1,541 research outputs found

    Mapping the cortical representation of the lumbar paravertebral muscles

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to map the cortical representation of the lumbar spine paravertebral (LP) muscles in healthy subjects. Methods: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was employed to map the cortical representations of the LP muscles at two sites. Stimuli were applied to points on a grid representing scalp positions. The amplitude of motor evoked potentials (n = 6) was averaged for each position. Results: The optimal site for evoking responses in the contralateral LP muscles was situated 1 cm anterior and 4 cm lateral to the vertex. Ipsilateral responses were evoked from sites lateral to the optimal site for evoking contralateral responses. Contralateral responses were also obtained from areas anterior to the optimal site. Conclusions: Maps of these muscles can be produced. The results suggest discrete contra- and ipsilateral cortical projections. Anterior sites at which excitation can be evoked may indicate projections arising in the SMA are involved. Significance: This study provides normative data regarding the cortical representation of the paravertebral muscles and provides a technique for evaluating cortical motor plasticity in patients presenting with spinal pathologies

    Attitudes of various population groups toward mental retardation

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    In light of these considerations, the importance of the problem and the gravity of society\u27s responsibility toward the mentally retarded, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the research on attitudes of various population groups towards mental retardation as well as research concerning methods and attempts to change attitudes

    Polynomial approximation of derivatives by the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator

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    The constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator is a linear approximation operator based on an equispaced grid of points. Like other polynomial or rational approximation methods, it was recently introduced in order to defeat the Runge phenomenon that occurs when using polynomial interpolation on large sets of equally spaced points. The idea is to improve the mock-Chebyshev subset interpolation, where the considered function ff is interpolated only on a proper subset of the uniform grid, formed by nodes that mimic the behavior of Chebyshev--Lobatto nodes. In the mock-Chebyshev subset interpolation all remaining nodes are discarded, while in the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares interpolation they are used in a simultaneous regression, with the aim to further improving the accuracy of the approximation provided by the mock-Chebyshev subset interpolation. The goal of this paper is two-fold. We discuss some theoretical aspects of the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator and present new results. In particular, we introduce explicit representations of the error and its derivatives. Moreover, for a sufficiently smooth function ff in [1,1][-1,1], we present a method for approximating the successive derivatives of ff at a point x[1,1]x\in [-1,1], based on the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator and provide estimates for these approximations. Numerical tests demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 17 pages, 23 figure

    Establishing, versus Maintaining, Brain Function: A Neuro-computational Model of Cortical Reorganization after Injury to the Immature Brain

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    The effect of age at injury on outcome after acquired brain injury (ABI) has been the subject of much debate. Many argue that young brains are relatively tolerant of injury. A contrasting viewpoint due to Hebb argues that greater system integrity may be required for the initial establishment of a function than for preservation of an already-established function. A neuro-computational model of cortical map formation was adapted to examine effects of focal and distributed injury at various stages of development. This neural network model requires a period of training during which it self-organizes to establish cortical maps. Injuries were simulated by lesioning the model at various stages of this process and network function was monitored as "development" progressed to completion. Lesion effects are greater for larger, earlier, and distributed (multifocal) lesions. The mature system is relatively robust, particularly to focal injury. Activities in recovering systems injured at an early stage show changes that emerge after an asymptomatic interval. Early injuries cause qualitative changes in system behavior that emerge after a delay during which the effects of the injury are latent. Functions that are incompletely established at the time of injury may be vulnerable particularly to multifocal injury

    Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keberhasilan Pekerjaan Struktural Pada Bangunan Gedung

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    Dalam suatu proyek bangunan gedung terdiri dari 4 (empat) komponen penting, yaitu struktural, arsitektural, mekanikal dan elektrikal. Semuanya saling terkait satu sama lain dan tidak dapat dipisahkan. Untuk dapat menghasilkan proyek yang berhasil dan baik secara kualitas, guna dan juga waktu salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan menerapkan manajemen proyek yang baik dan memiliki kompetensi project manager yang baik. Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pekerjaan struktural dilakukan penelitian menggunakan studi survei yaitu  faktor tanah, faktor struktur bawah, faktor struktur atas, faktor peralatan dan bahan, faktor sumber daya manusia, dan faktor lainnya, kompetensi project manager yang diteliti pengetahuan, kinerja dan pribadi. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan statistika dengan alat bantu berupa software Microsoft Excel dan SPSS. Dari persentase yang didapatkan diketahui variabel faktor paling dominan yang mempengaruhi pekerjaan struktural tersebut adalah  faktor struktur tanah  dan variabel kompetensi project manager yang paling mempengaruhu keberhasilan pekerjaan struktural pada bangunan gedung yaitu faktor kinerj

    Renal papillary carcinoma developed in a kidney transplant recipient with late IgA-nephropathy

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    With improvements in immunosuppressive therapy, patient and graft survival in renal transplant recipients have been prolonged. Increasing donor age and patient survival rates have been related to an increase in the number of de novo tumors. Posttransplant malignancy in these patients is an important cause of graft loss and death in these patients. Among cancers occurring after a kidney transplant, renal cell carcinoma is the fifth most common malignancy after lymphoproliferative disorders, and skin, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers. When nonmelanoma skin cancers and in situ carcinoma of the cervix are excluded from malignancies, renal cell carcinoma accounts for 2% of all cancers in the general population, which increases to 5% in solid-organ recipients. The majority of renal cell carcinomas found in transplant recipients develop in the recipient 's native kidneys, but only 9% of tumors develop in the allograft itself. Tumors transmitted by donors represent only 0.02% to 0.2% of cases. Most de novo allograft renal cell carcinomas are single tumors. The mechanisms of development of renal cell carcinoma in renal grafts are not completely understood

    Product integration rules by the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator

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    In this paper we consider the problem of the approximation of definite integrals on finite intervals for integrand functions showing some kind of "pathological" behavior, e.g. "nearly" singular functions, highly oscillating functions, weakly singular functions, etc. In particular, we introduce and study a product rule based on equally spaced nodes and on the constrained mock-Chebyshev least squares operator. Like other polynomial or rational approximation methods, this operator was recently introduced in order to defeat the Runge phenomenon that occurs when using polynomial interpolation on large sets of equally spaced points. Unlike methods based on piecewise approximation functions, mainly used in the case of equally spaced nodes, our product rule offers a high efficiency, with performances slightly lower than those of global methods based on orthogonal polynomials in the same spaces of functions. We study the convergence of the product rule and provide error estimates in subspaces of continuous functions. We test the effectiveness of the formula by means of several examples, which confirm the theoretical estimates

    Program Evaluation of Cyber Senior Program

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    Cyber Seniors is a community-based intervention focusing on improving skills and knowledge around technology for senior citizens in the community. The program uses college students as educators and mentors to help the seniors build relationships and increase social connectedness while reducing social isolation. Through our program evaluation class, we reviewed the program and identified areas of success and areas we can improve on for future Cyber Senior programs. We did this by gathering both qualitative and quantitative data, allowing us to identify the needs that were met and what still needs to change. This program has opportunities for both students and senior citizens to grow while also teaching all of us valuable life skills