206 research outputs found

    Molecular imaging in Alzheimer's disease: new perspectives on biomarkers for early diagnosis and drug development

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    Recent progress in molecular imaging has provided new important knowledge for further understanding the time course of early pathological disease processes in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid beta (Aβ) tracers such as Pittsburgh Compound B detect increasing deposition of fibrillar Aβ in the brain at the prodromal stages of AD, while the levels of fibrillar Aβ appear more stable at high levels in clinical AD. There is a need for PET ligands to visualize smaller forms of Aβ, oligomeric forms, in the brain and to understand how they interact with synaptic activity and neurodegeneration. The inflammatory markers presently under development might provide further insight into the disease mechanism as well as imaging tracers for tau. Biomarkers measuring functional changes in the brain such as regional cerebral glucose metabolism and neurotransmitter activity seem to strongly correlate with clinical symptoms of cognitive decline. Molecular imaging biomarkers will have a clinical implication in AD not only for early detection of AD but for selecting patients for certain drug therapies and to test disease-modifying drugs. PET fibrillar Aβ imaging together with cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers are promising as biomarkers for early recognition of subjects at risk for AD, for identifying patients for certain therapy and for quantifying anti-amyloid effects. Functional biomarkers such as regional cerebral glucose metabolism together with measurement of the brain volumes provide valuable information about disease progression and outcome of drug treatment

    Molecular imaging of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Neuroinflammatory changes are observed in the brain of patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Studies have shown the presence of activated microglia and astrocytes surrounding the amyloid plaques, along with the presence of cytokines and other mediators of inflammation. The role of inflammation in AD is not yet completely understood. More specifically, some inflammatory processes, such as the activation of microglia, may have detrimental or beneficial effects on the underlining neuropathology, by promoting inflammation and tissue damage or rather phagocytic activity and tissue repair. Imaging of neuroinflammation with positron emission tomography (PET) is the only technology that enables the visualization of microglia and astrocyte activation in the living human brain. PET studies with first- or second-generation radioligands binding to the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) ([11C]-R-PK11195, [11C]DAA1106, [11C]PBR28, [18F]FEMPA, [18F]FEPPA) have shown some conflicting results, demonstrating on average a ~30 % higher TSPO availability in AD patients compared with controls, with a few studies showing no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Similar conflicting evidences have been shown when comparing subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and control subjects. Therefore, whether TSPO is a good marker for detecting in vivo microglia activation in AD is still a matter of debate. Imaging of MAO-B as a marker for astrocyte activation in AD is a valid alternative to TSPO imaging in the context of neuroinflammation. Only limited MAO-B imaging studies with [11C]l-deprenyl-D2 are available so far in AD and MCI, showing increased MAO-B binding in MCI patients compared with controls with a degree higher than that observed in AD. There are two unmet questions that are still under discussion. The first question is which neuroinflammatory process, microglia or astrocyte activation, occurs earlier in the natural course of AD from prodromal to dementia stage? Comparative studies using these two markers in MCI and AD could be important to clarify which marker can be used for earliest detection of neuroinflammatory changes in vivo. The second question is whether imaging of microglia or astrocytes per se is a useful marker of neuroinflammation associated with neurodegeneration. The development of new radioligands for other targets that are more directly associated with the pro- or anti-inflammatory activity of microglia could help in understanding the relevance of neuroinflammation in the pathological processes leading to neurodegeneration in AD. Molecular imaging with PET can be a useful tool to determine the nature and temporal evolution of inflammation in early stages of AD in relation to other pathological markers, such as deposition of amyloid plaques and tau as well as clinical presentation of the disease

    Longitudinal pathways of cerebrospinal fluid and positron emission tomography biomarkers of amyloid-β positivity.

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    peer reviewedMismatch between CSF and PET amyloid-β biomarkers occurs in up to ≈20% of preclinical/prodromal Alzheimer's disease individuals. Factors underlying mismatching results remain unclear. In this study we hypothesized that CSF/PET discordance provides unique biological/clinical information. To test this hypothesis, we investigated non-demented and demented participants with CSF amyloid-β(42) and [18F]Florbetapir PET assessments at baseline (n = 867) and at 2-year follow-up (n = 289). Longitudinal trajectories of amyloid-β positivity were tracked simultaneously for CSF and PET biomarkers. In the longitudinal cohort (n = 289), we found that participants with normal CSF/PET amyloid-β biomarkers progressed more frequently toward CSF/PET discordance than to full CSF/PET positivity (χ(2)((1)) = 5.40; p < 0.05). Progression to CSF+/PET+ status was ten times more frequent in cases with discordant biomarkers, as compared to csf-/pet- cases (χ(2)((1)) = 18.86; p < 0.001). Compared to the CSF+/pet- group, the csf-/PET+ group had lower APOE-ε4ε4 prevalence (χ(2)((6)) = 197; p < 0.001; n = 867) and slower rate of brain amyloid-β accumulation (F((3,600)) = 12.76; p < 0.001; n = 608). These results demonstrate that biomarker discordance is a typical stage in the natural history of amyloid-β accumulation, with CSF or PET becoming abnormal first and not concurrently. Therefore, biomarker discordance allows for identification of individuals with elevated risk of progression toward fully abnormal amyloid-β biomarkers, with subsequent risk of neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. Our results also suggest that there are two alternative pathways ("CSF-first" vs. "PET-first") toward established amyloid-β pathology, characterized by different genetic profiles and rates of amyloid-β accumulation. In conclusion, CSF and PET amyloid-β biomarkers provide distinct information, with potential implications for their use as biomarkers in clinical trials

    Tau PET imaging: present and future directions.

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    Abnormal aggregation of tau in the brain is a major contributing factor in various neurodegenerative diseases. The role of tau phosphorylation in the pathophysiology of tauopathies remains unclear. Consequently, it is important to be able to accurately and specifically target tau deposits in vivo in the brains of patients. The advances of molecular imaging in the recent years have now led to the recent development of promising tau-specific tracers for positron emission tomography (PET), such as THK5317, THK5351, AV-1451, and PBB3. These tracers are now available for clinical assessment in patients with various tauopathies, including Alzheimer's disease, as well as in healthy subjects. Exploring the patterns of tau deposition in vivo for different pathologies will allow discrimination between neurodegenerative diseases, including different tauopathies, and monitoring of disease progression. The variety and complexity of the different types of tau deposits in the different diseases, however, has resulted in quite a challenge for the development of tau PET tracers. Extensive work remains in order to fully characterize the binding properties of the tau PET tracers, and to assess their usefulness as an early biomarker of the underlying pathology. In this review, we summarize recent findings on the most promising tau PET tracers to date, discuss what has been learnt from these findings, and offer some suggestions for the next steps that need to be achieved in a near future

    Regional Disconnection in Alzheimer Dementia and Amyloid-Positive Mild Cognitive Impairment: Association Between EEG Functional Connectivity and Brain Glucose Metabolism.

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    Introduction: The disconnection hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is supported by growing neuroimaging and neurophysiological evidence of altered brain functional connectivity in cognitively impaired individuals. Brain functional modalities such as [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography ([18F]FDG-PET) and electroencephalography (EEG) measure different aspects of synaptic functioning, and can contribute to understanding brain connectivity disruptions in AD. Aim: This study investigated the relationship between cortical glucose metabolism and topographical EEG measures of brain functional connectivity in subjects along AD continuum. Methods: Patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD (n = 67), and stratified into amyloid-positive (n = 32) and negative (n = 10) groups according to cerebrospinal fluid Aβ42/40 ratio, were assessed with [18F]FDG-PET and resting-state EEG recordings. EEG-based neuroimaging analysis involved standardized low-resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA), which estimates functional connectivity from cortical sources of electrical activity in a 3D head model. Results: Glucose hypometabolism in temporoparietal lobes was significantly associated with altered EEG functional connectivity of the same regions of interest in clinically diagnosed MCI and AD patients and in patients with biomarker-verified AD pathology. The correlative pattern of disrupted connectivity in temporoparietal lobes, as detected by EEG sLORETA analysis, included decreased instantaneous linear connectivity in fast frequencies and increased lagged linear connectivity in slow frequencies in relation to the activity of remaining cortex. Conclusions: Topographical EEG measures of functional connectivity detect regional dysfunction of AD-vulnerable brain areas as evidenced by association and spatial overlap with the cortical glucose hypometabolism in MCI and AD patients. Impact statement The association between glucose hypometabolism, as evidenced by [18F]FDG-PET ([18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron-emission tomography), and altered electroencephalography (EEG) functional connectivity metrics within temporoparietal lobes provides link between synaptic, neurophysiological, and metabolic impairment in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease patients. This study reported alterations in EEG measures of both instantaneous and lagged linear connectivity across distinct frequency bands, both of which were shown to be important for inter- and intrahemispheric communication and function of memory systems in general. EEG-based imaging of brain functional connectivity has a potential to serve as a noninvasive, low-cost, and widely available alternative in assessing synaptic and network dysfunction in cognitively impaired patients

    Unidirectional Influx and Net Accumulation of PIB

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    The compound {N-methyl-[11C]}2-(4’-methylaminophenyl)-6-hydroxybenzothiazole, “PIB”, measured by positron emission tomography, has been demonstrated to image brain β-amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the present study the benefit of measuring the PIB accumulation rate together with the unidirectional influx of PIB into the brain was investigated in healthy control subjects and patients with AD. In a monkey changes in the influx rate constant K1 of PIB closely followed changes in CBF, caused by alteration of PaCO2. In addition, K1 was high both in the monkey and in humans, suggesting that this parameter reflects CBF. Most AD patients studied showed clearly higher accumulation rate for PIB than the controls in cortical brain areas, while a few patients showed as low accumulation as the controls. K1 did not correlate with the accumulation rate, indicating that K1 for PIB provides extra information besides the accumulation rate

    Profiling of plasma biomarkers in the context of memory assessment in a tertiary memory clinic

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    Plasma biomarkers have shown promising performance in research cohorts in discriminating between different stages of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Studies in clinical populations are necessary to provide insights on the clinical utility of plasma biomarkers before their implementation in real-world settings. Here we investigated plasma biomarkers (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), tau phosphorylated at 181 and 231 (pTau181, pTau231), amyloid β (Aβ) 42/40 ratio, neurofilament light) in 126 patients (age = 65 ± 8) who were admitted to the Clinic for Cognitive Disorders, at Karolinska University Hospital. After extensive clinical assessment (including CSF analysis), patients were classified as: mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (n = 75), AD (n = 25), non-AD dementia (n = 16), no dementia (n = 9). To refine the diagnosis, patients were examined with [18F]flutemetamol PET (Aβ-PET). Aβ-PET images were visually rated for positivity/negativity and quantified in Centiloid. Accordingly, 68 Aβ+ and 54 Aβ- patients were identified. Plasma biomarkers were measured using single molecule arrays (SIMOA). Receiver-operated curve (ROC) analyses were performed to detect Aβ-PET+ using the different biomarkers. In the whole cohort, the Aβ-PET centiloid values correlated positively with plasma GFAP, pTau231, pTau181, and negatively with Aβ42/40 ratio. While in the whole MCI group, only GFAP was associated with Aβ PET centiloid. In ROC analyses, among the standalone biomarkers, GFAP showed the highest area under the curve discriminating Aβ+ and Aβ- compared to other plasma biomarkers. The combination of plasma biomarkers via regression was the most predictive of Aβ-PET, especially in the MCI group (prior to PET, n = 75) (sensitivity = 100%, specificity = 82%, negative predictive value = 100%). In our cohort of memory clinic patients (mainly MCI), the combination of plasma biomarkers was sensitive in ruling out Aβ-PET negative individuals, thus suggesting a potential role as rule-out tool in clinical practice

    Blood β-synuclein is related to amyloid PET positivity in memory clinic patients

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    INTRODUCTION: β-synuclein is an emerging blood biomarker to study synaptic degeneration in Alzheimer´s disease (AD), but its relation to amyloid-β (Αβ) pathology is unclear. METHODS: We investigated the association of plasma β-synuclein levels with [18F] flutemetamol positron emission tomography (PET) in patients with AD dementia (n = 51), mild cognitive impairment (MCI-Aβ+ n = 18, MCI- Aβ- n = 30), non-AD dementias (n = 22), and non-demented controls (n = 5). RESULTS: Plasma β-synuclein levels were higher in Aβ+ (AD dementia, MCI-Aβ+) than in Aβ- subjects (non-AD dementias, MCI-Aβ-) with good discrimination of Aβ+ from Aβ- subjects and prediction of Aβ status in MCI individuals. A positive correlation between plasma β-synuclein and Aβ PET was observed in multiple cortical regions across all lobes. DISCUSSION: Plasma β-synuclein demonstrated discriminative properties for Aβ PET positive and negative subjects. Our data underline that β-synuclein is not a direct marker of Aβ pathology and suggest different longitudinal dynamics of synaptic degeneration versus amyloid deposition across the AD continuum. HIGHLIGHTS: Blood and CSF β-synuclein levels are higher in Aβ+ than in Aβ- subjects. Blood β-synuclein level correlates with amyloid PET positivity in multiple regions. Blood β-synuclein predicts Aβ status in MCI individuals

    Efficient characterization of multiple binding sites of small molecule imaging ligands on amyloid-beta, tau and alpha-synuclein

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    PURPOSE: There is an unmet need for compounds to detect fibrillar forms of alpha-synuclein (αSyn) and 4-repeat tau, which are critical in many neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we aim to develop an efficient surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based assay to facilitate the characterization of small molecules that can bind these fibrils. METHODS: SPR measurements were conducted to characterize the binding properties of fluorescent ligands/compounds toward recombinant amyloid-beta (Aβ)42_{42}, K18-tau, full-length 2N4R-tau and αSyn fibrils. In silico modeling was performed to examine the binding pockets of ligands on αSyn fibrils. Immunofluorescence staining of postmortem brain tissue slices from Parkinson's disease patients and mouse models was performed with fluorescence ligands and specific antibodies. RESULTS: We optimized the protocol for the immobilization of Aβ42_{42}, K18-tau, full-length 2N4R-tau and αSyn fibrils in a controlled aggregation state on SPR-sensor chips and for assessing their binding to ligands. The SPR results from the analysis of binding kinetics suggested the presence of at least two binding sites for all fibrils, including luminescent conjugated oligothiophenes, benzothiazole derivatives, nonfluorescent methylene blue and lansoprazole. In silico modeling studies for αSyn (6H6B) revealed four binding sites with a preference for one site on the surface. Immunofluorescence staining validated the detection of pS129-αSyn positivity in the brains of Parkinson's disease patients and αSyn preformed-fibril injected mice, 6E10-positive Aβ in arcAβ mice, and AT-8/AT-100-positivity in pR5 mice. CONCLUSION: SPR measurements of small molecules binding to Aβ42_{42}, K18/full-length 2N4R-tau and αSyn fibrils suggested the existence of multiple binding sites. This approach may provide efficient characterization of compounds for neurodegenerative disease-relevant proteinopathies