tsh, Dan T4 Bebas Pada Wus Setelah Pemberian Garam Dosis 30-35 PPM Kio3

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    Background. In several countries, iodine deficiency has been turned into iodineexcess. These iodine excess due to poor monitoring of iodine concentration onsalt, which cause high and uneven iodine rations. The objective of the study wasto determine if intervention of 30-35 ppm iodized salt improves UIE, TSH and fT4level in childbearing age women. Methods. This is a quasi-experimental study byproviding 30-35 ppm KIO3 iodized salt for 6 months on childbearing age women inIDD mild endemic area (n=71). The control group were only measured by iodine saltconsumption of each monthly used (n=76). The study conducted in in Bener villagePurworejo. Urinary iodine concentration (UIC), TSH and fT4 were measured atbaseline and endline. TSH and fT4 level were measured using ELISA method. UIEwas analysed using APDM method. Result. Subject characterisitcs of each groupare not much different. Iodine concentration median (range) of treatment group andcontrol group were 149 (20-400) μg/ L and 160 (28 – 698) μg/ L, respectively. MeanTSH level which were normal before intervention (3.03 ± 1.19 μIU/ ml vs 2.52 ±1.29 μIU/ ml), improved significantly after intervention compared to the control group(2.03 ± 1.28 μIU/ ml vs 2.71 ± 1.66 μIU/ ml). Mean free T4 level which were normalbefore intervention (1.29 ± 0.29 ng/ dl vs 1.32 ± 0.24 ng/ dl), decreased significantlyafter intervention compared to the control group (1.04 ± 0.24 ng/ dl vs 1.18 ± 0.43ng/ dl). Conclusion. 30 – 35 ppm iodized salt Intervention for 6 months was able toprovide iodine requirement, improve level of TSH and maintain level of fT4 in normallevel

    Pengaruh Suplementasi Ganda Iodium Dan Zat Besi (Fe) Terhadap Kadar Tsh, Ft4, T3 Dan Ferritin Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    PENGARUH SUPLEMENTASI GANDA IODIUM DAN ZAT BESI (Fe) TERHADAP KADAR TSH, fT4, T3 DAN FERRITIN ANAK SEKOLAH DASAR Effect of Iodine and Iron (Fe) Dual Supplementation on The Levels of TSH, fT4, T3 and Ferritin in Primary School Children ABSTRACT Background. Intercorrelations between iodine and iron (Fe) on the function of the thyroid gland and the status of iron (Fe) affects the effectiveness of Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) prevention and anemia programs. Communities group prone to nutritional problems are school age children who are in growth period. Objective. This study aims to compare the effect of iodine iron (I+Fe) double supplementation with single supplementation of iodine (I) and single supplementation of iron (Fe) on the function of the thyroid gland and the status of iron (Fe). Method. The study was a randomized double-blind controlled trial. Provision of interventions done by randomization with block permutations dividing study subjects into four groups: Iodine+iron (I+Fe) dual supplement group, iodine (I) only supplement group, iron (Fe) only suplement group and placebo group. Subjects were primary school children aged 9-12 years. Interventions conducted for 13 weeks and thyroid function measured by serum levels of TSH, fT4 and T3, while the iron status based on ferritin levels. Results. Supplementation of Iodine and Iron can increase ferritin and T3 levels, while supplementation of I+FeI, I or Fe can increase levels of fT4 although it is not statistically significant. Ancova showed there is a mechanism of mutual influence between ferritin, fT4 and T3. Conclusion. There is no differences between dual supplementation of iodine and iron with single supplementation of iodine or iron in alteration of ferritin, TSH, fT4, and T3 serum. Keywords: iodine, iron, supplementation. ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Interkorelasi antara iodium dan zat besi (Fe) terhadap fungsi kelenjar tiroid dan status zat besi (Fe) mempengaruhi efektifitas program penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (GAKI) dan anemia. Kelompok masyarakat yang rawan terhadap kedua masalah gizi tersebut adalah anak usia sekolah yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Tujuan. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh suplementasi ganda iodium zat besi (Fe) dengan suplementasi tunggal iodium dan suplementasi tunggal zat besi (Fe) terhadap fungsi kelenjar tiroid dan status zat besi (Fe). Metode. Desain penelitian adalah randomized double blind contolled trial. Pemberian intervensi dilakukan dengan cara randomisasi dengan blok permutasi yang membagi partisipan penelitian ke dalam 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok suplementasi ganda iodium+zat besi (I+Fe), kelompok suplementasi tunggal iodium (I), kelompok suplementasi tunggal zat besi (Fe) dan kelompok placebo. Partisipan penelitian adalah anak sekolah dasar umur 9 – 12 tahun. Intervensi dilakukan selama 13 minggu dan fungsi tiroid diukur berdasarkan kadar TSH, fT4 dan T3 serum, sedangkan status besi berdasarkan kadar feritin serum. Hasil. Pemberian suplementasi Iodium dan Fe (I+Fe) dapat meningkatkan kadar feritin dan T3. Pemberian suplementasi Fe+I, I atau Fe dapat meningkatkan kadar fT4 walaupun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Uji ancova menunjukkan adamekanisme saling mempengaruhi antara feritin, fT4 dan T3. Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nyata antara suplementasi ganda iodium zat besi (Fe) dengan suplementasi tunggal iodium atau zat besi (Fe) terhadap Perubahan ferritin, TSH, fT4, dan T3 serum

    Suplementasi Besi Mampu Memperbaiki Kadar Hormon TSH Anak Sekolah Di Daerah Endemik GAKI

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    Multiple nutritional and environmental influences contribute to the prevalence and severity of IDDs in iodine deficient areas, including iron. In many developing countries, children are at high risk of both goiter and iron deficiency anemia. Iron deficiency adversely affects thyroid metabolism and may reduce the efficacy of iodized salt. The aim of this study was to investigate whether iron supplementation can improve thyrothrophin hormone in school children in iodine deficient areas. A trial of iron supplementation was carried out in an area of endemic goiter in Kertek Wonosobo (n = 35), another group given placebo (n = 35). At baseline, anthropometri, TSH, ferritin, urinary iodine excretion and level of iodized salt were measured. After 13 weeks supplementation, the same data collecting was conducted. Supplement's compliance during the study reached 100%. Two subject were excluded from from the analysis because they have extreme bio chemical data than the overall average. Statistical test showed no differences in age and gender proportion between groups. There were no significant difference in nutritional status, level of EIU, and level of iodine in salt between groups after the intervention, but there was a significant increase in ferritin level in the iron group (31.0 vs 44.8 μg/l, p<0.05). There were a significant difference in protein and iron intake, but no significant different in energy intake.These two group did not differ in TSH level change. After taking into account the modification variable effect of adequate protein > 70% RDA, the effect of iron supplementation was proved to be effective in changing TSH level (p <0.05). Our result indicate that increase in iron status can improve TSH hormone after considering adequate protein intake (RDA)

    Faktor Sosial Ekonomi Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kadar Iodium Dalam Garam Rumah Tangga

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    Background. Iodine deficiency has multiple adverse effects on human growthand development. WHO (2007) recommends the use of iodized salt for IDDprevention, because is easily obtained, cheap, and all levels of society consumedit.The identification of social, economy, knowledge, attitude, and practice thatinfluence the used to iodized salt is essential. It would allow us to formulate betterintervention measures. Objective. To understand the relationship between socialeconomic factor, knowledge and attitude about iodized salt, together with practice inhousehold. Methods. This is a cross sectional study to 211 child bearing age 15-45years old. Samples selected by random sampling from 3 villages in Ngombol district,Purworejo area. Results. Age, education, income, knowledge, attitude, and practicein utilizing iodized salt had significant relationship with iodized salt in household (R2 =0.078 ; p<0.05). Practice (beta 0.197 p = 0.007) in utilizing iodized salt was the mostdominant factor that could influence iodized salt content in household. Conclusion.Practice in utilizing iodized salt was the most dominant factor that could influenceiodized salt content in household. The better practice in utilizing iodized salt thehigher the iodine content in household salt

    Pengaruh Iodium Terhadap Perubahan Fungsi Tiroid Dan Status Iodium

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    Iodine is an essential element that enables the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. The source of iodine in the body comes from food, iodized salt and iodine capsules. Iodized salt and iodine capsules had been used by the government in Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) elimination program. However, iodine capsules prophylaxis program in the IDD endemic areas had caused symptoms of hyperthyroidism, subsequently the program was discontinued since 2009. The aim of this research to determine the effect of iodine supplementation on thyroid function and iodine status. This was quasi-experimental design, conducted in Pituruh Purworejo District. Sample of this study consisted of 85 women of childbearing age, divided into three intervention groups. Each group obtained iodized salt for one month, then continued with the provision of iodized salt and 200 mg iodine capsules in group I, iodized salt and 400 mg iodine capsules in group II, and iodized salt and shredded tuna fish 2 times a week in group III for 3 months. Thyroid status was measured by levels of TSH, FT4 analyzed with ELISA. Iodine status measured by UIE levels analyzed with spectrophotometer. Data was analyzed using General Linear Model Repeated Measure (GLM RM). After 3 months, in all three treatment groups the TSH changes were statistically significant. In FT4 hormone levels, after administration of the intervention occurred “Wolff-Chaikoff” mechanism. There were significant increase on Iodine status (UIE) (p< 0.05) in all three treatment groups. There is a change in iodine status and thyroid function after administration of three forms of iodine intervention

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Ekskresi Yodium dalam Urin di Kabupaten Grobogan Jawa Tengah

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    Universal salt iodination (USI) is global policy for eliminating iodine deficiency disorder (IDD), and the content of iodine salt was 30-80 ppm. Survey 2003 show that 35% urine iodine excretion (UIE) of school children is was high, more than 300 µg/L, survey 2004 in Grobogan district in central Java by Department of Health show that UIE is was high to. The objective of the study is to conduct some factors that related with level of UIE in district of Grobogan, Central Java. Method: This study was comparative cross sectional study. Elementary school children were collected by random and divided into three areas, area I was elementary school children with UIE high level, area II was optimal UIE anda area III was UIE in adequate. Total sample for UIE level was 242 elementary school children, by spectrohptometer. Sample of salt was 242, measured by titration, and 76 samples of drinking water was collected by spectrophotometer. Goitogenic and iodine UIE optimal (area 11) and UIE adequate (area III). Total to sample is 242 school children, 242 sample of salt, 76 sample of drinking water. Goitrogenic and iodine intake were collected by FFQ and recall 24 hour. The data was analysis by univariat, bivariat and regressi multivariate. There are 24,1% adequate iodine in salt at area I, 2,6% at area II and 7,3% at area III. The mean of iodine content in water drinking in area I is 156.74 µg/L, area II is 189.06 µg/L, and area III is 84.03 µg/L. Median UEI in area I is 542 µg/L, area II is 502 µg/L and area III is 467 µg/L. There are significantly factors related to UEI is iodine content in water drinking