10 research outputs found

    Organization and Security of the Audio and Video Archive for Unique Bulgarian Bells

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    AMS Subj. Classification: H.3.7 Digital Libraries, K.6.5 Security and ProtectionThe purpose of this investigation is to study and to identify the most valuable unique bells as well as to develop a digital archive with the help of advanced technologies. The main tasks are: development of the audio archive of information gathered from artifacts, analysis, optimization and addition of metadata for indexing of digital data, compression and data protection, prevention of data loss, design, organization and maintenance of archive. We investigate the methods of protection with watermarking which can be used against illegal use of data. We create and protect samples for additional applications and web sites

    Digitization and 3D Scanning of Historical Artifacts

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    Protection and preservation of our cultural and literary historical and documentary heritage are particularly relevant today. The paper presents methods for creating digital resources of historical artifacts related to the Balkan war. Special attention is paid to the process of 3D scanning of objects. The methodology will be used in building an electronic archive and Virtual Museum.Project “Digital archive of documentary heritage of the Balkan Wars” – funded by the Bulgarian Fund for Scientific Research, more specifics at www-address: http://www.math.bas.bg/vt/balkanwars/balkanwars.ht

    Research on Linguistic Approaches, Used for Semantic Explanation of Bell’s Knowledge

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    This paper presents a research of linguistic structure of Bulgarian bells knowledge. The idea of building semantic structure of Bulgarian bells appeared during the “Multimedia fund - BellKnow” project. In this project was collected a lots of data about bells, their structure, history, technical data, etc. This is the first attempt for computation linguistic explain of bell knowledge and deliver a semantic representation of that knowledge. Based on this research some linguistic components, aiming to realize different types of analysis of text objects are implemented in term dictionaries. Thus, we lay the foundation of the linguistic analysis services in these digital dictionaries aiding the research of kinds, number and frequency of the lexical units that constitute various bell objects

    The Knowledge in Automotive Field Representation with Modern Technologies

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    Modern technologies have changed the way of presenting information in archives. This makes it possible to introduce new services, which was unimaginable a few years ago. Digitalization, security and virtual presentation of objects in the sphere of motoring by application of technologies, based on knowledge about how to create digital resources is the theme of this project. The aim of AutoKnow project is to carry out a research and create a multi- media digital archive AutoKnow and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory (EVML) with Motor Library (ML) from digital multi-media patterns from a selected group of objects in the sphere of automobile technology, presented by NMU. This makes it possible to widely apply multi-media collections in automobile engineering, teaching, research work in that sphere and serve the interests of a large number of auto-amateurs as well in Bulgaria. The research and development of АutoKnow is in the following mutually related fields: - Creation and annotation of collections of objects in the sphere of automobiles; - Creation, analysis and security of a digital archive AutoKnow; - Design and creation of Digital Motor Library; - Socially-oriented applications in education, scientific studies and Experimental Virtual Motor Laboratory; - Informational System for teaching and testing of knowledge in the sphere of automobiles MindCheck

    Методи за семантично описание на цифрови данни в областта на медицинските системи

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    The article discusses modern approaches to the study of patients with cardiac complaints. Methods for semantic description of digital data in the field of medical systems and construction of an ontology for Holter monitoring system are presented. A method of efficient organization of unstructured data used in this system has been studied.Научното изследване е проведено като част от проекта „Изследване на приложението на нови математически методи за анализ на кардиологични данни“ № КП06-Н22/5 от 07.12.2018 г., финансиран от Фонд „Научни Изследвания“

    Model of Taxonomy for Accessibility Ontology

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    Digital accessibility to educational and informational resources for people with disabilities is an important part of contemporary life. Semantic organization of knowledge in the domain of accessibility provides a convenient way of extracting and organizing data. The paper focuses on semantic design techniques and related taxonomy models that could be used in the digitization process of resources intended of people with disabilities usage

    Second Information Day: Research Infrastructure Services in the Humanities and Social Sciences

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    The main results of the work of the team of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the project CLaDA- BG – the Bulgarian National Interdisciplinary Research e-Infrastructure for Resources and Technologies in Favor of the Bulgarian Language and Cultural Heritage, Part of the EU Infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, will be presented during the Information Day within the DiPP2023 conference. The main emphasis will be placed on current and ongoing developments and implementations of CultIS - a web-based software platform for the intelligent digital management and presentation of large data sets and knowledge from the field of culture, humanities and social sciences

    Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: проучване, методология, анализ на достъпност

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    Разработката представя основна част от работата на екипа от учени по проект №КП-06-Н42/4 към ФНИ за проучване и подобряване на онлайн достъпността за хора с увреждания. Изследването цели да подпомогне достъпността за хората със силно или напълно изгубено зрение, както и разбирането на проблемите, с които те се сблъскват, и начините за преодоляването им, така че да може да се систематизират и изградят ефективни похвати, критерии и методология за анализ, оценка и подобряване на дигиталното представяне на информация. Предложени са методология и критерии за анализ и тестване, приложени на над 100 сайта и документи, развивани и подобрявани по време на проекта. Разгледани и тествани са и софтуери. Представени са и примери за подобряване на дигиталното представяне на информация онлайн към хора с нарушено зрение, включително сайт с достъпност и QR кодове, обучителен сайт и система със подходящо дигитално представяне и кодиране на информацията.The paper presents a major part of the research work of a team of scientists under project No. KP-06-Н42/4, funded by the National Institute for Scientific Research, concerning the analysis, evaluation, and improvement of digital accessibility for people with disabilities. The research aims to support accessibility for people with severe or total vision loss, as well as understanding the problems they face, and the ways to overcome them. This includes offering a methodology for assessment, analysis and evaluation of accessibility tested on more than 100 sites and documents. Software programmes were also reviewed for accessibility. The paper also includes examples offering more adequate digital presentations of information to people with disabilities. Examples include a site with accessibility and QR codes, a training site and a system with appropriate digital representation and encoding of information.Изследването е частично финансирано по проект „Дигитална достъпност за хора със специални потребности: методология, концептуални модели и иновативни екосистеми“ чрез договор No КП-06-Н42/4 от 08.12.2020 г. с фонд „Научни изследвания“ на Република България

    Digital Accessibility for People with Special Needs: Conceptual Models and Innovative Ecosystems

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    Digital technologies in present day interconnect globally, providing a dynamic environment to support the educational needs of any learner within a novel technological ecosystem. The paper discusses the identified aspects of providing relevant digital accessibility to learners with various needs by this ecosystem, such as sensor support, knowledge provision from a variety of digital and non-digital repositories, and support to the motivation of the learner to acquire better knowledge in the classroom, museum, or in rehabilitation. A novel tool for assessment of such technological ecosystems, called Accessibility Barometer, is described.</p