4 research outputs found

    Exploration Of Rbc And Hgb In Mencit (Mus Musculus) Hyperololerinolemia

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    So far there is no clear information about RBC and HGB linkage with hypercholesterolemia, especially for arteriosclerosis and hypertension patient. In the future, this research is expected to add a repertoire of knowledge and people knew about hypercholesterolemia and the utilization of appropriate alternative medicine. A total of 20 mice (Mus musculus) age ± 2 months of hypercholesterolemia caused by cholesterol-rich diet (ad libitum). The data were analyzed by analysis of variance based on Randomized Block Design (RAK) 1% with 5 (five) groups and 4 replications (positive control, negative group, and the group of celery extract dose 0,5 ml with concentration 25%, 50%, 100%). It was concluded that HGB in line with RCB (either treated with celery extract or mice treated with hypercholesterolemia) and the provision of celery extract significantly did not affect RBC and HGB with total blood cholesterol level of mencit

    Production and Extraction Of Antibacterial Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015

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    objectives were to study the growth pattern of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 and bacteriocin activity, extraction and characterization of bacteriocin, and to determine the effect of storage time and temperature on bacteriocin activity. Results showed that the bacteriocin activity increased during growth and reached the highest activity during stationary phase. The maximum bacteriocin production reached after incubation of the cell for 12 h at 37oC in TGE broth and decreased after 96 h incubation. Extraction with adsorbtion-desorbtion method could increased a specific activity of bacteriocin. Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 is inactivated by Proteinase-K; however it is still active by heat treatment at 121oC for 15 min and over pH 2 – 11. Bacteriocin of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 was effective againts Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, Listeria monocytogenes but not against Salmonella thypimurium. The molecular weight of bacteriocin is 4.95 kDa. Keywords : Bacteriocins, Pediococcus sp NWD 015

    Production and Extraction Of Antibacterial Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015

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    objectives were to study the growth pattern of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 and bacteriocin activity, extractionand characterization of bacteriocin, and to determine the effect of storage time and temperature on bacteriocinactivity. Results showed that the bacteriocin activity increased during growth and reached the highest activity duringstationary phase. The maximum bacteriocin production reached after incubation of the cell for 12 h at 37oC in TGEbroth and decreased after 96 h incubation. Extraction with adsorbtion-desorbtion method could increased a specificactivity of bacteriocin. Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 is inactivated by Proteinase-K; however it is stillactive by heat treatment at 121oC for 15 min and over pH 2 – 11. Bacteriocin of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 was effectiveagaints Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, Listeria monocytogenes but not against Salmonellathypimurium. The molecular weight of bacteriocin is 4.95 kDa.Keywords : Bacteriocins, Pediococcus sp NWD 015

    Pendampingan Operasional Mikroskop Dasar Di SMA Islam Al Azhar NW Kayangan

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    Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalkan jenis mikroskop dasar dan peningkatan keterampilan peserta terhadap penggunaan operasional mikroskop dasar. Target kegiatan berupa transfer ilmu berupa pengenalan dan penggunaan mikroskop dasar sehingga peserta cakap cukup terampil dam pengoperasionalnya, serta mengenalkan berbagai macam bentuk sel dan jaringan makhluk hidup secara mikroskopis. Peserta kegiatan terdiri atas siswi kelas XII MA Annajah Yayasan Pendidikan Al-Halimy (12 orang), siswa-siswi SMA Islam Al Azhar NW Kayangan (10 orang), dan mahasiwa semester II FPMIPA IKIP Mataram sebanyak 25 orang. Kegiatan dilaksanakan mulai 10 sampai dengan 24 April 2019 bertempat Laboratorium Biologi FPMIPA IKIP Mataram. Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini terdiri atas diskusi dengan mitra (guru dan dosen pengampu matakuliah), Penayangan video promosi dan profil IKIP Mataram, Sosialisasi makhluk hidup secara mikroskopis dan operasional mikroskop dasar, simulasi penggunaan mikroskop dasar, pendampingan operasional mikroskop secara langsung, dan evaluasi respon kegiatan. Hasil rekapitulasi respon kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa ketertarikan terhadap kegiatan sebesar 97% berkategori menarik dan menyenangkan, kebermanfaatan ilmu senilai 90% dan ketertarikan untuk mengikuti kegiatan sejenis sebesar 98%