12 research outputs found

    Analisis Keterpilihan Achmad Yusuf Roni Sebagai Calon Anggota Dprd Kabupaten Kudus Dari Pdi Perjuangan Dalam Pemilihan Legislatif 2014

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    Achmad Yusuf Roni was one of the candidates for members of DPRD Kabupaten Kudus legislative elections in 2014 were derived from the PDI Perjuangan . Electoral district (Dapil) for Achmad Yusuf Roni was Dapil IV, which includes Kecamatan Dawe and Kecamatan Jekulo in Kudus. Mannered known figure in the community and who are loyal to a political party which he joined, Achmad Yusuf Roni is pure cadre from the PDI Perjuangan Kabupaten Kudus. Structurally, Achmad Yusuf Roni was the Secretary of the Branch Council (DPC) PDI Perjuangan Kudus for the period 2010 to 2015. With a relatively young age, which is 31 years old in 2014, Yusuf Achmad get ordinal number 1 (one). The ordinal number of 1 that is identical to prospective members DPRD is expected to be won an election. This study has revealed what are the main factors that determine victory Achmad Yusuf Roni. With the vote total of 5,030 votes, the highest compared to other candidates who also came from the PDI Perjuangan and the same electoral district (Dapil). Victory of Achmad Yusuf Roni affected by his popularity in the middle of the voters and the role of Musthofa. Musthofa is the Chairman of PDI Perjuangan Kudus, and Regent of Kudus. With the support of Mustafa, the party's political machine was geared to help Achmad Yusuf Roni in this contestation. In accordance with the purpose of PDI Perjuangan Kudus, Achmad Yusuf Roni managed to get one seat in parliament Kudus. Although the vote gained much from the original target planned. Overall PDI-P was able to obtain 9 seats out of 45 seats in DPRD Kudus

    The Comparison of Larvacidal Effects of Ethanol Extract of Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Burmanni) and Temephos Against Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes

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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is an infectious disease caused by Dengue Virus through Aedes aegypti mosquito vector with rapid deployment and be able to cause death.. The use of chemical insecticides to suppress cases in the comunity when used continuously for a long time have a detrimental impact, because of that it is necessary to find an alternative way wich is form of botanical larvacides, such as cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmanni). The aim of this research was to find out the comparison of larvacidal effects of ethanol extracts of cinnamon and temephos against Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae. This was the experimental research with three repetitions that each concentration was containing 10 larvae. The analysis of research result use the analysis regresi probit wich was gotten LC50 was 85,727 ppm, LC90 was 135,180 ppm, LC99 was 175,497 ppm and temephos with 1 ppm concentration kills 100% larva. It can be concluded that temephos was better than the extract of cinnamon as larvacide

    Profil Pasien Kontraktur yang Menjalani Perawatan Luka Bakar di RSUD Arifin Achmad Periode Januari 2011 – Desember 2013

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    ABSTRACKThe aim of this research is to find out the profile of contracture patients after burn injury treatments. We hold the research at Surgery department, Arifin Achmad hospital from 30th November – 17th December, 2014.This research is descriptive study with cross sectional approach. From 237 populations, we took 12 for our sample with total sampling method. Data collected by the review of medical records of patients hospitalized for burn injury from January 2011 – December 2013. Parameter investigated include patients\u27 frequent, data for extent of burn injury degree, age, and sex gender were tabulated, computerized and analyzed.From the data we have gathered, we got burn injury patients were 237 people, and 12 patients were contracture. Number of contracture patients mostly in range 15 – 24 years old (33,4%). Number of contracture patients in female patient were 6 people (50%) and in male patients were 6 people (50%). Almost all burn extent was deep dermal (2nd degree) (58,3%) and full thickness (3rd degree) (41,7%)

    Gambaran Hasil Terapi Radiasi dan Kemoradiasi Pasien Kanker Serviks di RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru Periode 2009-2013

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    Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women in Indonesia. Many cervical cancer cases were found in an advanced stage, so that they were treated by radiation or chemoradiation. Radiation is divided into external radiation and internal radiation. There is no internal radiation done in Arifin Achmad General Hospital Pekanbaru, so that they only use complete external radiation treatment for 25 times. After the therapy, the patient will do a follow-up treatment of pap smears to assess the cancer cells. This research was conducted in Radiotherapy Installation, Pathology Installation and Medical Records Installation at Arifin Achmad General Hospital Pekanbaru to study and reveal the results of radiation and chemoradiation therapy in cervical cancer patients at Arifin Achmad General Hospital Pekanbaru. The results showed that of 79 patients treated with cervical cancer radiation, only 29 patients did the follow up treatment whilst of 31 patients treated with cervical cancer chemoradiation, only 6 patients did the follow up treatment. Only 2 patients treated by radiation were found to have Malignant cells in the pap smear treatment. Meanwhile, in cervical cancer patients treated by chemoradiation, 2 patients were still found Malignant cells and 1 patient experienced a recurrence. Once treated with radiation, Malignant cells on pap smears are found only in 2 patients, while 27 patients were not found and only 1 patient who experienced a recurrence. After chemoradiation therapy in 6 cervical cancer patients who did the follow up, Malignant cells are found in 2 patients and in 4 patients no Malignant cells was found, while the other 2 patients experienced recurrence. The conclusion of this study is the incompleteness of the data found in the medical records, low patient adherence to do follow-up treatment after therapy, and the lack of education and information given by the health professionals to patients to do a follow up treatment

    The Overview Surgical Site Infection of Pasca Open Surgical of Urinary Stone at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Riau Province 1 January – 31 December 2014 Period

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    About 63% managemen urinary stone is open surgery, because this threatment choice could decrease the risk of recurency this disease but have the risk of high surgical site infection (SSI). This research explain about surgical site infection after open surgery of urinary stone in RSUD Arifin Achmad Province of Riau 1 January – 31 December period. The method of this research is retrospective descriptive. The source of data take from medical report of patient that undergo open surgery of urinary stone in RSUD Arifin Achmad Province of Riau. This research found 82 patient that undergo open surgery of urinary stone. The number of SSI in this research is 2,4% (2 patient). Based on the age group SSI found in the group 46-55 and 56-65 years old. Based on the gender SSI found more in women. Based on the nutrition SSI found in the group of under nutrition and normal nutrition. Based on level education SSI found in patient didn't got education. Based on the preoperative diagnostic SSI found in patient with renal stone. Based on gift of the antibiotic prophilaxis SSI found in patient that gift the antibiotic prophilaxis. Based on the comorbid SSI found in patient with comorbid and without comorbid. Based on number of leukocytes SSI found in patient with normal and high leukocytes. Based on the named of surgery SSI found in pyelolitotomy and nephrolitotomy. Based on a duration of operative SSI found in the group with duration with 1 hour and >1 hour. Based on span of struck infection time SSI found more in >7 days. Based on a along of nursing SSI found in >3 hari. The conclution of this research is the number of SSI pasca open surgery of urinary stone in RSUD Arifin Achmad 1 January -31 December period is lower than the survey of World health organization (WHO)

    Pengaruh Modalitas Infra Red dan Terapi Latihan Hold Relax Exercise dalam Megurangi Nyeri dan Meningkatkan Kemampuan Fungsional Pasien Tendinitis Bicipitalis

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    Tendonitis atau tendinitis adalah peradangan atau iritasi tendon dan termasuk salah satu kasus dari fisioterapi musculoskeletal ataupun fisioterapi olahraga. Regangan terus-menerus, penggunaan berlebihan atau penyalahgunaan tendon yang menyebabkan cedera stres berulang, atau cedera akut yang serius dapat menyebabkan tendonitis. Intervensi fisioterapi tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dalam mengurangi nyeri dan menambah kemampuan fungsional pad kasus tendinitis bicipitalis dextra. Metode terapi yang digunakan pada kasus ini adalah terapi modalitas infra red dan hold relax exercise. Setelah dilakukan terapi selama lima kali didapatkan Perubahan penurunan nyeri diam T0 : 3 menjadi T5 : 1, nyeri gerak T0 : 5 menjadi T5 : 3, nyeri tekan T0 : 5 menjadi T5 : 3 dan penilaian kemampuan fungsional menggunakan Shoulder Pain and Disability Indeks (SPADI) didapatkan penurunan skor nyeri dari T0= 40% menjadi T5= 20%, penurunan skor disabilitas dari T0= 13% menjadi T5= 5%, sehingga jumlah skor SPADI menurun dari T0= 23% menjadi T5= 10%

    Effect of Cold Plasma Treatment on Physical Properties of Multilayer Plastics for Polymer Asphalt Applications

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    Multilayer plastic waste continues to increase due to the ever-growing consumption and needs of the global citizen and is one of the most challenging types of waste to recycling because of its nature. The accumulation and indiscriminate disposal of waste can pose a potential risk of environmental problems. A solution that can be implemented is to mix bitumen and waste polymer as asphalt manufacturing. Despite its advancement in research, many potential parameters are still to be discovered to achieve optimal results. Through cold plasma treatment, a surface treatment may occur at the multilayer polypropylene that causes the change from hydrophobic to hydrophilic properties. Treating the polymer with cold plasma will provide good hydrophilic properties without changing the overall chemical and thermal properties of the sample. This will result in an alternative aggregate for the bitumen for asphalt manufacturing. Bitumen coupled with the addition of plastic still provides an optimal hardness and ductility, meanwhile having a more economically viable manufacturing process than other processes

    Kombinasi William Flexion Exercise, Short Wave Diathermy dan Infra Red Therapy Dapat Mengurangi Nyeri Serta Meningkatkan Lingkup Gerak Sendi Pasien Spondylolisthesis

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    Spondylolisthesis adalah kondisi tulang belakang yang salah satu ruasnya bergeser ke depan atau belakang dari ruas dibawahnya. Spondylolisthesis dapat menyebabkan kelainan struktur tulang belakang, penekanan pada nerve roots, dan kerusakan pada facet joint. Metode yang digunakan pada kasus ini yaitu kombinasi William Flexion Exercise, Short Wave Diathermy dan Infra Red Therapy yang dapat mengurangi nyeri dan meningkatkan lingkup gerak sendi pasien spondylolisthesis. Setelah dilakukan terapi selama enam kali didapatkan hasil Perubahan penurunan nyeri diam T0 : 0 menjadi T6 : 0, nyeri tekan T0 : 1 menjadi T6 : 0, nyeri gerak T0 : 4 menjadi T6 : 1, dan terjadi peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi ekstensi-fleksi T0 : (35° - 0° - 50°) menjadi T6 : (35° - 0° - 60°)