25 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Karagenan Dan Gliserolterhadap Perubahan Fisik Dan Kandungan Kimia Buah Jambu Biji Varietas “Kristal” Selama Penyimpanan

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    Aplikasi edible coating berfungsi untuk menggantikan lapisan lilin alami pada buah yang hilang akibat penanganan pascapanen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi karagenan dan gliserol dalam larutan edible coating terhadap Perubahan fisik dan kandungan kimia buah jambu kristal selama penyimpanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) Faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah konsentrasi karagenan yang terdiri dari 5 level yaitu 1% (b/v), 1,5% (b/v), 2% (b/v), 2,5 (b/v) dan 3% (b/v). Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi gliserol yang terdiri dari 2 level yaitu 1% (v/v) dan 2% (v/v). Hasil analisis sidik ragam pada taraf 5% menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan konsentrasi karagenan dan gliserol hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap 3 parameter yaitu susut bobot, kekerasan, dan total asam buah jambu kristal. Perlakuan K5G2 (konsentrasi karagenan 3% dan gliserol 2%) adalah yang terbaik pada penelitian ini. Perlakuan edible coating dapat menekan Perubahan susut bobot dan kekerasan buah serta mempertahankan kandungan total asam pada buah jambu kristal selama penyimpanan

    Aplication of Ethylene Absorben Packaging on Guava (Psidium Guajava L.) Storage

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    Ethylene production of guava fruit (Psidiumguajava L.) increased in ripening phase. Tomaintain the quality offruit so the ethylene should be reduced fromstorage roomto inhibited respiration rate. The aims of this researchwere: (1) to find out the effect of KMnO4 against guava shelflife based on weight lose, hardness, soluble solidcontent, and vitaminC as parameters, and (2) to known the best treatment. The researchwas use experimentaldesainwith 5 treatmentswereP0=without KMnO4,P1=0,6gKMnO4+absorber, P2=1,2g KMnO4+absorber,P3=1,8gKMnO4+absorber, dan P4=2,4g KMnO4+absorber and 4 repeatation. Datawas analized by Annova and DuncanTest at á=5%. The result showed that shelflife of guava treated by KMnO4was 8 dayswhilewithout KMnO4was 6days. Based on Annova at á=5%, KMnO4 treatment was significant on weight lose and hardnessparameters butwas not significant on soluble solid content and vitamin C parameters. The best treatment in thisresearchwas P4 (2,4g KMnO4+absorber)

    Pengaruh Kompetensi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Ratu Pola Bumi Bandar Lampung Tahun 2013

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    PT. Ratu Pola Bumi is one of concrete electrical standard and concrete pole with pre-tensile system, the first in Indonesia. PT Ratu Pola Bumi has a factory located in Bandar Lampung –Lampung. In order to increase the employees performance, PT Ratu Pola Bumi encourage the employees to develop themselves and do the best to upgrade their competencies, and also be discipline, so that corporation goal can be reach. Problem faced in this research is lowness of employees\u27 performance, competencies that unsuitable, and indiscipline. Those problems are interdependently of each other, and suspected that performance lowness is an effect of unsuitable competency and indiscipline. The main problem of this research is how competency and discipline affect performance in PT Ratu Pola Bumi. This research aims to find out the effect of competency and discipline on employees\u27 performance in PT Ratu Pola Bumi. Research data is collected using questionnaire and literature, while analysis using double linear regression. The collected data is processed by SPSS for Windows version 17.00. This research uses 150 respondents. The result of this research shows that competency (X1), and disciplines (X2) have positive effect on employees\u27 performance (Y) in PT Ratu Pola Bumi

    Kajian Penurunan Mutu Dan Umur Simpan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Segar Dalam Kemasan Plastik Polypropylene Pada Suhu Ruang Dan Suhu Rendah

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    Oyster mushroom is one of commodites that has prospect to be developed in Indonesia. In case of fresh oyster mushrooms usually have a short shelf life due to high moisture content and are still experiencing respiratory process, so as to speed up the process of deterioration. Packaging with polypropylene plastic packaging is one method of storage to maintain freshness and shelf life of oyster mushroom. The purpose of this study is to examine and determine the rate of decline in the quality and shelf life of fresh white oyster mushrooms in plastic packaging polypropylene at room temperature and low temperature during storage.This research was conducted in two phases, namely the measurement of respiration rate experiments and storage of fresh oyster mushrooms in plastic containers in different volumes at room temperature and low temperature. Parameters observation in this study that changes in weight, projected area is reduced crown circumference, discoloration, water content, respiration rate and shelf life.The results showed that the oyster mushroom storage in polypropylene plastic packaging can maintain the rate of decline in the quality and shelf life of fresh white oyster mushrooms either at room temperature or low temperature. Water content and the highest weight changes during storage in plastic containers at room temperature are both on day 3 and 7 at low temperature that is equal to 92.81%, 150.52 g, 91.76%, and 130.79 g . Control oyster mushrooms at room temperature and low temperature had the highest respiration rates at the 24th and 48th in the amount of 230.48 and 239.53 mg. CO2/kg.hour. Oyster mushrooms in packaging stored at room temperature (31ËšC) can last up to 5 days and 14 days at low temperature (9ËšC)

    Physical Properties of Sweet Potato (Native Gisting Tanggamus and Jati Agung Lampung Selatan on Two Storage Method

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    The objective of this research was to observe the physical properties of two native of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) stored at two different conditions: temperature of 30 -32 °C with RH 58 – 70 % and temperature of 25 – 26 °C with RH 80 - 95 %. The two native of sweet potatoes used as sample were Gisting, harvested at 6 - 7 months, and Marga, harvested at 3 - 4 months. Parameters measured periodically during 8-week storage are weight loss, water content, number and length of prune, and the total soluble solid. The results showed that the storage temperature and RH are relatively stable during observation. During storage at temperature of 25 - 26 oC and RH 85 – 90 %, the weight loss was minimized and the total soluble solid increated sligtly for both native sweet potatoes. The decreasing water content during storage is not significantly different between Gisting and Marga. The increasing in number and length of prune was followed by the gain of weight loss. Gisting has longer storage time compared to Marga based on the standard of weight loss

    Chemical Changes and Shelf Life Fruit Salak Pondoh (Salacca Edulis Reinw) Dynamic Storage in the Air - Co2

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    Salak (Salacca edulis REINW) is an the original fruit from Indonesia. One of the most popular salak varieties is pondoh. The agribusiness opportunity of salak pondoh is quite profitable, and therefore it is needed special handling to withstand and prolong shelf life. This study was conducted at the Laboratory of Bioprocess Engineering and Post Harvest Agricultural Engineering Department Agriculture Faculty, University of Lampung, October until December 2011. Treatment was carried out on 4 jars with CO2 gas discharge and air,and two temperature treatments, room temperature and cold temperature (10-12oC). The observed data rate of respiration, measurement of total dissolved solids and the calculation of the level of acidity. The results showed that (1) the measurement of respiration rates was fluctuate at the cooler temperatures storage than at room temperature, (2) The total dissolved solids of the two temperatures treatments were not different, (3) the level of acidity in the cold storage higher than at room temperature (4) storage temperature and composition was of the air - CO2 greatly influenced the shelf life and chemical changes

    Uji Kinerja Alat Pengering Hybrid Tipe Rak Pada Pengeringan Chip Pisang Kepok

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    Lampung Province was one of the banana production centers areas in Indonesia, one of them is kepok banana. Bananas don\u27t have a long shelf life, so that it needs an alternative treatment to prolong shelf life so it can provide the value-of banana fruit. Drying system with hybrid is an alternative option. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of the hybrid dryer shelves type for drying banana chips. This research was conducted with three treatments, they were drying using solar energy, drying using electrical energy, and drying using solar energy and electricity, which was using 5 kg banana chips for each treatments. The three treatments of this research showed different results. It took 9 hours to drying banana chips until it reached the water content 10%-12% on drying using solar energy, while drying using electrical energy needed 11 hours, and 8 hours on drying using solar energy and electricity. Energy produced on drying using solar energy amounted to 55859,52 kJ, drying using electrical energy amounted to 27680,4 kJ and drying using solar energy and electricity was 64417,17 kJ