2 research outputs found


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    Tangan merupakan perantara penyebaran penyakit. Salah satu tindakan yang mudah dan murah untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit adalah dengan mencuci tangan. Salah satu penyakit yang ditimbulkan yaitu kecacingan yang dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangnan anak. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Desa Sungai Rengit Murni, Kecamatan. Talang Kelapa, Kabupaten Banyuasin, Sumatera Selatan. Waktu penelitian bulan Juni sampai Juli  2020. Sampel yang di ambil sebanyak 15 orang berdasar riwayat kecacingan. Hasil dari penelitian ini terdapat 75% balita yang pernah ada riwayat kecacingan dan berakibat stunting, dan 25% memiliki gizi yang cukup. Selain itu hanya terdapat 25% ibu yang memahami penting nya cuci tangan setelah anak melakukan kegiatan dan sebelum menyentuh makanan. Dapat disimpulkan tingkat pemahaman ibu terhadap penting nya mencuci harus lebih di tingkatkan lagi, agar penyakit kecacingan dapat di kurangi bahkan di basmi. Sehingga balita Stunting akan berkurang

    Increased Knowledge of Pregnant Women about the Importance of Micro Minerals (Fe) During Pregnancy

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    Micro minerals (Fe) are indispensable for every woman, especially during pregnancy. The need for micro minerals (Fe) increases with increasing gestational age. Micro minerals (Fe) are not only important for pregnant women, they are also important for babies in the womb. Deficiency of micro minerals (Fe) can increase the risk of giving birth to babies with low body weight or premature birth and even maternal and infant mortality. If the baby is born with a normal weight, but there is still the possibility of stunting (short children). The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of consuming micro minerals (Fe) during pregnancy. Knowledge of pregnant women in Sungai Rengit Murni village about the consumption of micro minerals (Fe) can be said to be quite good, reaching 70% of the total number of pregnant women (statement of regional midwives). We hope that as a servant, with this community service program, it is hoped that the knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of consuming micro minerals (Fe) during pregnancy will increase. So that the risk that will occur to the mother and baby is reduced. In addition, the service also supports government programs in reducing maternal problems during pregnancy until delivery