52 research outputs found

    Statistical properties of superflares on solar-type stars based on 1-min cadence data

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    We searched for superflares on solar-type stars using Kepler data with 1 min sampling in order to detect superflares with short duration. We found 187 superflares on 23 solar-type stars whose bolometric energy ranges from the order of 103210^{32} erg to 103610^{36} erg. Some superflares show multiple peaks with the peak separation of the order of 100100-10001000 seconds which is comparable to the periods of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar and stellar flares. Using these new data combined with the results from the data with 30 min sampling, we found the occurrence frequency (dN/dEdN/dE) of superflares as a function of flare energy (EE) shows the power-law distribution (dN/dEEαdN/dE \propto E^{-\alpha}) with α1.5\alpha \sim -1.5 for 1033<E<103610^{33}<E<10^{36} erg which is consistent with the previous results. The average occurrence rate of superflares with the energy of 103310^{33} erg which is equivalent to X100 solar flares is about once in 500-600 years. The upper limit of energy released by superflares is basically comparable to a fraction of the magnetic energy stored near starspots which is estimated from the photometry. We also found that the duration of superflares (τ\tau) increases with the flare energy (EE) as τE0.39±0.03\tau \propto E^{0.39\pm 0.03}. This can be explained if we assume the time-scale of flares is determined by the Alfveˊ\acute{\rm e}n time.Comment: Accepted for for publication in Earth, Planets and Spac

    Magnetic activity variability of nearby bright Sun-like stars by 4-year intensive Hα\alpha line monitoring

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    We report intensive monitoring of the activity variability in the Hα\alpha line for 10 Sun-like stars using the 1.88-m reflector at Okayama Branch Office, Subaru Telescope, during the last four years 2019-2022. Our aim was to investigate features of the stellar magnetic activity behaviors. We correlated the Hα\alpha line variability of each star with the stellar activity levels derived from the Ca II H&K line, suggesting its efficiency as a magnetic activity indicator. In analyzing the Hα\alpha line variation, we observed that some stars exhibited linear or quadratic trends during the observation period. Among several G- and K-type stars expected to have co-existing activity cycles, we confirmed the 2.9-yr short cycle of ϵ\epsilon Eri (K2V) from the Hα\alpha observations. Additionally, we established upper limits on the Hα\alpha variability of β\beta Com (G0V) and κ\kappa1^1 Cet (G5V) concerning their expected shorter cycles. We also detected the possibility of short-term activity cycles in two F-type stars, β\beta Vir (F9V; \sim 530 days) and α\alpha CMi (F5IV-V; \sim 130 days). The cycle in α\alpha CMi was observed in only one season of our 4-yr observations, suggesting the temporal absence of the cycle period. However, for stars with planets, we did not observe significant magnetic activity variability likely associated with the planetary orbital period. It is speculated that the impact of Hα\alpha variability on radial velocity (RV) measurements may vary with spectral type.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by PAS

    Magnetic activity variability from Hα\alpha line intensive monitoring for two F-type stars having a hot-Jupiter, τ\tau Bootis A and υ\upsilon Andromedae A

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    We report the results of intensive monitoring of the variability in the Hα\alpha line for two F-type stars, τ\tau Boo and υ\upsilon And, during the last four years 2019-2022, in order to investigate their stellar magnetic activity. The 4-year Hα\alpha line intensity data taken with the 1.88-m reflector at Okayama Branch Office, Subaru Telescope, shows the existence of a possible \sim 123-day magnetic activity cycle of τ\tau Boo. The result of the Hα\alpha variability as another tracer of the magnetic activity on the chromosphere is consistent with previous studies of the Ca II H&K line and suggests that the magnetic activity cycle is persisted in τ\tau Boo. For υ\upsilon And, we suggest a quadratic long-term trend in the Hα\alpha variability. Meanwhile, the short-term monitoring shows no significant period corresponding to specific variations likely induced by their hot-Jupiter in both cases (\approx 3.31 and 4.62 days, respectively). In this Hα\alpha observation, we could not find any signature of the Star-Planet Magnetic Interaction. It is speculated that the detected magnetic activity variability of the two F-type stars is related to the stellar intrinsic dynamo.Comment: 27 pages, 20 figures, 1 table, Accepted by Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    Do Kepler superflare stars really include slowly-rotating Sun-like stars ? - Results using APO 3.5m telescope spectroscopic observations and Gaia-DR2 data -

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    We report the latest view of Kepler solar-type (G-type main-sequence) superflare stars, including recent updates with Apache Point Observatory (APO) 3.5m telescope spectroscopic observations and Gaia-DR2 data. First, we newly conducted APO3.5m spectroscopic observations of 18 superflare stars found from Kepler 1-min time cadence data. More than half (43 stars) are confirmed to be "single" stars, among 64 superflare stars in total that have been spectroscopically investigated so far in this APO3.5m and our previous Subaru/HDS observations. The measurements of vsiniv\sin i (projected rotational velocity) and chromospheric lines (Ca II H\&K and Ca II 8542\AA) support the brightness variation of superflare stars is caused by the rotation of a star with large starspots. We then investigated the statistical properties of Kepler solar-type superflare stars by incorporating Gaia-DR2 stellar radius estimates. As a result, the maximum superflare energy continuously decreases as the rotation period ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}} increases. Superflares with energies 5×1034\lesssim 5\times10^{34} erg occur on old, slowly-rotating Sun-like stars (ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}}\sim25 days) approximately once every 2000--3000 years, while young rapidly-rotating stars with ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}}\sim a few days have superflares up to 103610^{36} erg. The maximum starspot area does not depend on the rotation period when the star is young, but as the rotation slows down, it starts to steeply decrease at ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}}\gtrsim12 days for Sun-like stars. These two decreasing trends are consistent since the magnetic energy stored around starspots explains the flare energy, but other factors like spot magnetic structure should also be considered.Comment: 71 pages, 31 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (on March 29, 2019