38 research outputs found

    An Axiomatic Approach to Support in Argumentation

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    International audienceIn the context of bipolar argumentation (argumentation with two kinds of interaction, attacks and supports), we present an axiomatic approach for taking into account a special interpretation of the support relation, the necessary support. We propose constraints that should be imposed to a bipolar argumentation system using this interpretation. Some of these constraints concern the new attack relations, others concern acceptability. We extend basic Dung’s framework in different ways in order to propose frameworks suitable for encoding these constraints. By the way, we propose a formal study of properties of necessary support

    A murine model of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 4F reveals a role for the C-terminus of periaxin in the formation and stabilization of Cajal bands

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease comprises up to 80 monogenic inherited neuropathies of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) that collectively result in demyelination and axon degeneration. The majority of CMT disease is primarily either dysmyelinating or demyelinating in which mutations affect the ability of Schwann cells to either assemble or stabilize peripheral nerve myelin. CMT4F is a recessive demyelinating form of the disease caused by mutations in the Periaxin (PRX) gene. Periaxin (Prx) interacts with Dystrophin Related Protein 2 (Drp2) in an adhesion complex with the laminin receptor Dystroglycan (Dag). In mice the Prx/Drp2/Dag complex assembles adhesive domains at the interface between the abaxonal surface of the myelin sheath and the cytoplasmic surface of the Schwann cell plasma membrane. Assembly of these appositions causes the formation of cytoplasmic channels called Cajal bands beneath the surface of the Schwann cell plasma membrane. Loss of either Periaxin or Drp2 disrupts the appositions and causes CMT in both mouse and man. In a mouse model of CMT4F, complete loss of Periaxin first prevents normal Schwann cell elongation resulting in abnormally short internodal distances which can reduce nerve conduction velocity, and subsequently precipitates demyelination. Distinct functional domains responsible for Periaxin homodimerization and interaction with Drp2 to form the Prx/Drp2/Dag complex have been identified at the N-terminus of Periaxin. However, CMT4F can also be caused by a mutation that results in the truncation of Periaxin at the extreme C-terminus with the loss of 391 amino acids. By modelling this in mice, we show that loss of the C-terminus of Periaxin results in a surprising reduction in Drp2. This would be predicted to cause the observed instability of both appositions and myelin, and contribute significantly to the clinical phenotype in CMT4F

    Разработка автоматизированного ИТП жилого здания

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    Объектом разработки системы является жилой дом с инженерными сетями в микрорайоне «Северный» в Заречном поселении Томского района Томской области. Целью работы является разработка системы мониторинга и управления теплопотреблением здания, которая позволит вести точный учет потребляемой тепловой энергии, регулировать объем потребления в зависимости от текущих погодных условий, обеспечивать экономию энергоресурсов. В результате разработана система, содержащая в себе компоненты, позволяющие производить учет и управление теплопотреблением здания. Причем все данные о работе системы, объемах потребления и параметрах теплоносителя поступают диспетчеру, имеющему возможность отслеживать все параметры системы удаленно.The object of the development of the system is a residential building with engineering services in the neighborhood "North" in Zarechny settlement Tomsk region Tomsk region. The aim is to develop a building heat consumption monitoring and control system that will keep accurate records of heat energy consumption, adjusted consumption, depending on the current weather conditions, to ensure energy saving. As a result, we developed a system, which contains the components to allow for registration and control of heat consumption of the building. Moreover, all data on the system performance, volume and consumption parameters receives coolant controller having the ability to track all system parameters remotely

    Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks, Modal Logic and Semantic Paradoxes

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    Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks (BAF) are a natural extension of Dung’s Argumentation Frameworks (AF) where a relation of support between arguments is added to the standard attack relation. Despite their interest, BAF present several difficulties and their semantics are quite complex. This paper provides a definition of semantic concepts for BAF in terms of fixpoints of the functions of neutrality and defense, thus preserving most of the fundamental properties of Dung’s AF. From this angle it becomes easy to show that propositional dynamic logic provides an adequate language to talk about BAF. Finally, we illustrate how this framework allows to encode the structure of the referential discourse involved in semantic paradoxes such as the Liar. It turns out that such paradoxes can be seen as BAF without a stable extension.</p

    Capturing Bipolar Argumentation in Non-flat Assumption-Based Argumentation

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    Bipolar Argumentation Frameworks (BAFs) encompass both attacks and supports among arguments. We study different semantic interpretations of support in BAFs, particularly necessary and deductive support, as well as argument coalitions and a recent proposal by Gabbay. We analyse the relationship of these different notions of support in BAFs with the semantics of a well established structured argumentation formalism, Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA), which predates BAFs. We propose natural mappings from BAFs into a restricted class of (non-flat) ABA frameworks, which we call bipolar, and prove that the admissible and preferred semantics of these ABA frameworks correspond to the admissible and preferred semantics of the various approaches to BAFs. Motivated by the definition of stable semantics for BAFs, we introduce a novel set-stable semantics for ABA frameworks, and prove that it corresponds to the stable semantics of the various approaches to BAFs. Finally, as a by-product of modelling various approaches to BAFs in bipolar ABA, we identify precise semantic relationships amongst all approaches we consider

    Probabilistic Abstract Dialectical Frameworks

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    Although Dung’s frameworks are widely approved tools for abstract argumentation, their abstractness makes expressing notions such as support or uncertainty very difficult. Thus, many of their generalizations were created, including the probabilistic argumentation frameworks (PrAFs) and the abstract dialectical frameworks (ADFs). While the first allow modeling uncertain arguments and attacks, the latter can handle various dependencies between arguments. Although the actual probability layer in PrAFs is independent of the chosen semantics, new relations pose new challenges and new interpretations of what is the probability of a relation. Thus, the methodology for handling uncertainties cannot be shifted to more general structures without any further thought. In this paper we show how ADFs are extended with probabilities

    Ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 2: a clinical and genetic study of 19 patients.

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    International audienceAtaxia with oculo-motor apraxia type 2 (AOA2) is a recently described autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia (ARCA) caused by mutations in the senataxin gene (SETX). We analysed the phenotypic spectrum of 19 AOA2 patients with mutations in SETX, which seems to be the third most frequent form of ARCA in Algeria after Freidreich ataxia and Ataxia with vitamin E deficiency. In AOA2 patients, the mean age at onset for all families was in the second decade. Cerebellar ataxia was progressive, slowly leading to disability which was aggravated by axonal polyneuropathy present in almost all the patients. Mean disease duration until wheelchair was around 20 years. Oculo-motor apraxia (OMA) was present in 32% of the patients while convergent strabismus was present in 37%. Strabismus is therefore also very suggestive of AOA2 when associated with ataxia and polyneuropathy even in the absence of OMA. Cerebellar atrophy was more severe in the eldest patients; however it may also be an early sign since it was present in the youngest and paucisymptomatic patients. The initial sign was gait ataxia in all but two patients who presented with head tremor and writer cramp, respectively. Serum alpha-fetoprotein, which was elevated in all tested patients, was a good marker to suggest molecular studies of the SETX gene