2,432 research outputs found

    Connections of the corpus cerebelli in the green sunfish and the common goldfish

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    Examination of the connections of the corpus cerebelli in one perciform (Lepomis cyanellus) and one cypriniform teleost (Carassius auratus) reveal that ipsilateral afferent connections in both species arise from an anterior group of nuclei in the diencephalon and mesencephalon, and a posterior group of nuclei in the rhombencephalon. Some nuclei of the anterior group and all those of the posterior group have in addition a weaker, and the medial octavolateralis nucleus a stronger, contralateral component. The inferior olivary nucleus in both species projects solely contralaterally. Nucleus paracommissuralis, the ventral accessory optic nucleus and nucleus isthmi are minute in Carassius compared to Lepomis. The latter species has in addition a bilateral corpopetal projection (ipsilaterally stronger) from the lateral cuneate nucleus. Efferent fibers in both species reach the contralateral nucleus ruber, oculomotor nucleus, nucleus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus, torus semicircularis, ventromedial and ventrolateral thalamic nuclei, optic tectum and superior and inferior reticular formation. An additional weaker ipsilateral terminal field could be observed in all nuclei except in the ventrolateral and ventromedial thalamic nuclei, the dorsal periventricular pretectal nucleus and the optic tectum. Lepomis in addition has a bilateral terminal field in the ventral accessory optic nucleus (contralaterally stronger). In both species, stronger ipsilateral and weaker contralateral terminal fields were present in the torus Iongitudinalis and the valvula cerebelli. The two patterns of corpopetal connections in Lepomis and Carassius were used as models for perciforms and cypriniforms in the analysis of the existing information in the literature on teleosts. While most discrepancies in the literature on percomorphs and ostariophysines could be interpreted consistently, the available information on mormyrids revealed a very different pattern of corpopetal organization: presence of additional connections (from a division of the nucleus preglomerulosus) and absence of otherwise well-established corpopetal connections in teleosts. In a second step, a phyletic analysis of teleostean corpopetal organization revealed that while teleosts share with all other vertebrates a group of corpopetal connections from the rhombencephalon, they evolved many new, more anteriorly located afferent inputs to the corpus cerebelli. Furthermore, electroreceptive mormyrids in addition evolved newly at least one corpopetal connection and lost many others

    Afferent connections of the valvula cerebelli in two teleosts, the common goldfish and the green sunfish

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    The afferent connections of the valvula cerebelli were examined in one cypriniform teleost (Carassius auratus) and one perciform teleost (Lepomis cyanellus) with the use of horseradish peroxidase as a retrograde tracer. Both species have ipsilateral input to the valvula from the central pretectal and dorsal accessory optic nuclei, the dorsal and ventral tegmental nuclei, the lateral nucleus of the valvula, the perilemniscal nucleus, and nucleus isthmi and contralateral input from the inferior olivary nucleus. In addition, Carassius has ipsilateral valvulopetal projections from the eminentia granularis, the praeeminential nucleus, and the isthmic primary sensory trigeminal nucleus, whereas Lepomis has bilateral (stronger ipsilaterally) valvulopetal projections from the nucleus of the locus coeruleus and the rostral corpus cerebelli. The topographical order of the cerebellopetal projections of the lateral nucleus of the valvula and inferior olive is also described, as are differential inputs to various subdivisions of the cerebellum in the two species. Information on valvulopetal projections in teleosts has thus far been limited to electroreceptive mormyrids. The present study shows that many valvular inputs related to electroreception in mormyrids have no homologue in Carassius and Lepomis. Finally, the present study indicates that the rostral part of the corpus cerebelli, but not the valvula cerebelli, in teleosts is the homologue of the anterior lobe of the corpus cerebelli in cartilaginous fishes. Thus, the valvula cerebelli is a shared derived feature (synapomorphy) of all ray-finned fishes

    The Chronic Disease Prevention Program

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    This project investigates the strategies of Latin/x American women who have used their voices and influence in the media to break barriers, enter spaces that have excluded them, and advocate for changes so that young girls like them do not have to face these same limitations. Chapter One investigates politicians who, from their political power positions, interweave personal stories with their accomplishments to provide role models for these careers. Chapter Two identifies actors who combine their personal stories with activist causes to alter representation in TV and film. The YouTubers in Chapter Three bolster a rhetoric of empowerment to encourage girls/women to be their own bosses. A pattern emerges in both hemispheres where influential women from various sectors (politics, Hollywood, YouTube) have initially gained attention through their careers, garnered a following on social media, and from this place of power have used their platform to share personal stories in order to offer counter narratives and advocate for the possibilities, opportunities, and inclusion of the next generation of young Latin/x American girls and women

    Occupational Safety Course Development

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    This project will develop a training plan for all Occupational Safety Specialists and Managers. I selected this project to visually see how project management concepts could be used for training development. The methods used were out of the Project Management Body of Knowledge with an Agile approach. The end results were positive with a lot of lessons learned. The combination of the project work breakdown and the risk register proved to be very beneficial when issues became present. Planning was the key to both of these elements. Projects often do not go as intended, but having a plan for each of those identified risks will reduce severe consequences

    Changemakers Bend the Beam Inward: Contemplative Practices in Social Innovation Education

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    Why, as a global community, are we collectively creating results that nobody wants such as poverty, hunger, and inequality? Learning about the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the leadership learning and change theory known as Theory U by Otto Scharmer (2009), led to a profound shift in my awareness of the global challenges we face as a species and a strong desire to study Theory U. This action research report includes an explanatory account of my collaboration with the University of San Diego Global Social Innovation Community to cultivate vertical literacy (capacity for awareness of self and our connection with our wider ecosystem) using contemplative practices. My values of learning, growth, contribution, intuition, and transformation through practice have influenced this community and encouraged them to take pauses to gaze inward to reconnect to themselves and others which, in turn, can enhance their social innovations. The ultimate aim of this research is to provide tools to expand ego- to eco-system awareness in order to create social innovations towards greater social and sustainable good. I provide evidence of my findings using mixed methods of quantitative and qualitative data triangulated to increase validation including two exploratory surveys, video and audio recordings, field notes, journal entries, and photos. Results reveal that Theory U contemplative practices can support the social innovation process in a variety of ways: guided journaling helps cultivate clarity; stakeholder meditation helps cultivate perspective, empathy, and understanding of stakeholders; and Social Presencing Theater helps students move through feelings of being stuck, discovery of potential, and thinking beyond boundaries