4 research outputs found
Proses Kreatif Pengarang Chicklit dan Teenlit Indonesia
An author creative process includes the issue of why and how the author wrote the novel. Among the chicklit and Teenlit novelists there are similar supporting factors, namely talent, hobby, intelligence, and daily life experience around them. The Supporting factors are then combined with skills, methods and storytelling which spontaneous and honest.They never thought about storytelling techniques when writing a novel. They do not think about the structure of fiction such as the grooves, figure-characterizations, backgrounds, storytelling, and so on.The creative process of the authors can not be separated from the influence of life in their surrounding environment that provides reality as a source of inspiration to write the story. The reality is in the form of social problems, personal problems, society, humanity, divinity, and so on. All sorts of information and experience are gained through association and access to information technology. All are quickly and simultaneously enrich the treasury of their knowledge so that they can talk anywhere, anytime, and about anything. Thus, the young chicklit and Teenlit novelists become successful and famous is not in a sudden and without a process. Nor because special facilities given by publisher or certain parties, but through hard work. Lot of terms and conditions that they can meet through their struggle.Thus, it can be concluded that the creative process of chicklit and Teenlit novelist is a blend of natural talent, hobby, intelligence, and life experience, supporting by intelligence, hard work, a wealth of experience, breadth of relationships, social sensitivity, the ability of storytelling and writing skills
Profil Penerbit Novel Chicklit Dan Teenlit Indonesia
Literary works are cultural objects of industrial products. Speaking about the production of literary works meant dealing with laws (systems, mechanisms, and strategies) imposed by the institution concerned-producing, ie the publisher. Therefore, publisher institution (chicklit novel and Teenlit) will create a typical industrial laws, which differ from the laws of other publisher institutions. Systems and mechanisms production of chicklit and Teenlit novel consist of the publisher profile, script acquisition (recruitment), script editing (editing), and script distribution (distribution). Publisher profile includes the publisher history, the publisher specifications and product diversification, as well as the publisher contact. In the modern business communication, publisher identity is as important as product identity. Consumer's trust is built through the image depiction of products and publisher, thus publisher profile becomes the main reference for consumers. Therefore, in the publisher profile description, it always emphasized its excellence experience (history) in publishing the kind of novel as mentioned before, the specifications and features of products they produce, as well as the tools and the modern systems- mechanisms production (worker qualification, printing machines, management). In relation to the publisher profile, some publishers, Elex Media Komputindo, GagasMedia, and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, have been uniquely designing and presenting (honest, intelligent, and "hanging") and convince the society of readers, especially the readers of Teenlit and chicklit novel
Persiapan Mahasiswa Jepang Dalam Mencari Kerja
This thesis is research on any process in which students in seeking employment inJapan. The aim of this research is to understand students preparation in seeking theirfirst job.The methods used in this research are library research and descriptivemethod. The theory used in this study is etnosains and ethnometodology.The results showed that, the preparation of students in Japan with job huntinghas been started from two years before they graduated. Many preparation to be doneby students in order to get their desired job. The result shows that systematicemployee recruitment system in Japan make students more discipline and have betterplan for their future
Eksistensi Tokoh Medasing terhadap Novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun Karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana sebuah Tinjauan Eksistensialisme Kierkegaard
Novel APDP bercerita keseharian hidup tokoh Medasing yang kejam terungkap dalam novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap kaitan antarunsur struktur dan eksistensi manusia. Tahap analisis dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data yang diperoleh, setelah itu dianalisis menggunakan teori struktural dan eksistensialisme Kierkegaard untuk mengetahui aspek-aspek sosial yang ada di dalamnya, yaitu aspek eksistensialisme tokoh Medasing. Penyajian hasil analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis. Metode ini digunakan untuk memaparkan hasil dari penelitian, struktur novel mulai dari alur pengaluran, tokoh penokohan, latar, tema dan amanat. Mendeskripsikan masalah eksistensi Kerkegaard yang terdiri dari eksistensi estetis, etis dan religius. Tokoh utama adalah Medasing, Penokohan menggunakan metode dramatik dan analitik. Alur pengaluran menggunakan alur lurus, peristiwa demi peristiwa diceritakan secara kronologis. Adapun latar novel APDP adalah di tengah-tengah hutan rimba, pada zaman dulu. Tema cerita novel APDP menggunakan tema implisit, dengan membaca secara tekun, barulah akan diketahui isi dan maksud dalam cerita novel APDP. Amanat yang terkandung pesan moral, bahwa kejahatan tidak harus dibalas dengan kejahatan. Eksistensi estetis tokoh Medasing berorientasi terbatas masalah materialistis saja, yaitu merampok. Eksistensi etis tokoh Medasing memperhatikan dunia batinnya, yaitu pernikahannya dengan Sayu. Eksistensi religius, tokoh Medasing sudah mulai menjalankan perintah agama, seperti sholat dan naik haji. Hasil penelitian novel Anak Perawan Disarang Penyamun karya Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, tokoh Medasing memilih eksistensinya dengan menjadi perampok yang kejam hingga akhirnya bertobat dan kembali ke jalan yang benar. Kejahatannya luluh dengan kesabaran dan kasih sayang yang diberikan tokoh Sayu