13,262 research outputs found

    The Static Quantum Multiverse

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    We consider the multiverse in the intrinsically quantum mechanical framework recently proposed in Refs. [1,2]. By requiring that the principles of quantum mechanics are universally valid and that physical predictions do not depend on the reference frame one chooses to describe the multiverse, we find that the multiverse state must be static---in particular, the multiverse does not have a beginning or end. We argue that, despite its naive appearance, this does not contradict observation, including the fact that we observe that time flows in a definite direction. Selecting the multiverse state is ultimately boiled down to finding normalizable solutions to certain zero-eigenvalue equations, analogous to the case of the hydrogen atom. Unambiguous physical predictions would then follow, according to the rules of quantum mechanics.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures; a typo in the abstract correcte

    Electric charging of magnetic textures on the surface of a topological insulator

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    A three-dimensional topological insulator manifests gapless surface modes, described by two-dimensional Dirac equation. We study magnetic textures, such as domain walls and vortices, in a ferromagnetic thin film deposited on a three-dimensional topological insulator. It is shown that these textures can be electrically charged, ascribed to the proximity effect with the Dirac surface states. We derive a general relation between the electric and the magnetic charges. As a physical consequence, we discuss domain wall motion driven by an applied electric field, which promises magnetic devices with high thermal efficiency.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Inversion phenomenon and phase diagram of the S=1/2S=1/2 distorted diamond chain with the XXZXXZ interaction anisotropy

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    We discuss the anisotropies of the Hamiltonian and the wave-function in an S=1/2S=1/2 distorted diamond chain. The ground-state phase diagram of this model is investigated using the degenerate perturbation theory up to the first order and the level spectroscopy analysis of the numerical diagonalization data. In some regions of the obtained phase diagram, the anisotropy of the Hamiltonian and that of the wave-function are inverted, which we call inversion phenomenon; the N\'{e}el phase appears for the XY-like anisotropy and the spin-fluid phase appears for the Ising-like anisotropy. Three key words are important for this nature, which are frustration, the trimer nature, and the XXZXXZ anisotropy.Comment: 4pages, 10 figures, for proceedings of SPQS 200

    Level spectroscopy of the square-lattice three-state Potts model with a ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor coupling

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    We study the square-lattice three-state Potts model with the ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor coupling at finite temperature. Using the level-spectroscopy method, we numerically analyze the excitation spectrum of the transfer matrices and precisely determine the global phase diagram. Then we find that, contrary to a previous result based on the finite-size scaling, the massless region continues up to the decoupling point with Z3×Z3{\bf Z}_3\times{\bf Z}_3 criticality in the antiferromagnetic region. We also check the universal relations among excitation levels to provide the reliability of our result.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Theory of electric polarization in multi-orbital Mott insulators

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    The interaction between the electric field, E, and spins in multi-orbital Mott insulators is studied theoretically. We find a generic dynamical coupling mechanism, which works for all crystal lattices and which does not involve relativistic effects. The general form of the coupling is -T_ab E_a e_b, where e is the `internal' electric field originating from the dynamical Berry phase of electrons and T_ab is a tensor determined by lattice symmetry. We discuss several effects of this interaction: (i) an unusual electron spin resonance induced by an oscillating electric field, (ii) the displacement of spin textures in an applied electric field, and (iii) the resonant absorption of circularly polarized light by Skyrmions, magnetic bubbles, and magnetic vortices.Comment: 5 page

    Supersymmetry, Naturalness, and Signatures at the LHC

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    Weak scale supersymmetry is often said to be fine-tuned, especially if the matter content is minimal. This is not true if there is a large A term for the top squarks. We present a systematic study on fine-tuning in minimal supersymmetric theories and identify low energy spectra that do not lead to severe fine-tuning. Characteristic features of these spectra are: a large A term for the top squarks, small top squark masses, moderately large tan\beta, and a small \mu parameter. There are classes of theories leading to these features, which are discussed. In one class, which allows a complete elimination of fine-tuning, the Higgsinos are the lightest among all the superpartners of the standard model particles, leading to three nearly degenerate neutralino/chargino states. This gives interesting signals at the LHC -- the dilepton invariant mass distribution has a very small endpoint and shows a particular shape determined by the Higgsino nature of the two lightest neutralinos. We demonstrate that these signals are indeed useful in realistic analyses by performing Monte Carlo simulations, including detector simulations and background estimations. We also present a method that allows the determination of all the relevant superparticle masses without using input from particular models, despite the limited kinematical information due to short cascades. This allows us to test various possible models, which is demonstrated in the case of a model with mixed moduli-anomaly mediation. We also give a simple derivation of special renormalization group properties associated with moduli mediated supersymmetry breaking, which are relevant in a model without fine-tuning.Comment: 56 pages, 24 figure

    The q-harmonic oscillators, q-coherent states and the q-symplecton

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    The recently introduced notion of a quantum group is discussed conceptually and then related to deformed harmonic oscillators ('q-harmonic oscillators'). Two developments in applying q-harmonic oscillators are reviewed: q-coherent states and the q-symplecton
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